perjantai 3. syyskuuta 2010

Season Two Epsiodes 14-19

Episode 14: Principal Charming
Standard Season Two disclaimers apply - proper characterization, good plot, decent humor, etc. The only problems I saw was maybe the way Patty and Seymour broke up, but even that is hardly a problem. It works in the context of the episode well enough. It had lot of smile-inspiring stuff even if the flat-out laughs were few in numbers. The best stuff of the episode were probably Homer's Terminator-vision for finding the dates. Premise in itself was interesting enough. Patty and Seymour is a very surprising pairing, but it works well. All-in all solid episode. 4/10.

Episode 15: Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?
I remember that I didn't like this when I saw this originally, I don't know, maybe 7 years ago? But I love it now and it clearly is a definite classic. It's just a joke bombing while having good involving plot, great characterizations and some emotion as well. McBain at the start gets it moving well on the joke-front. I'm bit frushtrated about the plot, but that's not to say that there's anything wrong with it, it just makes me feel a bit bad that Homer ruins his brother. That said one of the all-time classics, worthy of 7/10.

Episode 16: Bart's Dog Gets an F
I guess this is the worst episode of the three seen so far, but it's not that bad really. It has some funny stuff, but both plots were somewhat dull. Also I don't really like how "Satan's" Little Helper just all the sudden started to understand Bart. Besides, I feel he was too dumb in the episode in the first place. Mostly boring, but still watchable. I don't know. I'm tempted to go as low as 2/10 because I think it's a little low on real laughs as well. I don't know.. I'd rather say low 3/10. It's really on the brink of those two, but I'd still describe the episode decent overall, so three it is. Let's that the great soap opera bit that Marge & Lisa watch brings it up to that.

Episode 17: Old Money
I didn't remember anything about this episode from the first viewing and it's no wonder as it's pretty forgettable episode. There's some emotion on the Grampa & Beatrice plot but beyond that it doesn't have much going for it. Besides, it's pretty low on laughs as well. It's mediocre idea executed well. The worst part probably was the Lion Safari bit, not the least because it reminded me of "Simpsons Safari" episode, that said it's somewhat unfair to say that since Simpsons Safari was made over 10 years later. I don't think this deserves anything more than 2/10 though.

Episode 18: Brush with Greatness
After two a bit worse episodes we get right back into the classic territory. Loads of hilarity and a solid plot to boot. Animation was top notch as well in this one. Burns is used to the maximum in interactions with Simpsons family and the ending was originally surprising and good one. There was some disjointedness which means that it isn't among the greats, but I'd say it brushes with greatness (oh I'm so clever.. I mean sorry). 7/10 for this one - I thought that it would be 6/10 but then remembered the "Can we go to the Mount Splashmore" -joke which is in itself so classic and great that it raises the rating.

I meant to stop here for now, but I noticed Lisa's Substitute is next - that's one of my all-time favorites so gotta check it out.

Episode 19: Lisa's Substitute
How great is this episode? It was even better than I remembered it. I'm tempted to give it a 10, but I think the sappyness of the closing moments just about drop it to 9. Now that the rating is outta the way let's go through it.. Well, there's not much to say. It's great episode emotionally, but it's so funny as well. Mr. Bergstrom is probably the best quest character ever. The moment with note - even with all the inflation it's suffered - is still very powerful moment and will stand as one the best single scenes in the show's history. The Bart's subplot compliments the main plot well by being more light-hearted and providing laughs. There's perfect balance I feel on everything. Lisa's character gets defined in this. I'm not alone with loving this episode and like most I get the "die!" reaction whenever someone thinks this is less than top-5 episode of all-time. I'll give it 9/10 for now as I said, but if I end up deciding this was the best episode ever (it's really only competition with this one and Lisa's Wedding), I'll change it to 10.
Edit: Okay, it's the better one - 10/10.

That's the daily 6 episode quota, but I'm meaning to go for record today. Now a break though.

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