lauantai 11. syyskuuta 2010

Season Seven - Episode 4-9

I will do probably the minimum amount of episodes today due to lack of time.

Episode 4: Bart Sells His Soul
Consistently in the top-lists of people, this episode starts greatly with "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida" and then quickly proceeeds to the main plot with Bart selling his soul to Milhouse. Milhouse acts a bit annoyingly in the episode overall, but I don't feel it's to the point of being out-of-character. Main plot is solid and interesting, especially when it gets properly rolling when Bart starts searching his soul. The ending is great. Subplot with Moe was solid, but I think they didn't use all of it's potential for hilarity. That said, it's still fun part of the episode. Overall there's no flaws and it's an interesting episode, definitely worth at least 7/10.

Episode 5: Lisa the Vegetarian
Kind of hard episode to rate. It gets a little heavy on it's message, but it still has some humor and besides, it's a complicated issue. Lisa turns to vegetarian a little suddenly, but it's understandable. After that she stands for her cause, even if it makes her do the wrong things - partly due to others pushing her by mocking her beliefs. The McCartneys' quest appearance felt a little wrong, but it was relevant to the plot. I'd say this episode had a strong impact on me, it made me question whether I should be a vegetarian. I'm still undecided (like I said, it's a complicated issue). 7/10 - strong episode, but not quite a classic.

Episode 6: Treehouse of Horror VI
Another great THOH. The first segment was decent, not particularly memorable, but not bad. Second one was just great, it was really scary yet had some good jokes. The third one was.. Weird. Not much happened in it, but it sure was surreal seeing Homer in 3D. It's amazing how good it looked even in real life enviroment considering how old the episode is. Some decent jokes in that segment too. Still, not up the standard of the best THOH, this one gets 7/10.

Episode 7: King Size Homer
This episode was pretty hard for the eye, Homer is at times disgusting in his normal weight and even more so while being "King Size". It's a pretty good episode though, lots of fat jokes, that are a bit easy though. Not really my kind of episode, but not bad. I enjoyed Lisa's futile attempts in defending his dad the most in it. Simple plot that doesn't promise much, but in the end it works fairly well. 5/10.

Episode 8: Mother Simpson
This didn't have the impact on me that it had on many others, but it was still an episode with a strong emotion and once again a fair amount of good humor. They had fun with Homer's fake death at the beginning but it served as an important plot point to bring Mona back in his life. It was a bit random though that they happened to be in the cemetery at the same time, but random things happen.. Maggie's 60's dance was hilarious and the ending was well done. Overall, one of the stronger episodes of the series - this sets up an important storyline for later episodes. 8/10.

Episode 9: Last Gleaming of Sideshow Bob
This was way too wacky and way too contrived to really be enjoyable. Sure there was some decent jokes and the ending was funny, but there was just too much problems in the plot. Sideshow Bob said it - any Hollywood hack could've come up with that. It's by far the worst Sideshow Bob episode so far. What bugs me? 1) A-bomb being a dud 2) Bob not killing Bart when he had the clear chance. The second one is lot smaller problem than the first, as it is kind of Sideshow Bob's thing to not go the easy way. The problem with A-bomb not working was not the the fact that it probably isn't plausible, but the fact that it makes the plot feel contrived. It's lazy writing, they should've come up with something better than that. I guess the flaws are small enough and after all, the episode was stuffed with material, but despite the relentless pace I was still a little bored. It's 3/10, I can't go any higher than that.

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