tiistai 28. syyskuuta 2010

Season Nineteen - Episodes 4-20

Episode 4: I Don't Wanna Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
Pretty good, not great, but very watchable. The Dog Day Afternoon references were great and I think that Itchy & Scratchy was one of the best of those ever made. I just couldn't help but to laugh that muscled mess of a Scratchy. Characterizations were pretty good, though I was a bit frustrated why Marge didn't just visit the guy. I mean it seemed the easier way out, but at least her fears were understandable. Decent episode but not quite good enough for 6/10, this gets the 5/10 rating.

Episode 5: Treehouse of Horror XVIII
Pretty good Halloween special. First one was a decent segment, but I absolutely loved the second segment, if for nothing else than the sheer destruction and the double entendres in the end. Third one was decent too. Sure, the second segment divides opinions - it has no real plot, and it's not really halloweeny, but it's well made brainless action. There was decent gags in all of the segments. Still, this ranks among the worst THOH's, but it's still good which is testament to high quality of THOH's on average. 6/10.

Episode 6: Little Orphan Millie
Oh man.. I have love-hate relationship with this episode's Milhouse. The ratio for love-hate was in first viewing 30-70 but now it's more like 80-20 - I mean those lines he delivers... You just gotta love him. That said, what frustrates me is that I was a sad loner back in school (well, still am) and I was never popular. That said, I never said anything that cool. The episode itself was good, not excellent, just good. There was solid amount of humor and two good plots. That said, I had a little trouble with Bart's characterization at times. Also the episode really had potential to be a classic. Now it's merely very good. I rate it 6/10.

Episode 7: Husbands and Knives
Kind of a mixed bag again. There was some great jokes and plot was mostly okay, but it would've been nice if it wouldn't have gotten out of hand and that they would not have to had resorted to using the old "it was all a dream" -trick. Also, what's up with CBG-plot? What happened to him? It was like "Fuck him" after first act. Then there was the ridiculous ending. I actually loved Marge getting rich and Homer being worried about getting dumped, but it was just so weird how it all turned out. It's decent, I'll say that - 4/10 for the rating.

Episode 8: Funeral for a Friend
One of the weakest Sideshow-Bob episodes. The way in which Lisa or Bart deduce Bob's plot is usually somewhat unplausible, but this time it was such to an extent that it bothered me. Besides, for a Bob-episode the plot was quite weak - I though that the episode was going to be about commercials when that TiVo bit went on for so long. It's customary for Simpsons to start on a one plot and end on something completely different, but that was messed up. That said, it had some good jokes and it was watchable, so let's give it a rating of 3/10.

Episode 9: Eternal Moonshine of Simpson Mind
This is one of the lastest classics that has been made. To be honest, plot has pretty much far-fetched stuff, but when the concept is intriguing and jokes great, you'll accept almost anything. They really should do more episodes with these kind of unique concept, these take bad writing so much better than bad concepts. That's not to say that this had bad writing, but had it had it would've probably still been at least decent episode. But yeah, great concept, one good plotline that starts off right at the beginning and we have probably the best episode of the last three seasons in our hands. Joke bombardment was just continuos - my favorites we're Jasper muttering "my first beard" while using that memory machine, Homer's first kiss with Apu, Duffman saying "I'm doing your wife... She's going to be sore tomorrow" and Moe's faces in the video. It's rare to see so many jokes that are actually funny, not just smileworthy. Homer's life flashing before his eyes was done really well and it made one last second emotional impact for the episode. I'm tempted to give this a 9, but I've dished so few of those out that on the face of unplausibility of plot overall I'll drop it to 8/10. Still, amazing episode.

Episode 10: E. Pluribus Wiggum
Mmm, that's good satire! Well not really, but it was at least funny if not that subtle. Plot wandered a bit in the beginning, but when we got to Ralph it was pretty good stuff from there on. That's pretty much it, the I guess I have nothing much to say beyond that. The ending might've been incomplete, but I didn't mind, there really didn't have to be anything more. Seeing Ralph lose the election would've just been dissapointing and him winning would've been ridiculous, so leave it undecided, solid compromise. I rate this 6/10.

Episode 11: That 90's Show
Another great classic, makes me doubt the statements I just a moments ago wrote about the Moonshine-episode. This might've just edged it. This episode had everything: genuine emotion, great jokes (especially visual), amazingly well written plot and unique feel in the whole episode. Marge's design was lovely and her younger characterization was great, as was Homers. Of course continuity got pissed on hard, but they poked some jokes out of it ("90's? Never heard of it") and besides, there's never been that much continuity. I had some conflicting emotions, but overall the feeling "this is a great episode" overwhelmed all others. But yeah, people hate it. I think it's mostly continuity issues, they just can't let go of what is already established - but no matter how much I dissect it, I'd say every time it's at least good. So I'm going to disagree heavily with the mainstream, it's 8/10.

Episode 12: Love, Springfieldian Style
Another episode that people overall hated but I find kind of charming. First segment is probably the weakest, but it's good enough to keep me entertained. Second one is plotwise pretty bad, but I don't give damn because I'm admiring the animation for the whole duration of it. I don't know what is it with the third segment but I like it too. But c'mon, how many times Simpsons will parody that spaghetti-scene from Lady and the Tramp? Wraparound was mostly okay too, but overall it never soars higher than average. Still it's episode that I'd certainly feel like watching again for some reason. I won't go higher than 4/10 for rating, even I can see it's flaws even if I find all of it entertaining.

Episode 13: The Debarted
This was is more widely respected episode. Bart was characterized spot on and that Donny kid seemed like a good character. Plot was good and it had it's share of good jokes. There was a minor plot hole in terms of Willie's reaction to Bart's thank you, but I guess that can be shrugged off with Rule of Funny. That chase scene with the music goes on a tad too long for me, otherwise there wasn't much flaws. Overall it's a fun little episode, I give it 7/10.

Episode 14: Dial 'N' For Nerder
Gee, is Season Nineteen really this good? Another pretty damn good episode. Solid storyline, fun jokes and great characterization - I especially loved Lisa's evil side. The animation on that scene when she turns to dark side is great. The b-plot was decent as well. It contained one of the most messed-up (positively) scenes in whole series, Homer practically having sex with that piece of lamb meat. Hilarious stuff. Nelson was in an unorthodox but nonetheless great role as an investigator and they managed to trick a couple of jokes out of that "Well, enough burning ants." It's just terrific episode, 8/10.

Episode 15: Smoke on the Daughter
There's lot of good in this episode. Premise is not one of those things. I absolutely hate the idea of Lisa succumbing to peer pressure, and even more the idea of Lisa smoking. Combine those to and you have something that made me so dissapointed. Still, I guess that's better than indifference. Besides they did try to justify it with that old dream/hallucination scene that they always use. But even with bad premise it delivered a ton of great jokes. The start with Angelica Button-stuff with CBG getting owned by Lisa, CSI Miami bit (that screech always sets me off laughing), Homer moaning about how easy it is to get cigarettes and Bart rising from the laundry in an Apocalypse Now reference are just a few of the funniest scenes in this. So despite failure of a plot they really extracted maximum out of the setting. I also kind of liked the ballet instructor. 5/10 for this one.

Episode 16: Papa Don't Leech
This episode was ruined right after the first scene. I'm not going to even go into detail about Homer murdering Abe. It's not like it's the only problem of the episode. Homer was total jerk for the whole episode and Marge's characterization is also a bit off. Lurleen sounds like shit and his father, while despicable as intended, is very poorly written. Only redeeming factor for this episode is "Daddy's Special Pair". 1/10.

Episode 17: Apocalypse Cow
This was a nice episode, pretty much literally. It's fairly inoffensive without being bland. It's not very joke-heavy, but it's decent anyway. There's some emotion and a decent plot. Not really that much to say about this one, it's an enjoyable watch. The best joke was probably the manure turning into Pirates of the Caribbean III. 4/10 for rating.

Episode 18: Any Given Sundance
Pretty solid episode. Premise was interesting, though it has already been made by the Simpsons. That said it's not as used as say, marriage on the rocks plots. Besides, it's a rich vein, there's plenty of ideas to be taken. Chalmskin Productions got me laughing and Nelson's film was decent. There was also some great shots of Simpsons family life througout the episode. I especially loved the grim scene that ends with "Happy birthday, mom!". It was entertaining episode, but in the end it was just a recycled plot with decent jokes and somewhat weak conflict. Yet it somehow makes it to the rating 5/10.

Episode 19: Mona Leaves-a
And that's the end of that beautiful saga. Mona wasn't that prominent character ever, but she gave us some emotional moments throughout the series and her death was handled pretty well. They didn't have classless jokes like in her funeral in the previous Mona-episode. It's a simple plot that works well, but doesn't have that much laughs. That said this kind of episode probably wouldn't do with them anyway. The last act gets a bit out of hand. That said the ending montage with Mona-related memories does moisten your eye, and that's pretty cool. A little uneven episode, 5/10.

Episode 20: All About Lisa
This is a weird episode. Even if Lisa as a clown is as off-putting and out-of-character as there is, there's something that attracts me in this episode. Besides Lisa really does look cute as a clown. I guess it just was excellently made episode. Well-paced, enough jokes and engaging plot. Seeing Lisa as entertainer of the year put me off, but at the same time it got me interested how it was possible. B-plot had a boring premise, but they pulled it off. The best moment was Homer shouting "objection" in the auction. I'll have to rate this one 6/10. It's good, but it would've been great if there'd been any real reason for Lisa to overtake Krusty. As far as I know, Lisa isn't a comedian.

That concludes and excellent Season Nineteen, which was a big improvement from Season Eighteen. You have think that the movie's production caused some quality drop for the last season, at least you could claim that. Season Nineteen averaged 5,15 - not quite classic era quality, but still better than Season Nine. There were four great episodes, but that isn't too bad considering it was a shorter season than usual.

That's already 17 episodes today and it's not even noon yet. Record looking very possible (well, the fact is that I have to do record at least on other of the days).

Season Three 6.21
Season Four 6.18
Season Six 6.12
Season Seven 5.88
Season Fifteen 5.82
Season Five 5.73
Season Two 5.59
Season Seventeen 5.59
Season Eight 5.40
Season Thirteen 5.36
Season Nineteen 5.15
Season Sixteen 4.90
Season Nine 4.88
Season One 4.69
Season Fourteen 4.55
Season Eighteen 4.50
Season Twelve 4.29
Season Eleven 4.14
Season Ten 4.00

Great episodes:
Season Seven 13 (52 %)
Season Six 12 (48 %)
Season Three 11 (46 %)
Season Four 10 (45 %)
Season Fifteen 9 (41 %)
Season Eight 9 (36 %)
Season Five 8 (36 %)
Season Two 7 (32 %)
Season Thirteen 6 (27 %)
Season Seventeen 6 (27 %)
Season Nine 6 (24 %)
Season Sixteen 5 (24 %)
Season One 3 (23 %)
Season Nineteen 4 (20 %)
Season Eighteen 3 (14 %)
Season Twelve 2 (10 %)
Season Fourteen 2 (9 %)
Season Eleven 2 (9 %)
Season Ten 1 (4 %)

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