lauantai 4. syyskuuta 2010

Season Three Episodes 4-17

Episode 4: Bart the Murderer
Another one of the classic category. Bart's misfortune's early on aren't really that funny, but it's a memorable scene anyway. The plot is overall a bit contrived, but it provides us with decent amount of laughs. The best jokes are left to the end - first the hilarious tv version of the case and then the "real crooks are Hollywood producers" just as the producers are listed to the screen. Nice one that. Overall I'd say it's funny and well executed, but not flawless. 5/10.

Episode 5: Homer Defined
The dictionary gag was what made this episode especially memorable. Two solid plots with good amount of laughs means that this well deserves the classic status. It had lots of good subtle humor even if it didn't make you laugh out loud many times. My favorite moment probably was the Barney's line, especially his interactions with Lisa. That said, everyone has their own favorites for this episode. Excellent stuff and worthy of 7/10.

Episode 6: Like Father, Like Clown
This was the first episode where we see Krusty as the sad clown he seems to later become - He isn't that prominent during the two seasons except in the Sideshow-Bob episode and there he isn't especially sad. So this is the episode where he gets more defined as what he is today. It's a well made episode. Granted, there's not that much of funny stuff, but enough and the plot is decent. But just decent plot combined with average amount of funny stuff means that it's so far Season three's weakest. I won't go lower than 4/10 though, as it's an enjoyable watch anyway.

Episode 7: Treehouse of Horror II
THOH's are always great, especially during the classic era. That said, I think this was a bit worse than the first. Three decent segments, but none pretty much stands out. They all had some decent humor.. Perhaps the third one was the weakest and the middle one the best. I mean who doesn't laugh at Homer as a Jack of the box? There isn't a real standout segment like in last season. First one had some laughs (especially the self-referential stuff) and it had certain creepiness in it. The second one was hilarious, I loved it how everyone just complimented Bart on everything "It's great that you did that awful thing". Also there was probably the funniest prank-call to Moe ever. Third one was a little meh and predictable due to obvious Frankenstein-references. Overall a good episode, 7/10. I said it was worse than the first one, but only by a cat hair so the rating doesn't reflect that. The best segment was a bit worse than first season's best, but the other two were better.

Episode 8: Lisa's Pony
Well I said I had above-average expectations for every episode with Lisa in it's title. That said, this doesn't really stand out among the rest of the Season Three's episodes so far. That means it's very good, but not classic quality. Though I'm using the word classic very liberally and it's a classic episode by it's definition.. It's getting confusing. Some decent humor, good plot, fair amount of emotion and solid animation, especially during the dream scene. It makes for a enjoyable package. I loved how Ralph (completely out-of character, but then again he wasn't yet defined) talked about how Lisa had tamed that Pony, but "who can tame her?". Those baby-Lisa scenes made me at least very sad and the characterization's for Lisa and Homer were spot on - it's first episode of real bonding between Lisa and Homer, starting a run of great episodes. It's a 6/10 from me.

Episode 9: Saturdays of Thunder
I don't know - one of those not-so-memorable episodes, but that said it wasn't that bad. I don't think that soap box derbies are that interesting setting, but they used characters well to make the episode interesting. The episode's bigger theme was of course the fatherhood issues - that worked pretty well. Martin was in top form in this episode and Nelson was still his old menacing self. There's also the Cosby-stuff that you don't get anymore if you don't know that Simpsons used to air at the same time with them. Good stuff, but not there with the greats. 5/10.

Episode 10: Flaming Moes
Definition of classic Simpsons episode. It really deserves the status too. First off it starts with Eye on Springfield which is hilarious - I had waited for that too. Great opening sequence on many levels. The whole Lisa having a sleepover thing was great and the way it transitioned to Moe-plot worked well. Everything unfolded from there on pretty straightforwardly. They used Aerosmith well as quests, I especially loved Miss K's interactions with them. There was the great Flaming Moe song with finely drawn pictures and finally Homer going insane and seeing and hearing just Moe was top stuff. Just a great episode, definite 8/10. Almost perfect mix of emotion and humor and only a few episodes do it better.

Seven episodes seen so far, pace is good enough but I gotta do long shifts if I'm to do a new record.

Episode 11: Burns Verkaufen Der Kraftwerk
Season Three keeps up the consistent quality with this one. Though I have to say that Homer selling the stock too early frustrates me more than amuses. The germans aren't used that much for humor, but there's enough humor from the other sources, like the classic Homer imagining himself in the land of chocolate -scene. Animation was top notch, even if nothing else really stands out. As usual with golden era the characterization and stuff were well done. 6/10 for this.

Episode 12: I Married Marge
Another Flashback-episode, and while we don't still move up to the And Maggie Makes Three -caliber, it's still a great episode - flashback-episodes seem to be always. While it isn't up there with the most emotional episodes, it's still has good emotion. Besides, it's hilarious. I'm really struggling to come up with anything to say about it - it's just solid and well-made, one of the classics, but not as excellent. Also there is continuity issues - you see, they started already! Whenever I talk continuity from now on.. I don't know, my stance on it is that I like it where there is some, but I don't mind that much. While South Park has lot of unintentional continuity goofs, Simpsons is just fucked up intentionally. God, I hate myself for making another comparison. This episode is 7/10 for me.

Episode 13: Radio Bart
Another classic. I guess I might as well say that on every episode - I mean 20 years and multiple viewings has made pretty much every early episode that was any good a classic. This has some great jokes like the song for well, the program that Lisa dances along early on and many of Bart's pranks. I love watching him cause mischief. After Bart fell down the well it made me feel a little unconfortable but hey, that's getting viewers involved for you. Solid 7/10 for this one. Great laughs and a good plot along with top class social commentary. It really hits the spot on that matter.

Episode 14: Lisa the Greek
This is one of my favorite Lisa & Homer bonding episodes. I guess it's nothing too special, but the emotion is there and it's very memorable episode. Simple stuff with not much of a b-plot and a calm pacing. Characterizations are great - Homer is his selfish self who still sees his mistakes in the end. It's a fragile concept and it would've been easy to ruin this episode, but they pull it off. Besides it has it's share of laughs, I mean the hilarious footballer's head flying off his torso in the beginning is just the start. Another solid 7/10.

Episode 15: Homer Alone
Another classic yeah.. In this one really not that much happens so it's amazing how well it's made. There's no b-plot, though it takes some time for the main plot to kick off but they really use all the potential of it. The best humor is probably in Bart & Lisa staying at Patty & Selma segments and Marge snapping is also a memorable scene. Not only it has some funny bits, you really feel for Marge. Well made scene in a well-made episode, but it doesn't really stand out from excellent Season Three. 6/10.

So far so good for Season Three, it will take a miracle for this season not to improve on Season Two as there's still a few classics I remember to see in the remaining episodes - not the mention the classics I don't remember. 12 episodes today, still 14 to go just to tie with my record - I was pretty insane in May, how the hell I managed to do it? I guess not writing reviews helped a bit though..

Episode 16: Bart the Lover
If there ever is a classic Simpsons episode this is the one to pick. It has everything: Emotion, great humor (I was chuckling all the time - and I've seen this a million times), terrific characterization, enjoyable fanservice (well if you like Edna), and a fine plot. It's flawless really. Main plot is excellent and Homer swearing -subplot compliments it well. Both plots have plenty of good humor. If I started picking out things to praise I'd be here all day, and I gotta move, so that's have to do. 9/10 clearly, even if it isn't as good as Lisa's substitute, the difference is too little and it clearly is better than 8/10 episodes. One of the best ever.

Episode 17: Homer at the Bat
Well talking about classics, this is one the most people would pick. I don't like it as much as people overall, but it's still one of the greatest episodes ever. There's lots of funny stuff, good plot, many memorable moments, nine celebrity guest voices (!) (though I don't know any of them as nobody here gives a shit about baseball) and finally nice song in the end to top it off. I guess it tells something about the strenght of the episode when it works so well even in cultures where there's little to no interest in baseball. Everything is excellent and all this lacks to make it to my best of the best -pile is emotion - it doesn't have enough of it for that, but enough to be one of the greats. This episode is consistently seen in people's top-lists. It's 8/10 for me too. We're talkin' sooftball, from Maine to San Diego.. Wow, that song really sticks to your head.

I guess I should have a break before my head explodes. 14 on the trot is good enough, but I still need to do a second run of at least 13 episodes. This took me 7 hours by the way, so with reviews it's roughly half an hour / episode. Oww, this is gonna take the whole day. At least it's a pleasure as episodes are so good.

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