sunnuntai 5. syyskuuta 2010

Season Four Episode 1-4

Episode 1: Kamp Krusty
We start off with an absolute classic. The opening scene in this is one of the best scenes ever. It might be the best moment of the episode also, but that said the rest of the episode isn't that bad. There's some cheap writing like Bart getting to go anyway despite having poor marks, but it's acceptable I guess.. I'll let them get away with it at least. Kamp bit was very grim in a sense, but the biggest flaw was probably the animation, which was for some reason off for this episode. Other than that the wasn't any flaws. Those flaws drop it to 6/10 anyway. Best moments were class, but the rest brought it a bit downwards.

Episode 2: Streetcar Named Marge
I didn't really care for this episode in the first viewing. I guess it was the musical part taking so much time, or I don't know. But it felt a lot better on this viewing. It still isn't among my favorites, but I enjoyed it. I even enjoyed the musical scenes. One thing didn't change - the Maggie subplot was still excellent. I guess not knowing the didn't help me on enjoying this episode, but still, I agree with people that it's a great episode and I'm willing to give it as high as 6/10. Not my personal favorites, but I can clearly see why this is considered a classic.

Episode 3: Homer the Heretic
Some people consider this the greatest episode ever and while I think it's a good episode, I don't see what all the fuss is about. It's memorable, I give it that, but I don't really care too much for God-episodes - though Homer's interactions with God were good stuff. I guess I suck when I'm not getting it's greatness. It has good humor, but I don't like how Homer is pushed towards the churchgoing and all, even if it is made in satirizing manner. But everything else of course is good stuff. The best bits of humor are Homer's talk about the long-haired guy and how he bounces back in from the mattress after the fire. But yeah, overall I'm not getting it. I tried viewing the R&R thread in but even it didn't manage to convince as most posts were pretty much "perfect episode 5/5 no arguments". I guess it's the combination of different culture and not being a christian, so I don't care for religious plot-lines this episode relies heavily.

But yeah, I've blabbered on long enough. It's 7/10. Well-made episode with pretty much no flaws, but the theme puts me off a bit. Let's continue.

Episode 4: Lisa the Beauty Queen
I don't kind of like the idea of Lisa as a beauty queen even if it is established that she is pretty, but this episode works really well. There's plenty of good jokes and emotion and pretty much no flaws. I love Homer & Lisa bonding in this and also like Barts interactions with Lisa in this one, like "you're not ugly." I guess that works better in the context of the episode, heh. Though it was kinda disturbing how much Bart knew about beauty contests and how well he walked with high heels.. Also the Lisa singing at the contest went so much overboard that I didn't know whether it was hysterical or fucked up. I guess it was a bit of both. Still an excellent episode, 7/10.

Two more episodes, come on, I can do it.

Episode 5: Treehouse of Horror III
Another solid Treehouse of Horror. Again there were no standouts, just three solid segments. I didn't like the second one as much as first and third, but it had it's moments too. It's good enough to be some people's favorite so there's really nothing wrong with it. There's some disturbing stuff also (in a good way) like those faces in the book. I think THOH's should be scary at least on some level and this fulfilled this need. Still, it's not significantly worse or better than the two first THOH's, so it gets 7/10. I view the other two a bit better despite the funny stuff like Snail-Lisa and other good visuals. Still, there's no clear difference.

Now were tied with the record. I'm exhausted, but one more for a new record.

Episode 6: Itchy & Scratchy: The Movie
Thank god. It's hard to get excited after 26 episodes, but this episode was certainly enough to keep me entertained. However, I found Bart's characterization.. stretched. I guess it's in-character but he is just a tad too stupid and destructive for my taste. It makes for some good jokes though. There's great historical bits from Itchy & Scratchy, the stripper scene and finally the future scene to remember. Also Maggie driving a car shouldn't be forgotten, that was one hilarious scene. Fine humor packaged in well-intentioned and plotted episode, it's another 7/10.

It took me a whole day - and to keep my promise of breaking the record four times I have to do it again next week. Pretty insane stuff. But that's me alright.

On a completely unrelated note, great way to make you lower body stiff is to squat heavy the previous day you sit on the computer all day. I'm fucked up, I'm going to bed and hopefully have a dream about the Simpsons. Wait a minute..

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