lauantai 25. syyskuuta 2010

Season Sixteen - Episodes 1-17

Episode 1: Treehouse of Horror XV
It just gets worse - I mean, I saw this like a week ago. The episode itself isn't bad, but it's probably among the worse THOH's. I liked all of the segments enough, but they would be just average segments in other THOH's. Third one is probably the best for me, obviously because of Marge's suit. That said they're all quite even and have their own charm. Intro was pretty damn good as well, but not good enough to elevate it higher than 6/10. Solid, but still mediocre for a THOH. Homer inside Burns = Brutal.

Episode 2: All's Fair in Oven War
Pretty good if a little average episode. There was some good jokes but not as much perhaps as we've used to. Both plots were pretty solid, though you might forget that 2½ years passed in frame of one episode if you don't concentrate on it. I know it's played for laughs, but still, wow. Apu running away is a nice background joke and characterizations are mostly okay in this. Some might have gripes with Marge cheating, but it was justified in the episode. Homer was also at times a little jerkass but only a little. 5/10 for this solid outing.

Episode 3: Sleeping with the Enemy
Another pretty solid episode. Main plot was perhaps a little far fetched, but at least it let us explore deeper into Nelson's character while finding resolution to where his father went missing. Lisa's sideplot is down to earth and simple while still holding some laughs, though it ends kind of openended as lampshaded in the episode. Lisa going insane was one of the highlights of the episode. The resolution for Nelson's father's dissapearance was kind of stupid, but whatever, this is still good enough episode to get 7/10.

Episode 4: She Used to Be My Girl
Pretty poor episode for a change. Marge - Chloe conflict was kind of forced right from the beginning, besides we've already had these Marge not feeling appreciated themed episodes. It escalated way too quickly and I would go as far as to say that there is Jerkass-Marge in this episode. That said it's not all poor, there is some decent jokes that save it from being terrible. Third act with the volcano was quite bad. Overall it's watchable, so 3/10 rating.

Episode 5: Fat Man and Little Boy
An excellent episode. Premise is good and it's executed very well. Pacing was kind of quick but it still avoided being all over the place. Characterizations were top notch and of course, most importantly it was filled with good humor. Overall it's about Bart figuring out that he is no longer a child, but it manages to delve into the Homer-Lisa dynamic in between. Though I kind of would've liked to see where that plot ended, we never got resolution whether Lisa or Martin won. That's pretty much only complaint I have for this episode, 7/10 for this one.

Episode 6: Midnight Rx
Another very good episode. Lots of interesting dynamics get explored here: Homer-Grampa, Ned-Apu and even Burns-Homer. There was a lot of humor to be extracted from these interactions alone, but throw in Canadian Flanders and you're in for a riot! There wasn't much wrong, perhaps Lisa on Xanax stirred something up in me but even that was played for laughs and it was just a background quip, so let's not blow it out of proportion. Very solid episode, 6/10.

Episode 7: Mommie Beerest
Decent but nothing special. I kind of dislike Moe was characterized so unsympathetically, but then again it's Moe. Though it was kind of predictable for the episode to take this direction and it would've been refreshing to see something else develop from Marge-Moe interactions - which we don't by the way even see much, it's mostly just Homer bemoaning his situation. That said, be it obvious or not, it's not bad, but it doesn't stand out as anything special either. There was good humor to elevate this episode like the Cards movie preview which was absolutely hilarious. If for nothing else, this episode should be remembered for it. 5/10.

Episode 8: Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass
Groan. I'm sleepdeprived and probably have lost about 95 % of my brain capacity and still found this extremely stupid episode. It's just a half-assed reason to have bunch of quest stars in it. Most of the time Homer just does something idiotic and I, the viewer, am going on "what the fuck am I watching"? Ned's subplot was plainly obvious but nothing happened with that conflict. Marge just says that she doesn't like it and all the sudden that halts all the production of Ned's old testament movies. Who wrote this piece of shit? I guess they threw CBG's name in just so that fans would be confused that this episode actually is worthwhile. There were good gags like the Mario gag who really could've done with being in the middle of a better episode. 1/10.

Episode 9: Pranksta Rap
Something in Bart being a rap fan just doesn't fit with me. I guess it's the way it's presented more than anything that bugs the shit out of me. It makes it seem very out-of-character. The plot wasn't that great either, though it gained momentum midway with some nice conflicts forming, but in the end they failed to use them very well. Finally there's the cop-out ending that isn't funny so it's not really acceptable. I didn't like this pretty much at all, 2/10.

Episode 10: There's Something About Marrying
Not the greatest of episodes but not bad either. Homer and Patty has some top-notch interactions on this one and it obviously had the big "revelation" that Patty is a lesbian. There was the hint that she is lesbian in one of the earlier episodes where her voice can be heard inside a closet in some gay parade, which episode that is, I don't remember. Anyway the main plot kicked off very late and therefore felt rushed. There was lot of clever jokes though in it. Homer making out with himself is both disturbing and hilarious at the same time. It's solid enough episode to get 5/10.

Episode 11: On a Clear Day I Can't See My Sister
With a little better characterization this episode could've been a something of a classic. The whole conflict at the start is however based on Bart being out of character - some pranking towards Lisa is okay for me, but Bart goes way over the top there. It's hard to have sympathy towards him when he publicly humiliates his sister. I at least wished Lisa would revenge with venom. Though even that is a bit out-of-character, at least that it goes on for so long. But that's kind of boring conflict because it kind off solves itself. Bart doesn't even try to make amends, he just lives like a dog for a while. Ending was good and there was plenty of good gags, but I can't ignore the characterization. A mere 4/10.

Episode 12: Goo Goo Gai Pan
This episode had it's charms but overall it's just another mess of a travel episode. At least there's good reason for them to travel this time and Selma getting a baby is the glue that keeps the plot together a lot better than it usually sticks in these travelling episodes. I actually had some sort of love-hate relationship towards those dragons at the end, but now they just seemed annoying and pointless. Bart drawing instructions with the credits was nice though. A bit of a mixed back, but it was very watchable certainly, so I'll go on and give it as high as 4/10. With the premise they had they could've done so much more, though.

Episode 13: Mobile Homer
A little silly episode. These marriage on the rocks plots tend not to work in newer seasons, we've seen it all and it seems like only way to go is to make their fight seem more serious - and that doesn't work, trust me. There was enough amusing lines and stuff to keep it entertaining, but overall I didn't care for it much. The ending was incredibly stupid as well. Evil Jesus with Flanders' saves it also a bit. 3/10.

Episode 14: The Seven-Beer Snitch
Just mediocre stuff here. Some lazy writing and mostly dull jokes. Both plots had semi-decent premises but they should've been used to the maximum to even have good episode. As things stands it hardly is worth a watch. I'll give this 2/10. Just the shortness of this review is a testament of how dull and forgettable this episode is.

Episode 15: Future-Drama
Afte couple of off-episodes they hit back into the form with this future-episode. The beginning is among the top beginnings in the show's era. Lisa & Bart telling each other how everyone is other's boyfriend is simple yet genious - it's just the stuff real kids say to each other and it's funny! Especially "Nobody's gay for Moleman". After that we get into the future which is better made than in "Bart to the Future", but never quite gets up to the benchmark of Lisa's Wedding. Not that it is even reasonable to expect. There was lot of fun details (Bender) and characters weren't just future-versions of their kid-selves, there were creative changes made, like Milhouse as wimpy bodybuilder and Nelson ending up repeating his dad's actions. Both plots are well-written and solid. The episode ends with nice atmosphere before we get so see Cletus the Vice-President during the credits. This is definitely a late classic. 8/10 for the rating. Only minor gripe is Bart's girlfriend character, I really didn't care for her.

Episode 16: Don't Fear the Roofer
Well this had it's share of fun stuff, but plot was pretty ridiculous with it's gravitational lens' etc. Homer and Ray talking over the credits was hilarious. I felt Marge was characterized too mean as were his friends in the bar. Such harsh treatment didn't exactly set you up on proper mood. Especially when it seemed to just get worse for Homer until he met Ray and even that was more of a curse in disguise. It's decent despite the ridiculous plot, but nothing else. 4/10.

Episode 17: The Heartbroke Kid
Decentish episode. I think they could've done a lot more with the premise, but it was fine episode nonetheless. There was a few decent jokes, especially the "Three weeks later" caught everyone's imaginations. Plot was decent and characterizations okay, even if I think that Bart shouldn't be stupid enough to get that fat. Though he is a little fat by default, so.. I guess I have no real reason to complain. Decent quest spot too. It's not great though so I really can't go higher than 5/10.

Solid 17 episode day today. It's way too little considering the time I have left, but I still have realistic chance of finishing in time. Four full days of time and no real time constraints for me on those, I can pull all-nighters! 107 episodes left, that's 27 episodes a day. I'm still undecided whether I should do the movie as well. Maybe if I go over 30 episodes tomorrow as I'm planning. It's place would be of course in between 18th and 19th season, just when it premiered. I've actually not seen it so it will be refreshing to see some new material as well. I'll write a little longer review on it, but I have to make sure tomorrow that I have some breathing space, otherwise I can't do it.

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