maanantai 20. syyskuuta 2010

Season Eleven - Episodes 12-22

Gotta keep the pace up.

Episode 12: The Mansion Family
Not much of a plot on this one, they just go to Burns' mansion, bunch of stuff happens, Homer hosts a party at sea, bunch of stuff happens, etc. etc. Homer is jerkass, there's not that much funny stuff and plot, the little of it that there is, mostly just frustrates. That said, it's not so bad that I'm shifting uneasily in my seat all the time. It's watchable in a sense, if you put your brains off and just watch random stuff happening. Unfortunately that is not what I come to Simpsons for. Few good gags lift it up to 2/10.

Episode 13: Saddlesore Galactica
This is one of those episodes that consistenly show up on worst episode lists. To be honest, it's not all that bad, but the combination of those jockey-elves or whatever the fuck they are and CBG going around making meta-references with that worst episode ever shirt doesn't help it. Other than the elves shit theres not that much wrong with episode, it's pretty basic stuff. Jokes perhaps don't hit the target with very good percentage but there's some that I enjoyed. It's not as bad as people make it out to be, but it's still pretty bad. It's pretty lousy episode, but I'm a lousy reviewer. Another 2/10.

Episode 14: Alone Again, Natura-diddily
People really hate this episode as well for some reason. Maude was killed in somewhat classless way and she sounds fucked up, but it isn't horribly bad or anything, in fact there's a few good gags in it and the plot is interesting enough. It's nothing too complicated but it works quite well and I was entertained for most part. Perhaps they didn't use anywhere near all the potential plot involving Maude's death could've had, but still it's not too bad. It ends kind of in the middle though. We get a hint of another relationship starting, but we won't hear about it again for a while. I'll go as high as 4/10, it's just too prominent episode and really wasn't that bad.

Episode 15: Missionary: Impossible
The title felt weird instantly. I remembered something, but something rotten, not good. It was like millions of voices suddendly cried in terror, and were suddendly silenced. Then I got to the episode itself, which seemed not that bad: Homer and Bart are watching some british sitcom. Seems okay. Then for the next 20 minutes I'm going "what the fuck am I watching?" and finally absolutely loathe the ending. To be honest, I loved Bart as the man of the house part of the plot and there was some funny stuff, but the main plot was just a mess. Still for those Bart scenes alone and some visual gags I rate it 3/10.

Episode 16: Pygmoelian
With all the dross around it, this episode stands out as okay. It seems more like classic Simpsons as the plot doesn't go way too overboard. Plot was okay here, with some jokes and characterizations were pretty solid. There's nothing really wrong with the episode either and the premise is interesting enough. It's executed in an above average manner as well. It has some memorable scenes and besides it's Moe-centric - I like Moe and Moe-centric episodes seem to be genuinely good on average. I rate this 5/10.

Episode 17: Bart to the Future
This episode is truly disliked among the fans but I don't think once again that it's that bad. It's certainly worst of the future episodes but let's face it - nothing's ever gonna top Lisa's Wedding and the Future-drama or whatever the episode name was is very good episode so losing to those two is no shame. That said it still has those Scully-era characteristics that prevent it for even going for similar ratings than classic era episodes. I'm not saying that this is particularly good episode, for the most part writing is uninspired, but it doesn't make you cringe too much or anything. It's very basic plot and future setting isn't used to it's potential. 3/10 is just rating for this one.

Episode 18: Days of Wine and D'ohses
I wasn't exactly on my best element for this episode - I was very tired and hardly managed to stay awake. Episode itself was okay, one of those memorable better episodes of Season Eleven. It turned Barney sober for some time, but everyone agrees that Barney is duller as sober person. Still, I don't think it was bad period in shows history and managed to show other side of Barney. It's just an episode that relies on down-to-earth plot and solid characterizations. It isn't amazing in terms of humor but it isn't bad either. I'd go as high as 6/10 for this one.

Episode 19: Kill the Alligator and Run
I thought I would be past the worst in terms of tiredness, but apparently not. Again, not episode related, I'm just very tired. Of course this is the notorious "KTAAR" as everyone abbreviates it. One of the worst episodes ever. It's not without it's charm, but how did Swartzfelder turn from regular top writer at Simpsons to this nutcase that wrote stinker after stinker during Scully-era? Plot here is a mess, there's lot of out-of-character lines, most bothering for me was Marge answering "not yet" when asken to show her boobs. I didn't mind the incest joke like some other people that said it isn't that funny either. On the other hand I'm more in the "it's not as bad as said" camp, but I'm still not going higher than 2/10 for it. Some fun stuff save it again from utter humiliation.

Episode 20: Last Tap Dance in Springfield
This is much better. There's plenty of fun stuff and a decent if a bit cliche plot. Both the main plot and b-plot are interesting and involving. Characterizations are top notch for a change. Vicki or little Vicki or whatever she wants to be called is annoying character though, but that was the point, I guess. The joke with cat paws in the old time movie clip is great. I also liked that dance movie. That said in any other season it would just be another solid episode, nothing special, but of course in the Scully era this really stands out. 6/10 is highest I can go.

Episode 21: It's Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Marge
Another mediocrity. I didn't most of the jokes funny and the plot, while complicated relied on some level out-of-character behaviour. Besides the end's "I was gonna kill you anyway" was so stupid. They fooled the audience well though many times, but on the other hand towards the end you knew that there was always going to be reasonable explanation. But to be honest, this is watchable and it's not boring to death, that's why 2/10.

Episode 22: Behind the Laughter
People have said that this would've been a fitting last episode. While that maybe through Season Eleven wasn't overall good enough to end the series. They produced many good enough seasons after so I'm glad it didn't end here. Simpsons Boogie and Simpsons Christmas Boogie are great, and I liked all the meta references. Premise was good and it was executed well. For some reason the part that always stuck with me was "And Homer finds a new passion: Dusting and polishing mixing boards." I have remembered that by heart since I saw this on TV probably 5+ years ago. But anyway, it's different kind of episode and good as such. 7/10.

On a gut feeling I'd say Season Eleven was slight improvement over Season Ten. One great episode more and a few 6 and 5 episodes should be enough, but let's make sure. The worse episodes were even worse though. In fact it was better than Season Ten, only just, averaging 4,14. Pretty dismal era overall, two of the worst seasons by far. No reason to dwell on it though, lets move to Season Twelve - last season of Scully era. There's couple of atrouchious episodes that I recognize instantly, but some decent ones as well - quality will probably remain pretty much the same. Luckily we're soon going to hit Jean-era which saw an improvement once again in the show's quality.

Eleven episodes so far today, I'm keeping up at least decent pace.

Season Three 6.21
Season Four 6.18
Season Six 6.12
Season Seven 5.88
Season Five 5.73
Season Two 5.59
Season Eight 5.40
Season Nine 4.88
Season One 4.69
Season Eleven 4.14
Season Ten 4.00

Great episodes:
Season Seven 13 (52 %)
Season Six 12 (48 %)
Season Three 11 (46 %)
Season Four 10 (45 %)
Season Eight 9 (36 %)
Season Five 8 (36 %)
Season Two 7 (32 %)
Season Nine 6 (24 %)
Season One 3 (23 %)
Season Eleven 2 (9 %)
Season Ten 1 (4 %)

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