maanantai 13. syyskuuta 2010

Season Eight - Episodes 1-12

Episode 1: Treehouse of Horror VII
When it comes to THOH's, this is one of the best. The first to segments were top notch and the third one was decent. First manages to actually be creepy and startling while still being very funny. Second one isn't that heavy on humor, but it's a very good story, even if the conclusion is somewhat unsatisfying. Third one has some good satire, but I have never really cared for Kang & Kodos. But like I said that's good too. An easy 8/10 and the top-notch episodes keep on piling.

Episode 2: You'll Only Move Twice
Different kind of episode than usual in the way that it's events are not located in Springfield, at least for the most part. It's certainly a memorable episode, for one because it's so different but because it's pretty good too. Hank Scorpio is a memorable character, but I don't thing I would want to see him week in week out. There wasn't laugh-out-loud moments, but solid Swartzfelder humor nonetheless. Plot was fine even if the ending wasn't really that great. It really lacks the punch to be a great episode, but like I said it's solid stuff, you can't go lower than 5/10 for this one.

Episode 3: The Homer They Fall
I think this one could've done with a b-plot, but fair enough. Plot is very simple and even if I'm somewhat interested in boxing I found it lacking something. There wasn't a lot of funny moments and it was obvious from the start that Homer wouldn't last for three rounds. It just lacked any real suspense. But it's not really bad. Even if it lacked things it had some good humor. Especially the first act was very good, before it was all about boxing. Also the Moe pictures during the credits were amusing. That said, it doesn't deserve anything higher than 4/10.

Episode 4: Burns, Baby Burns
Well this was a yawnworthy episode. Not much going on and then Simpsons get pushed to the background for boring one-off character and Mr. Burns. That said, Homer is goofing around in the episode, but it's the annoying kind of Homer, or I don't know, I guess it always depends on the context. In a good episode I wouldn't mind it. But this wasn't particularly good. I didn't like Larry at all, his jokes weren't funny for the most part. Plot was pretty contrived. I don't even begin to talk about what's wrong with it in the continuity sense.. There was couple of smile-inducing moments which save this episode, but it's still very very mediocre, 2/10.

Episode 5: Bart After Dark
Another episode that I don't really care for. B-plot with Lisa and Marge going away for a while was pretty useless, though it did set-up the A-plot. There wasn't that much humor going on in the main plot either though, at least not up to normal Simpsons standards. It wasn't all bad, there were some nice visuals and at least the song was okay. I'll give it 4/10, but only just. Perhaps it's just me but it just didn't work very well for me.

Episode 6: A Milhouse Divided
For an episode with Milhouse in it's title, this really isn't that much about Milhouse. Though the few scenes he is in are really gold, and portray pretty realistically divorce's effects on child while still remaining funny. Overall this is a great episode, but it suffers a bit from plot wandering all over the place. It's first about Van Houtens' divorce but soon turns into Homer & Marge episode. But all of it work decently overall and I'd say it's a very good episode. 6/10.

Episode 7: Lisa's Date with Density
I kind of hoped something better for Lisa's first real boyfriend. As for the episode there's not much better you can hope for. Nelson is still his bad self - nowadays this plot would play out completely differently since Nelson has developed a softer side into him, for better and for worse (it started out as funny out-of-character moments, but it seems character derailment by now). Lisa is well-characterized as well. Plot is simple but it's done decently. And there's plenty of jokes too. Especially Milhouse is in top form again. Oh, and there was a subplot, but it was largely forgettable. It's a decent episode, but there's nothing really great in it, so I can't go higher than 6/10.

Episode 8: Hurricane Neddy
Decent episode and interesting study of Flanders. I especially liked those flashbacks of his parents, they're hilarious. Ned going berserk was fun sight too as was the ridiculous effort to rebuild his house. Plot was decent as well. It lacked a little something though, it's just decent, not great. I rate it 6/10.

Episode 9: El Viaje Misterioso de Nuestro Jomer
There was some emotion, some funny stuff and somewhat decent plot. Animation was good too. Once again it failed to provide any laugh-out-loud moments, but it was pretty decent, even if Marge was characterized very angry at the start. I guess that's not out of character seeing that Homer was a bit annoying too. Homer's hallucinations were the most memorable part of this episode, but the chili stuff before that was decent too. It's a decent episode but not great, 4/10.

Episode 10: The Springfield Files
Some people consider this one of the top episodes of the Simpsons, I won't go that far but it was enjoyable 20 minutes or so. There's good use of guest stars, well made story and plenty of good jokes. It's very surreal and memorable as well. There was bunch of great gags like "DIE..T" sing. You just gotta love that "alien". It's good, but it lacked the extra punch again to be really great, 6/10.

Episode 11: Twisted World of Marge Simpson
There was some decent jokes, but overall this was rather mediocre outing. It's the usual problem of trying to make Marge-centered episode interesting. Maude was hideously mischaracterized in the end. The episode was slow-paced and uninspired. Those few good jokes drag it up to mediocre status, but that's all it goes. The ending was somewhat wacky but also the high point of the episode. It's 2/10.

Episode 12: Mountain of Madness
It's another little slow episode, but it managed to maintain moderate amount of interest from me for the whole duration, so I'd say it's decent. There's a few good jokes and the plot is interesting enough. I think they could've used the family better now that they wrote them into the episode. As it is, they just kind of hanged out there for the whole episode. Well, I guess that beats doing stuff. A little on the boring side at times, but overall works well enough for me, I rate this 4/10.

Solid 15 episode day, but I need to step it up if I'm to get to end before the end of the month. We should be hitting halfway tomorrow and that is frankly impossible unless I do a new and mad record.

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