perjantai 10. syyskuuta 2010

Season Seven - Episodes 1-3

Episode 1: Who Shot Mr. Burns? Part Two
I guess the conclusion in these types of episodes is never as good as the set-up, but it was still an enjoyable episode. It manages to maintain the suspense until the end, even if I knew who was quilty, I didn't exactly remember how the story ended up there. It didn't have as much laughs as the first part, but it leaves you thinking "should've known that" - I guess Maggie was kind of obvious choice considering she is the only one who'd get away with it. 7/10 for this one.

Episode 2: Radioactive Man
Well we're into deep end of this record attempt and my computer, old piece of shit, is already started to slow down, as have my brains as well. Considering those conditions, it isn't a big crime from this episode not to maintain my attention for the full 20 minutes. It was decent episode overaal evwen if it slowed down towards the end. It still hasd some good jokes in it, especially the nerd jokes and Hollywood bits in the end. Plot was interesting even if it didn't pay much off.. Overall pretty decent episode, 5/10.

Episode 3: Home Sweet Home Diddly-Dum-Doodily
Okay, I'm not going to make a record today. This is my last review. This is a good episode with some good jokes and strong emotion. It is pretty serious in tone, but manages to stay funny enough. The ending was pretty good, and animation is excellent. There are hardly any flaws, so it deserves 8/10. Nothing more to say, I'm exhausted.

I guess 25 episodes in a day is not that bad, but so much for doing a record every week of September.. Whatever. We're 1/3 into the month and 131 episodes in - with current pace I'll end up 70 episodes short. I need to step it up. *Faints*

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