tiistai 28. syyskuuta 2010

Season Twenty - Episodes 1-21

Episode 1: Sex, Pies and Idiot Scrapes
Fairly decent episode. There's good Homer & Flanders dynamic here and interesting premise, but I can't help but to think that they didn't use all of it's potential. Marge's subplot was weird and kind of useless. It provided us at most with couple of tasteless jokes. But due to good main plot, this is a watchable episode. I'm gonna rate it 4/10.

Episode 2: Lost Verizon
Solid episode. It kept me interested for the whole 20 minutes, even if it had a little slow start. It wasn't the greatest episode in joke department, but decent nonetheless and the plot was pretty good, even though I think it's a little ridiculous that Marge and Homer would follow unrealistically fast moving Bart to Macchu Picchu. Though Maggie as some sort of god there was a cool sight. Overall wacky, but entertaining and definitely not bad. 5/10.

Episode 3: Double, Double, Boy in Trouble
Interesting though cliché premise turned intoa somewhat cliché episode. Bart was badly characterized in the beginning, he is a hellraiser but I think that went too far and past the point where I find it more irritating than anything else. The plot picked up a little once the switch was made. It was very predictable though. There was some humor and good moments, but overall it left a little bland impression. I'm split between 3 and four, but let's say that Lisa attacking fake-Bart pushes it over to 4/10.

Episode 4: Treehouse of Horror XIX
This was probably the worst THOH up to date. The first two segments were really bad, among the worst of THOH segments. Dull premises, not much happened and there weren't even that much humor. However, third segment's Peanuts parody was excellent. Only one segment's worth of quality really here, but at least everything was right in that segment. The whole episode gets only 4/10 though.

Episode 5: Dangerous Curves
This was somewhat mediocre flashback-episode. It's the old marriage on the rocks-plot, but with that three timelines gimmick. There's obvious comparisons made to "That 90's Show" which for me is the way superior episode. This was watchable, but as it was the same old plot with low amount of humor it really dragged on at times. It didn't even have much of an emotional impact. It only got me wondering how many near-cheating incidents they're going to add into the Simpsons history. It actually got me a bit bothered about continuity, only because it was so mediocre that I had time to think about it. Still, it was decently made episode and if there wouldn't be any episodes of this same plot, it would be a fair episode. "We've seen this before so many times", 3/10.

Episode 6: Homer and Lisa Exchange Crosswords
These Homer & Lisa bonding episodes just for some reason keep working season after season. There was heartfelt emotion in this one like in pretty much all other and I'd say this is a late classic. When Lisa breaks and becomes indifferent towards Homer she is really well characterized and voice acting is great. This episode could've done with more laughs, but at the very least it's extremely solid episode with good plot, pacing and characterizations. 6/10.

Episode 7: Mypods and Boomsticks
Well there was a bit Jerkass-Homer, but not outrageous extent and the subplot with Lisa failed spectacularly to hit it's potential. Overall it was a bit odd episode, Bashir's reaction to stranger just emerging from the bushes was odd to say the least. Still it had funny stuff in it, namely Bart's putting in a voiceover during Mobs' speech. Also Homer's interactions with imaginary Lenny were smile-inducing. That said it's nothing memorable, and I think that with this premise it should be, so only 4/10 for this one.

Episode 8: The Burns and The Bees
I'm quite indifferent towards this one. I really didn't laugh pretty much at all, I didn't hate anything in it, but I didn't particularly like anything either. It was solidly written and properly paced and I kept watching intently. So it did the job and got me entertained. But overall it was very forgettable episode. I guess it did well for the premise and like I said, I didn't hate it at all. Not even Lisa's bee-beard or Mr. Burns' miserable attempts of having fun. But yeah, let's give this 3/10 and be done with it.

Episode 9: Lisa the Drama Queen
I don't know.. It was quite a solid episode, even if I didn't care for that Juliet character. There was also times when the episode dragged, but overall it was a solid episode of Lisa's friendship with characterization's pretty much as they should've been. That said, I have problems with the way they ended the relationship. I don't think Lisa would have called her dear friend crazy, especially after she had just said something insightful ("The real world is for people who can't imagine anything better"). She was off-character at that moment, no other problems. Overall it drops as low as 3/10. It's an unique episode, I'll give it that.

Episode 10: Take My Life, Please
I was expecting the wrost when the overly long couch gag hit, but in the end this wasn't that bad. High Definition looks good after 400+ episodes of standard stuff. The storyline isn't too special and they used the stupid sauce plot device, but that is only small flaw. There isn't much great in this episode though. It's few good jokes and just about entertaining enough storyline. I rate it 4/10.

Episode 11: How the Test Was Won
A better episode than most of the dross we've seen so far. Neither of the plots promised that much, but both were well executed and therefore had plenty of laughs. I don't know though.. It's kind of weird when it's dumb kids making faces that is one of the episodes better jokes. Still, it was reasonable. Marge kissing Neagle was fucked up, but arousing nonetheless *Homer-drool*. I'll go for as high as 5/10 - it had it's problems, but it's memorable and certainly at least average.

Episode 12: No Loan Again, Naturally
This is an abysmal episode. Homer is at his worst self, somewhere beyond Jerkass and the family just let's him totally screw Flanders over. It wouldn't be that big of a problem, IF IT WEREN'T THE FUCKIN DRIVING FORCE OF THE PLOT! I groaned aloud a couple of times, especially when Crazy Cat Lady measured the window with cat's tongue. What the fuck is this shit? Only redeeming factor was that the moment when Flanders decided to buy the Simpsons house is kind of sweet, but it doesn't save this from getting a 1/10.

Episode 13: Gone Maggie Gone
Well, this is one of those episodes with different concepts that I was hoping for. The plot was... I don't know, out of this world. But I kind of liked it. There was some decent jokes as well, but I don't really like the idea of Maggie being the Chosen One or something. I mean she was already pretty bad-ass, she didn't need this. Story was intriguing and kept you in it's grip till the end. Kind of a hard episode to rate, but I'll go as high as 6/10 for this one.

Episode 14: In the Name of the Grandfather
This was mediocre. It was travelling episode with a bland storyline. I think it could've been interesting, had they executed the bar plot a bit better, but as it is it was just very dull and predictable. It wasn't groan-inducingly bad and there was some decent gags, but overall it just didn't get me fired up. Frankly the hot tub part of it was better than the rest of it. I rate it 2/10.

Episode 15: Wedding for Disaster
So Homer and Marge get married.. Again? I can't help but to think that they're slightly bereft of ideas. That said, the torturing twist made this episode unique and memorable, though it needed somewhat questionable characterization of Patty & Selma. Other than the torture, it was kind of bland again. Season Twenty has been collapse in quality. Mediocrity after mediocrity. The emotion just isn't there when you've seen Marge and Homer in similar endings dozens and dozens of times. Still, this wasn't bad, I rate this 4/10.

Episode 16: Eeny Teeny Maya Moe
One of the top episodes of, say last 50 episodes that has been made. It was sweet heartfelt plot for the character who was made for that kind of plot - Moe. Subplot has also some great emotion with it's fine conclusion. Maya was a great character, but I think she broke up with Moe too lightly. It would've been charming to have her as a recurring character, but then again Moe wouldn't be the same if he would be the sad lonely guy that he is. Humor was a tad lower than average on this one, but it doesn't matter as it's top class stuff. 7/10.

I'm now even with my record with four hours to go. I'm going crush my old record. I should as I've practically been watching Simpsons the whole 20 hours.

Episode 17: The Good, The Sad and The Drugly
Hell, this was actually very good! It's not the most original plot, it's practically "Bart's Friend Gets a Girlfriend" inverted, but it has an unique feel in it and it manages to surprise me at couple of spots. Lisa's plot was pretty much just a filler but it did induce at least couple of smiles. The main plot was down-to-earth and good character-driven action. It was well-made and pretty much flawless, but since it's nothing new it gets only 6/10.

That's the new record, 34 episodes. I'll grind a few episodes more though to leave some room to manuever for tomorrow.

Episode 18: Father Knows Worst
Again the same lesson Marge and Homer has gotten at least twice. It was executed averagely, and the humor wasn't very good. There was very little confict, for example when Homer pressured Lisa to seek popularity, you knew that it would end soon the way it ended. Only funny thing in the episode was Homer telling repeatedly that he wouldn't embarrass Bart at the same time he was doing it. In a good episode even that would've been just an average joke. Overall very mediocre outing which would not be bad, but after 400+ episodes of similar stuff, it just bores. 2/10.

Episode 19: Waverly Hills 9-0-2-1-D'oh
I didn't like this episode. It's hard to explain, it's not that bad once again. There's just something about the feel of the episode that puts me off. There's not a lot of fun jokes, premise isn't very interesting and there's some characterization trouble as well. Episode's best moment was Milhouse in the dumpster. It was just dull once again - not terrible, but just not really interesting. How many times have I said that same thing... There seems to be lot of these episodes. Anyway, 3/10.

Episode 20: Four Great Women and a Manicure
Why settle for three segments, when you can make four? I didn't like the feminist undertones, but I was glad to see something different once in a while. The Snow White segment was so blatant copying that you couldn't help but to smile. I loved how dwarves were going get high after work. The first segment was very forgettable, Macbeth segment had it's moments. Overall, it's nothing special, but it wouldn't be wrong to call this bad. I rate it 4/10.

Episode 21: Coming to Homerica
Again this didn't exactly capture my interest. It wasn't bad once again, but nothing that great either. There was some decent jokes, like Lisa liking milk and hugs but I don't know, I can't explain what was wrong with it for me. It jus was average I guess. Best jokes were smile-inducing, plot was acceptable but not brilliant, characterizations were proper but not inspiring and the ending was pretty bad. Overall, it's watchable, but nothing special. 3/10.

Overall Season Twenty was the worst season so far, being the first season so far to drop under average rating of four - it only got 3,95. While it's worst weren't for the most part as bad as in Scully era, but it had only one great episode, and even that had rating of 7. Scully era had much higher percentage of great episodes. Just solidly grinding mediocre episodes just doesn't do it.

If I remember correctly it just going to get worse in the next season. I'm still kind of surprised that the collapse was so distinct and sudden.

That's 38 episodes and I have still enough time to watch 2 more. I'm going to break the magic limit of 40!

Season Three 6.21
Season Four 6.18
Season Six 6.12
Season Seven 5.88
Season Fifteen 5.82
Season Five 5.73
Season Two 5.59
Season Seventeen 5.59
Season Eight 5.40
Season Thirteen 5.36
Season Nineteen 5.15
Season Sixteen 4.90
Season Nine 4.88
Season One 4.69
Season Fourteen 4.55
Season Eighteen 4.50
Season Twelve 4.29
Season Eleven 4.14
Season Ten 4.00
Season Twenty 3.95

Great episodes:
Season Seven 13 (52 %)
Season Six 12 (48 %)
Season Three 11 (46 %)
Season Four 10 (45 %)
Season Fifteen 9 (41 %)
Season Eight 9 (36 %)
Season Five 8 (36 %)
Season Two 7 (32 %)
Season Thirteen 6 (27 %)
Season Seventeen 6 (27 %)
Season Nine 6 (24 %)
Season Sixteen 5 (24 %)
Season One 3 (23 %)
Season Nineteen 4 (20 %)
Season Eighteen 3 (14 %)
Season Twelve 2 (10 %)
Season Fourteen 2 (9 %)
Season Eleven 2 (9 %)
Season Twenty 1 (5 %)
Season Ten 1 (4 %)

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