tiistai 28. syyskuuta 2010

The Simpsons Movie Review

So, I've finally watched it. It was great, but obviously I was going to love it as a Simpsons Junkie. It was such an overdose that I'm still high. Anyway, I'm going try to use as much objectivity as possible for this review. It would've been a top-notch episode if it would be rated as an episode. That said it had 85 minutes time to have it's impact so it should have stricter rating system.

Let's start dissecting the movie with the writing; those hundred rewrites showed, it was really well-written. It's nothing genious, but they've really put in the work for every detail. Animation was amazing, but with a budget of 75 million dollars that's the least you could expect.

I loved how it was clearly different from any episode. There's more action and OFF is taken a long way from Springfield. It wasn't a Simpsons episode, it was a whole different entity, and for that I'm glad. It still stayed very true for the series, having characters well characterized and giving some meta-jokes for us hardcore fans. There was probably a bunch of those I didn't even notice.

Jokes, yeah, about those... They were decent. There has been funnier episodes than this whole movie was, but it was still decent. Jokes were well written and there was a few worth having a laugh and bunch of smileworthy.

I'm fine with most of the plot. The final solution was perhaps a bit ridiculous, but it's Simpsons, that kind of stuff happens. What's most important is that it didn't feel like a cop-out. It was something established earlier in the movie and it worked. Bart - Flanders relation struck me as bit odd, but it was pulled off well and it didn't bother me, like it could've. Lisa's characterization in her romance was charming, but I hoped some kind closure for that plot - I mean we've never seen Colin since the movie so I was sure they'd break up. Then again, this might be after any of the episodes if it were on some kind of timeline. Alright, time to stop nerding about that.

The mainplot was great stuff and it peaked with a good, emotional moment when Homer watched the video. It was very near the best emotional moments of the series.

Music was okay. It didn't really stand out anywhere, it was just a solid score. It compliments the action well. The Simpsons isn't really even kind of movie where you'd hope music takes any bigger role.

Oh yeah, and voice acting - that was great.

Finally I loved that they gave you something to watch over the credits as well.

Overall, I'd say that it was a good movie. Pretty much flawless, but it could've used more time and explored a little more on the subplots. It also had some disjointedness due to the multiple perspectives, but it still remained easy to watch. Especially since the animation was gorgeous. Before I become repetitive, it gets the four stars out of five. It leaves room for improvement, but doesn't have much to complain about.

That's it, folks. Now time to move onto the Season Nineteen. I feel pumped because of that movie, which is nice.

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