maanantai 27. syyskuuta 2010

Season Eighteen - Episodes 1-7

Episode 1: The Monk, The Chef, The Wife And Her Homer
Pretty good start for the eighteent season. This is one of the newest episodes I've seen on TV back when I still was a casual viewer. I guess I've seen this when it premiered in Finland, as it's so new episode. I always used to think of this as an older episode, namely because of Godfather references, but I guess that isn't nowadays any indicative of when it's made. Anyway, plot was good, Michael was interesting character and there was nice subversion of Godfather's set-up. There was parts that dragged on too long and Metallica's appearance was forced, but other than that I didn't mind much. Homer and Bart laughing madly with weapons in their hands was a great gag. The episode is good enough for 5/10. You can't go much wrong copying Godfather.

Episode 2: Jazzy and the Pussycats
Another okay episode. It had some flaws, but it was entertaining and had nothing glaringly bad. Lisa's plot emerged kind of out of nowhere, there was really no reason given, it just happened and replaced her jazz-dreams. Kind of out-of-character to give up so easily, but then again, she would care about those animals too. That said, I think that animal plot would've worked better as an invidual episode and they'd been better off concentrating on her jealousy in this one. That said it was done in the name of good ending twist that enabled Bart to give the proceeds of benefit concert for Lisa. I guess this is another 5/10.

Episode 3: Please Homer Don't Hammer' Em
It's basically an okay episode, but there's some bad characterization which makes it feel really forced. If Marge was so hell-bent on having the credit why didn't she just emerge when the job was done from that closet where she was? Also there was some out-of-character jerkass lines from both Marge and Homer, especially in the third act. The subplot was decent, but there wasn't really that much going on in it either. I rate this 3/10 despite characterization troubles. Watchable, but forgettable.

That's 27 episodes today. I have time only to do 4 more today. Rats. I kind of hoped for more, but still it's okay and I'll certainly make a new record.

Episode 4: Treehouse of Horror XVII
Well these are always decent, but as THOH's go, this continues the decline. The Blob was probably the best of the segments, the Golem one was decent and memorable, but it has something quite offputting and it wasn't that funny. Third one was the worst, but it had decent humor. This gets the 5/10, but barely. Probably the worst THOH at this point.

Episode 5: G. I. (Annoyed Grunt)
Mkay.. That was crazy. Wackiest episode we've seen in a while, I almost had forgotten that these existed. Plot really got out of hand. I thought that the helicopter scene was hitting the bottom but it went on long enough to turn funny in it's absurdity. Other than that I really didn't care for this episode. It relies just on characters acting crazy to make things happen. But it had some humor, enough to avoid bottom rating. 2/10.

That's 29 episodes. I have an hour, so it mean I'll do new record by two episodes. Too bad I can't have an off-day tomorrow, but we luckily have only three full seasons to go. By the way, new episode airs today in USA, I'll be watching that one too, but not rating as I'm following my two viewing rule (except for the movie)

Episode 6: Moe N' A Lisa
For an episode about Moe and Lisa you would've expected more. It had some emotional impact in the end, but it should've had more to compensate for lack of good jokes. However, plot was very good and everyone was in-character. It was very predictable though. I don't know. I'll rate it 5/10 despite all it's problems. In it's core it was a solid, emotional plot and even lack of jokes and predictability doesn't ruin that.

Episode 7: Ice Cream of Margie (With the Light Blue Hair)
There was a hint of marriage on the rocks in this episode as well, but it was only a footnote and besides, it was handled well. Still, I don't know if it is the fact that I'm jaded or what but I wasn't all that crazy about this episode. Plot was pretty solid and there were lot of funny gags, even if not very memorable ones. Oprah (or "Opal") opening her mouth was hilarious. The part with sad Homer in the end was pretty emotional and overall the episode had me feeling pretty good for the most part, but when Homer wrecked everything it was a big downer. Homer wrecks Marge's hard work and gets a statue as a reward? No wonder the end left me disillusioned. But for the most part it was solid and I can't really go lower than 6/10 for this.

Oh wait. I just realized I've calculated the total amount of today's episodes wrong. I watched 4 episodes of Season Sixteen, then 22 for whole Season Seventeen and now these seven. That's whopping 33 episodes! Crushing new record!

That means I've watched 385 episodes. 79 episodes to watch + the one which airs today + movie. Meaning still nearly 27 episodes / day... Ugghhh.. If you count the movie as 6 episodes, that's nearly 29 episodes. I'll aim for that tomorrow.

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