perjantai 17. syyskuuta 2010

Season Nine - Episodes 17-20

Episode 17: Lisa the Simpson
I like this episode. Lisa's sorrow at losing her intelligence make for some moody and emotional scenes. There's decent amount of jokes as well, especially the Simpsons gathering in the end is entertaining. However that's not to say that there isn't any problems. There's somewhat of a hole in the plot, at least an unresolved issue, of why Lisa's wits falter in the first place? That's never resolved, instead we find out that nothing was happening after all. I don't even begin to talk about continuity compared to other episodes. That's complete mismatch compared to other episodes, but it doesn't matter, discontinuity is not an issue. So this is not flawless, but it's very good anyway, 6/10.

Episode 18: This Little Wiggy
Decent episodes continue. Plenty of funny stuff in this. Ralph gets a closer look but now we can see how much dumber he has gotten since "I Love Lisa". I love Ralph one-liners just as much as anyone, but when he is the central character you'd hope he has at least some functionality. That said, it doesn't ruin the episode. Ending was a little silly, but overall plot was okay. It's another 5/10.

Episode 19: Simpson Tide
Great, funny episode. Plot got a bit out of hand, but it was filled with hilarity. It's very wacky, but in a good way, in a way that it actually works and almost all of the jokes are home runs. There's too much good gags to list, but on the top of my head the weird Homer on swimsuit picture that Barney puts on the wall and Homer as a communist picture from the news made me laugh. Also I've got to mention the random Deer Hunter-reference. That should've been grim but somehow it's funny. Top class episode, 8/10. It didn't work for everyone, but for me this is great. This is at least the third watch and I still laughed, and I very rarely laugh out loud.

Episode 20: The Trouble with Trillions
This was very.. mediocre. There was not much jokes, and nothing interesting really going on. Plot gained some momentum went Homer, Burns and Smithers went on the run, but that really should've been the whole point of the episode or at least introduced earlier to explore that plot more. Now the action kills off too quickly. It's just so forgetful episode. Not really that bad, but nothing good either. 2/10.

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