perjantai 10. syyskuuta 2010

Season 6 - Episodes 14-25

Short break taken, and we'll continue.

Episode 14: Bart's Comet
Well it wasn't exactly packed with laughs (though Big Butt Skinner was hilarious) but it did something right anyway. There was somewhat tense atmosphere before the impact, but you knew exactly what would happen when Homer made his prediction. There simply was no other way out. Other than the predictability there really wasn't any flaws. There were introductions to the nerds, whom of only Database is seen consistently afterwards though, if I remember correctly. It's a strong effort, worthy of 6/10 rating.

Episode 15: Homie the Clown
Another decent outing. Funny stuff, especially Homer's clown hallucinations. Plot was pretty good and all of it was well executed. Good touch in the end that the stereotype guy admitted being a stereotype. Pretty flawless as well, can't really see anything complaining, except perhaps a bit that other characters were tossed to the background - we don't really see much of rest of OFF - that said, it's not a big problem. 5/10 for this one.

Episode 16: Bart vs. Australia
Well you can clearly see why so many australians got upset about this. Everything before going to Australia was pretty good stuff, even if not scientificly sound (coriolis effect doesn't work on such small scale). After going to Australia it was all easy jokes on national stereotypes. There were couple of amusing gags and some nice visuals, and a plot that was certainly surprising at times. Surprising, but frankly implausible. It was one of the worse episodes of the season overall, it's a 3/10.

Episode 17: Homer vs. Patty & Selma
Solid episode. Two good plots, enough funny jokes and everyone properly characterized. If there's a flaw it's maybe the way Bart started to like ballet, but it's a small thing. I think Bart liking ballet is plausible. The main plot with Homer, Patty and Selma was interesting enough but I think it could've done without the chauffeur-twist. The original conflict was ripe for humor, but it ended too soon. The chauffeur-bit was written for quest appearance obviously.. But overall, two great acts and third one a decent, it's a great episode, 7/10.

Episode 18: A Star is Burns
I guess Jay Sherman's visit could be overlooked, if he wasn't in so damn big role in this episode. It's not only that, he is made really unlikeable in this episode as well. I don't know the Critic at all, but if he is like that all the time no wonder the show flopped. However, it's not that bad. The film festival was an interesting premise and it resulted in some good scenes. Barney's movie alone makes this episode worthwhile. It's not a classic by any stretch of imagination and it makes me feel a little dirty too. 4/10 though for having enough good humor.

Episode 19: Lisa's Wedding
Well, I gotta say that Lisa's Substitute is the better episode after all (*edits the old post to change the rating*) - however, this is an amazing episode. First and clearly the best future episode, it is first and foremost an emotional episode that is really memorable. There's a caveat in the memorability which takes a bit off it's rewatchability, but it still packs quite a kick even in multiple viewings. Hugh is annoying as fuck from the beginning and you're just hoping his face gets smashed in - a great character in short. Though he doesn't exactly gets his face smashed in, but he gets his share of abuse and loses Lisa in the end. What a jerk. Another great gag is Maggie not getting a chance to talk (love her desing, as I love Bart's as well). Lisa looks amazing at her wedding dress, though her desing is maybe a tad too skinny. There's also the nostalgia effect that works for this episode - it kinda makes me sad to think that Lisa's Wedding would've been about a month ago. Thinking about it while watching this episode kind of messes your head. Overall, perfect characterization, lots of good visuals (Krusty is pretty fucked up) and great emotion - one of the best ever episodes. 9/10. I feel urge to say more, but I've stuffed this review compared to others already too much.

Episode 20: Two Dozen and One Greyhounds
Well this got the official Scully Stamp of Shit (well I guess that was very harsh). To be honest though, it isn't nice place to come after Lisa's Wedding, nothing can top that. Besides, it's not the best time to have an episode about Santa's Little Helper. Most of it was just parody of 101 dalmatians and Lady and the Tramp, which have been parodied to death and it was all just kind of predictable. Calling it shit really harsh though, as it's more just average than anything. At least it had a catchy song in "See My Vest". But there's lot of flaws - Burns being out-of-character in the end and that saving the dogs, how Burns gets away with stealing the dogs and finally getting millions out of them. Just seems a bad joke to me. A barely 3/10.

Episode 21: The PTA Disbands
I always like these school episodes. I don't know what it is, I guess they're just easily relatable. This has some great gags and a Bart in top of his form. Lisa's too obsessive behaviour is a small flaw and besides, it's not even in that big of a role. The first act wasn't that great, but once the strike started, it was top stuff. I guess this is good enough for 7/10 rating. I especially liked the scene where Homer says the classic line "In this house, we obey the laws of thermodynamics!"

Episode 22: Round Springfield
I just love Yeardley Smith's singing - Therefore Lisa's rendition of Jazzman hits just my tastes. It's my favorite song from Simpsons (even if it isn't an original Simpsons song). Besides, it's a great episode. Funny yet, emotional and heartfelt, even if the character dying hasn't been in such a big role. Perhaps that's my gripe with this episode - Bleeding Gums Murphy would've deserved a bigger role in the series before getting killed off. It would've made this episode even stronger. That said, it's already very strong episode, one of the all-time greats. 8/10.

Episode 23: Springfield Connection
Well, perhaps Marge was a bit out of character, but not much - It's close enough not to feel contrived or anything. Homer was also a bit of a jerkass, but other than that there wasn't much to complain about. Overall it was enjoyable - a decent episode, if not great. Marge looks great in her uniform, there's enough good jokes and the plot is fine. Not a standout in an excellent season, but pretty solid outing anyway, 5/10.

Episode 24: Lemon of Troyd
This was a solid episode as well, though I would've kind of hoped it would've ended more like the Bart's descriptions, that Rod would end up crazy etc. It had plenty of good jokes and film references, all the while managing to have a decent plot. I especially liked Martin's interactions with Nelson. After the adults got involved it got a little flat for me at least. Still overall it's a pretty good episode, 6/10.

Episode 25: Who Shot Mr. Burns? Part One
Well this is a great episode. It manages to combine decent amouth of laughs while planting everyone (including the eventual shooter) as a suspect. I remember seeing this episode as a kid - but I only remember the part of Burns getting shot. I might've been a kid but I realized how big moment that was in the series and it stayed with me over the years. It's obviously one of the great episodes of the series. And you gotta love the ending. It's the perfect combination of everything, 9/10.

That ends the season six. I've watched 22 episodes now and it seems I'm able to do the record after all. Now a short break while I put in the ratings for this season to see the average.. 6,12. It wasn't quite as good as Season Three, but it certainly had more quality episodes than any other seasons - however the first occurences of mediocre episodes dragged it down. It was a long season, and it's very near Season Three after all, so you might say it's on par with it. Here's the overall deal with ratings that account for changes Lisa's Substitute rating:
Season Three 6.21
Season Four 6.18
Season Six 6.12
Season Five 5.73
Season Two 5.59
Season One 4.69

I'll be back in a jiffy.

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