maanantai 6. syyskuuta 2010

Season Four Episodes 13-17

Episode 13: Selma's Choice
Pretty funny episode. Plot was well-constructed and everything worked. I can't think of any flaws.. There were some a little slow moments, but not much to complain. Plenty of great moments like Lisa hallucinating and the date with Moleman. I kind of hate doing these listings because I always forget something great and have to keep coming back to mention something. But yeah, all-around well-made episode, it's a 6/10.

Episode 14: Brother from Same Planet
The Simpsons house looks odd in the beginning, where exactly is Homer watching the tv? Those are minor issues, but that's where the flaws are, if any. This is another excellent episode with lots of laughs and some good emotion. There's Bart's vision of Homer playing blackjack, Ren & Stimpy cartoon, the Shining -reference with Milhouse and Psycho-reference with Skinner, just to name a few good points. A-plot was pretty solid, but b-plot.. I don't know, it just bothered me. I just feel Lisa would see some Corey-hotlines for what they are. Once you get addicted though, I understand that she would have trouble getting off it. I'm having separation anxiety whenever I'm not watching Simpsons at the moment, though it's manageable, unlike in the first run when it depressed me. That said, it's 5/10 for this one.

Episode 15: I Love Lisa
This is actually mostly new stuff for me. I don't remember exactly what happened, but I accidentally skipped this in the spring when viewing these episodes and I don't remember seeing it earlier. I tried to watch it later but there is some psychological thing that prevented me to watch it out of order. At least during the first run. So I watched only the first act or so. But anyway, it's a great episode. Ralph has not yet been flanderized to the doofus kid he is nowadays who is only spouting one-liners and stuff. In this he still realistically stupid, something a real kid could be - in fact he reminds me of one boy I used to know in the elementary school.. I'm rambling. So anyway, he is in top form this episode, but it does feel a little odd considering the Ralph of nowadays. Lisa is great as usual and there's some good jokes in it. Well-built plot, plenty of emotion, it's all good, 7/10.

Episode 16: Duffless
Classic episode. Good jokes and great emotion. The ending worked well too, one of those memorable ones that stick in your head despite the overload of Simpsons-episodes. One of those episodes that comes up again and again in top lists of people. Both plots were gold, characterizations were perfect and they just kept pounding you with funny jokes. Hilarity didn't impair the emotional effect it had and it was pleasing to see Homer not drinking - though it doesn't change the status quo after all, but it doesn't matter. One of those episodes that you'll never forget. 8/10. On a lighter note, who wouldn't have thrown that huge tomato at Skinner's ass? Lisa shouldn't have been too angry..

Episode 17: Last Exit to Springfield
Another one of those recurring episodes in top lists. Truly a classic with great plot and plenty of hilarious jokes. There's kind of a b-plot with Lisa's braces, but it's tightly tied with main plot and that is not really explored that much except with the school photo -scene. That said it doesn't really call for it, as main plot has plenty of stuff to use. Homer is in his top form. If there's anything to moan I'd say that I was a a bit bothered with the fact that Lisa is playing guitar and singing in their strike. However I can completely overlook it, because the reason's are obvious - Yeardley Smith's voice is just awesome and it's a pleasure to listen her singing. Great stuff, 8/10.

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