maanantai 13. syyskuuta 2010

Season Seven - Episodes 16-22

Episode 16: Lisa the Iconoclast
I didn't like the ending of this one upon first watching, but it worked better upon rewatching. It's surprising while still being plausible and you'll see why Lisa has a change of heart in the last second. There was decent amount of humor, it wasn't a laughfest, but good enough. There's the classic embiggens-joke and it was very cromulent episode. Story was well done and characterizations were great - Homer is at his best in this episode. So overall this goes to the classic-category, I'll rate it 6/10 after some contemplation.

Episode 17: Homer the Smithers
Well, right from the off I can say that Mr. Burns is oddly characterized here, he's much more helpless than we've used to, but I guess it was needed for the episode to work. Other than Burns' characterization there's not much wrong. Humor is good and they keep the jokes coming and story works well if you ignore that characterization flaw. Well I still think that Marge and Lisa took the news of Homer allegedly killing Mr. Burns too lightly. For all it flaws it was a decent episode, 5/10.

Episode 18: The Day Violence Died
Another pretty solid episode. Not great, but no real flaws. Some wacky humor was there and it worked. Plot managed to surprise at multiple occasions. Lester and Eliza were creepy, in a funny way. Characterizations were ok as well. I don't exactly know what it lacks, but it's not a great episode. Decent and deserving of a 6/10. I would be more elaborate but I can't quite put it in the words. I guess the wackiness prevents any episode for being really great.

Episode 19: A Fish Called Selma
This is quite good episode. This pretty much is the only episode along with 138th spectacular that has Troy Mclure in a big role. The Simpsons completely take a background role but it still doesn't feel like it's a problem. Troy and Selma are in the center stage and it grabs your attention for the whole episode. Writing on this one is great and jokes are decent. There's overload of Troy movie titles and of course the Muppet-parody. Also who doesn't love that Planet of the Apes-musical? Very solid and memorable episode even if it doesn't have the Simpsons in center stage. This still gets 8/10 from me, great stuff.

Episode 20: Bart on the Road
This episode had some slowdown in the third act, but it was overall pretty good. Also I have to say that the roadtrip plot had some unused potential, but there was limited time and current conclusion worked well in conjunction with the b-plot. So I'd say it was a good episode with good plot and plenty of funny jokes. Characterizations were spot on and it was great to see another episode with great bonding between Homer and Lisa. These were the episodes that kept me watching for the whole day in May. 7/10.

Episode 21: 22 Short Films About Springfield
It's a different kind of episode for certain and there's too much going on to list, but I can list what I liked about in it the most: The Skinner-bit - it started off as just silly, but it got so over the top in the end that you couldn't help put to laugh; Pulp Fiction -references, the spectacular mess Lisa's hair ended up and finally Comic Book Guy screwing Milhouse over. Loads of funny stuff in here so overall this works well, but there's some things that bug me a bit. Like why is Milhouse first with Bart, then with his dad, and then again with Bart? But it's a definite classic, I rate it 8/10.

Episode 22: Raging Abe Simpson and his Grumbling Grandson in "The Curse of the Flying Hellfish"
Not one of my personal favorites, but you gotta admit that it's quite well made episode and one of if not the best Grampa-centered episodes. It's not your usual Simpsons episode, there's lot more suspense and action but they have enough funny moments in it after all. I especially loved Mr. Smithers as Bart and "Get a room, funboys" in the end. Mr. Burns is probably at his most evil in this episode which I'd say is a good characterization. Overall well-done episode, 7/10.

That's all for today. Only seven episodes, slow start for the week, but I'll go for record tomorrow.

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