perjantai 24. syyskuuta 2010

Season Fifteen - Episodes 1-12

Episode 1: Treehouse of Horror XIV
Another very solid THOH. First segment was good, middle segment about average and the last one excellent. Intro was pretty good as well. The segments felt very short though, the fact that episodes are shorter than what they used to be really shows in these three segment episodes. Best joke of the episode probably was Agnes berating Skinner after Skinner lost his spine. You gotta love Bart's goatee. I still think that the premises of first and third segments had more potential than what got used - they could've been all-time greats with a bit more good stuff in them. 7/10 for this one.

Episode 2: My Mother the Carjacker
Strong episode again about Homer and his mom. Not only is it loaded with fun stuff, like 19th century wood etching of Mr. Burns, it's also very heartfelt and emotionally strong episode. Some gags run too long and they lacked class in couple of scenes, like the funeral scene. I mean Mona isn't dead actually, but the viewer doesn't know that when her coffin starts rolling down the hill, so the joke which wasn't that good to begin with doesn't work at all, it just comes off as tasteless. Overall it's a great episode even with it's flaws and gets 7/10.

Episode 3: The President Wore Pearls
I disliked this quite a lot after first viewing. I can appreciate this episode more on the second run, especially it songs, but it still has some problems. First off Lisa's singing sounds somewhat strained, I don't know if it's intentional but I don't like these songs anywhere as much as other of her songs in the series. My other big gripe is the ending, that was lousy! I also might say something about characterizations that I didn't quite like, but I guess everyone were in-character after all when you think about it. There were some good jokes, but I think those Milhouse-jokes were too mean for me. 4/10 for this one.

Episode 4: The Regina Monologues
These travel episodes are always more or less wacky and this episode is no exception. I don't like it too much to be honest. There's not much of a plot and it's just Homer goofying again and there's a ton of pointless quest appearance. That said it's not devoid of good jokes. Bart and Lisa high on candy was a fun little scene and there was a bunch of pretty memorable lines. It's watchable so it gets 3/10.

Episode 5: The Fat and the Furriest
A bit on the duller side, but decent episode nonetheless. It could've used more jokes and better plot, but it didn't make me cringe at any time so it isn't terrible. All in all it's just watchable, nothing memorable nor particularly great. I'm really struggling to say anything as there's little reserving extra praise but not much to complain. Perhaps the bear plot was a bit silly, but then again there was the bears collecting toys for Maggie in the first season... 3/10.

Episode 6: Today, I am a Clown
This was decentish, but nothing special once again. Krusty had a bunch of memorable lines and the subplot with Homer on tv was interesting, though it really didn't lead to much in the end. Krusty's bar mitzwa plot was quite empty on events, we saw a few images of him studying or something but that really doesn't make that interesting of a watch. It could've been force though. I rate this 4/10.

Episode 7: 'Tis the Fifteenh Season
People really loved this episode. I think it was pretty great too. I have to give it the credit it deserves - it was well-paced, there was a ton of good jokes and the plot was good while being based on traditional conventions. I especially liked the animation bits. You know, the non-drawn parts. Nothing really wrong with it, except perhaps a bit rushed ending. I didn't feel that much emotion during this episode, but Homer's visions of cool Buddha gave me some awesome visions.. I'm rambling and in a hurry, 8/10.

That was the 25th episode today and the fact is that I can watch only 4 more episodes today. Well, that's a new record.

Episode 8: Marge vs. Singles, Seniors, Childless Couples, and Teen and Gays
This is quite a good episode. Satire could've been better but I'm not really complaining. At least both sides of the matter got the stick. Ruffi-shit was good in an annoying way and Maggie was on top form. The concert had funny moments as well. Plot was decent enough and there was great scene with the fake-Marge on the tv. Funny stuff, clearly deserving 6/10.

Episode 9: I, D'oh-bot
Solid, fun little episode. Two good plots that both were interesting and had their share of laugh. Lisa's cat -plot's highlight for me was Coltrane - how did they come up with that? Robot-plot was just good solid Bart - Homer interaction with good conclusion. It wasn't constant laughter, but still entertaining stuff. Only real flaw was perhaps the reference to Principal and the Pauper, but even that didn't bother me as much as during the first run. 6/10 for another very solid episode.

Episode 10: Diatribe of a Mad Housewife
This was quite good of an episode. Premise is interesting and very in-character. Homer was a bit jerkass here but it was acceptable in terms of the plot. There was some good jokes in the episode as well. Solid episode overall in all-fronts, nothing too special but fairly flawless as well. Marvin Monroe's appearance was a bit mindless though. I rate this 6/10 as well.

Episode 11: Margical History Tour
This kind of ankward, I saw this just few weeks ago in tv. Still, it's pretty good. First segment was excellent, I especially loved seeing Otto among the beheaded people "I told you I was a dude!" Second segment was a little duller, but still okay. I didn't care too much for the third, but it wasn't that bad. Solid three-segment episode, it's another 6/10.

That's it, the record, and just before the midnight. It went close because I was lazy during the evening.

Let's start the next day and then I'll hit post and come back to business with another:

Episode 12: Milhouse Doesn't Live Here Anymore
Sweet, sweet episode. Whole premise was excellent and it was executed very well. It was perhaps predictable that it wouldn't last but it was ended beautifully and creatively. Top characterization. There was good jokes as well, b-plot provided at least some of those. Homer was on his top form as well - he is a natural bum and while not that much happened in the b-plot it did what was asked from it. Great episode, 8/10.

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