tiistai 21. syyskuuta 2010

Season Twelve - Episodes 1-6

Episode 1: Treehouse of Horror XI
We start straight away from THOH this season and frankly I have to say it's worst THOH up to date, not the standard it should be. First segment was clearly the best and in all-time lists it is about average. Second was worse and the third one was absolutely the worst. There weren't much good jokes, but at least there was some messed-up scenes, so that it's not too mild stuff. Just 5/10 for this one.

Episode 2: The Tale of Two Springfields
Not a very good episode. Premise ought to be interesting, but I never really cared about either of the sides. In theory Homer's constant failure to use the area code should've been fun joke, but it didn't work for some reason. I didn't find much fun anyway. Who's quest appearance was ankward. It had couple of better gags and it wasn't total suffering again, which is enough for 2/10, but they shouldn't be happy with themselves. Another mediocre Scully outing. This is set to be the worst season ever in the basis of two episodes.

Episode 3: Insane Clown Puppy
I stand corrected, this was improvement immediately. Some genuinely funny gags combined with relatively emotional plot involving Krusty and his daughter. Plot was fairly straightforward and went a bit downhill after the violin got introduced, but fair enough. It's just a solid episode that's made as well as they made episodes back in Scully era. It's another 6/10, but these Scully era episodes just struggle to push through that barrier into higher ratings.

Episode 4: Lisa the Tree Hugger
Lisa starts to turn more an more into an activist, but I don't think it's done unsympathetically in this episode. Though I found that Jesse guy a little annoying. But you had to love it when Homer were "lost in his eyes" and it was perfectly reasonable for Lisa to have a crush on her... I mean him. Some people didn't like the log at the end, but I though it was hilarious, even if it was wacky. But yeah, overall fair enough characterizations, decent plot, decent humor, 6/10.

Episode 5: Homer vs. Dignity
This was the notorious Panda-rape-episode. Having come from South Park background to Simpsons fanaticism, nothing really fazes in that regard so I don't really care for that scene. Still, it's different Simpsons than what we're used to, even if you're used to Scully mediocrity by now. Premise for this episode was relatively interesting, they didn't execute it to the maximum potential, but it was fair execution still. Mr. Burns characterization stands out, it's different but still I feel that he could act that way, it's just not that fun to watch. Anyway it's coherent episode, though I once again am amazed that Homer declined the million especially since he really didn't win anything by declining it - Burns threw fish on everybody anyway. That said, 4/10 for relatively sane episode that gets lots of stick for the panda rape scene.

Episode 6: The Computer Wore Menace Shoes
I think this was a fair episode before that Island thing started, then it was just too weird to be funny or anything and it kind of ruined good start. It was unexpected, I give it that. Predictable ending would've been Homer colliding with wrong people.. Wait a minute, that happened! Well I didn't expect it to get solved that way. Besides, it was unsatisfying ending. Good start merits 3/10 rating.

17 episodes today, not enough, but fair enough. 254 episodes watched and 210 to go. Nine full days remaining, meaning I have 23,33 episodes / day workload at the moment.

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