keskiviikko 8. syyskuuta 2010

Season Five: Episodes 14-17

Episode 14: Lisa vs. Malibu Stacy
I don't know what is it, but Lisa-episodes tend to be above average. This has decent amount of laughs and it has solid plot momentum that carries it through. It isn't the best Lisa-episode there is, but it's still a very good showing. Characterizations are pretty good, especially Lisa is in top form. Grampa's subplot was somewhat useless, but it did provide us with couple of laughs, so it justifies it's existance. Funniest thing in episode for me was Bart craving for attention - it was realistic behaviour for an overactive kid as well. 6/10 is well deserved for this one.

Episode 15: Deep Space Homer
One of the all-time classics. Memorable episode with good jokes and great plot, hard to argue with views on this one. There are the classic 2001: Space Odyssey -references, Barney is in his top form and of course the inanimate carbon rod is legendary. It might be a bit overrated as it drags on a bit midway - James Taylor sings a tad too long and also the Homer eating chips scene goes on maybe a few seconds too long - slightly kills the momentum, but not badly. 7/10 for a true classic episode.

Episodu 16: Homer Loves Flanders
This episode is so good in so many levels, it never ceases to amaze me. It's not very appreciated in the Simpsons fandom, but I think people just don't get it's brilliance. There's great role-reversal in Homer-Flanders relationship and everything gets turned upside down. Besides, there's the meta-references Lisa makes that make it even more memorable. Also, who doesn't love Terminator-Homer? Hallucinations are always funny and there are some of those when Marge drinks water. There's plenty of other jokes and gags that I could list, but that would be pointless, as I just say it's a great episode. Homer's characterization might be bit off, but it doesn't annoy one bit as it works to make episode even funnier. 8/10 is my rating for this, one of the best of the season.

Episode 17: Bart Gets an Elephant
Everything before the elephant was pretty good. After that.. Well there still was occasional hilarity, like the other pets trying to get attention and the joke about republicans and democrats. That said, this was wacky episode and like it's already established I don't rate wackiness that much. I respect good plot and emotion more. This wasn't really bad, they got plenty of jokes out of the weird premise, but it's just too unrealistic to really enjoy. Also Stampy wasn't likeable, he just mostly was there or put people in his mouth. If your going to have an animal in the center stage at least give him some (preferably likeable) character. I'll give it as high as 4/10 though.

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