lauantai 4. syyskuuta 2010

Season Three Episodes 1-3

Episode 1: Stark Raving Dad
Third season opens with the famous Michael Jackson -episode. I guess this is more known for the quest appearance, but it's still a fair episode. Jackson was used well and the song was quite good. I think the Lisa's birthday plot had much more potential but it got pushed aside like the birthday in the episode.. To think of it, it kind of have to. That said, I think it would've been better with more emphasis shifted to that plot instead of Homer's insanity-stuff. Solid opener and worthy of a 5/10.

Episode 2: Mr. Lisa Goes to Washington
Another episode of stinging political satire. It's pleasing on many levels. Lisa was on her top form in this one. The issue is presented from both sides and from both sides they find good jokes. It's good episode with very little flaws. I didn't originally like the ending and it still has some problems, but I appreciate it as way of adding more to the satire. They also had some fun with Homer's reading in the beginning. Good episode if not exactly great, it's 6/10.

Episode 3: When Flanders Failed
This is definitely a classic. Homer is streched as far out as possible. He isn't exactly jerkass-Homer as his reasons are well established and it's very much in-character. He seems really evil in the scene where he laughs after wishing Flanders to go broke. But in the end he realizes his mistakes and does the right thing. It might've been somewhat predictable, but it works. Bart's sideplot is decent too. Best joke on the episode was probably Homer's imagination (there's always great bits in there) when he was figuring out what to wish for. Animation was subpar (or so I read) but it didn't bother me. 6/10.

How the bloody hell I managed to watch 26 episodes in a day? I was aiming at record today but now it's starts to look distant. I'm not really even halfway and I only have few hours left. It looks impossible. Tomorrow is the last chance of the week to make a record so I'll go for it tomorrow. I'll do a few episodes more today. On the other hand, scratch that. See you tomorrow.

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