torstai 30. syyskuuta 2010

Top Episode Lists

So, here are the overall results for the tops and worsts. They are just listed by the rating, the order within those that are rated the same will be decided some other day.

Best Episodes Ever
Lisa's Substitute (Season Two)

Moe Baby Blues (Season Fourteen)
Who Shot Mr. Burns, Part One (Season Six)
The Way We Was (Season Two)
Girls Just Wanna Have Sums (Season Seventeen)
Bart the Lover (Season Three)
Lisa's Wedding (Season Six)

44 episodes - too many to list

Just with a quick look I guess I overrated "Girls Just wanna Have Sums", but I'll let it be there. I'll revise these ratings many times and we all know that there's no such thing as final list unless I stop watching the episodes.

Worst Episodes Ever
The Simpsons Safari (Season Twelve)
Tennis the Menace (Season Twelve)
Scenes from Class Struggle in Springfield (Season Seven)
Old Yeller-Belly (Season Fourteen)
Bart-Mangled Banner (Season Fifteen)
Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass (Season Sixteen)
The Greatest Story Ever D'ohed (Season Twentytwo)
No Loan Again, Naturally (Season Twenty)
Papa Don't Leech (Season Nineteen)
Trash of the Titans (Season Nine)

30 episodes - too many to list

Season 22, Episode 1 - First Impressions

Well, that was.. I don't know, after first act I would've said "fuckin' terrible", but it built up to something. Still, fun jokes where non-existant and the plot had some pretty contrived twists. Fake-Nobel for Krusty just to get him to Europe on some petty crimes? Just too far out. I hated all of the songs from Lisa's plot. I don't think they should do songs anymore if they can't do better. Overall I disliked it and I'm now worried about what the quality of the season will be.

That's it! All the episodes and the movie with 8 minutes to spare in a month!

keskiviikko 29. syyskuuta 2010

Season Twentyone - Episodes 1-23

Time for one last run.

Episode 1: Homer the Whopper
This had strong Radioactive Man vibes. In fact, pretty much everything there is in this episode has already been done. Seems to be really common problem with these newer episodes. I loved CBG's characterization, he was actually somewhat likeable in this episode. Humor wasn't top notch, but decent enough and there was lot of good details. It was decently made episode but as there's nothing new, I can't go higher than 4/10 for this one.

Episode 2: Bart Gets A Z
For once we see something that hasn't been done before. Well kind of.. Bart getting Skinner's job back is a bit similar story and he has also helped Krabappel through many crisis. Still, it was original enough and it had a plot that kept me interested all the way through. It managed to deliver a few good jokes in the way along with a few bad ones. Characterizations were pretty good, but the ending was a bit of a cop-out. Still, it gets a 5/10.

Alright, new massive 40 episodes a day record. Day changes at this point, but I'm going to keep writing to this post.

Episode 3: The Great Wife Hope
The premise was so good that it automatically captured my interest for the whole duration. Marge fighting was something to look forward and they executed it fairly well giving us somewhat satisfactory ending. There could've been more good humor, but as it is it was decent. It's nothing too special but entertaining nonetheless, I rate this 5/10. Oh and I loved Lisa beating Bart in the end.

Episode 4: Treehouse of Horror XX
These really have gotten worse over the years. There was one worthwhile segment once again, the first one, but even that seemed to be in a hurry and could've done with minute or two more runtime. The second one was okay and the third was at least different, but to be honest I didn't care for it too much. 5/10 for this one.

Episode 5: The Devil Wears Nada
Oh, great. Another marriage on the rocks episode... Wait a minute, this one's actually good! This was actually top notch stuff from start to finish. There was good solid plot, perfect characterizations and some great humor - I especially loved those sex dice. There was plenty of great Marge fanservice and everything felt natural. The part with the Flanders... We knew that nothing was ever going out of it, and I'm glad it is that way. Those scene's weren't useless despite the fact that there never was going to happen anything as it explored both characters inner world a bit. Also I have to mention that animation was gorgeous. Top, top episode, I rate it 8/10.

Episode 6: Pranks and Greens
Overall there's something offputting for me in this episode, but when I look at it completely objetively I'd say it's a decent episode. I absolutely love Lisa calling Bart and Andy losers and then finally calling tv-writers losers. The subplot with Marge in search of healthy food was boring to me. There wasn't funny stuff and other people acted like jerks towards Marge who was as usual doing her best. Overall it's a pretty good episode, I rate it 4/10.

Episode 7: Rednecks and Broomsticks
I don't know what is wrong with this one - It's basicly well written piece and the premise is somewhat interesting, yet the episode is still somewhat dissapointing. Again it's not bad, it's in fact decent and very watchable, but it's low on laughs and never really catches my imagination. There was some contrived and outright weird lines as well. I'll go for 3/10 for this one

Episode 8: O Brother, Where Bart Thou?
Why do all of these episodes feel so bland? I'm beginning to think that there's something wrong with me. I mean I am a little jaded, I've watched over 100 episodes in 4 days, after all. This was genuinely good episode, but even it had some that certain dullness episodes for some reason have. There was good emotional potential, but I just didn't feel it. That said it had plenty of funny gags, South Park bit not being the least of those. Charlie was an okay character and speaking of characterizations, they were good. I guess I can go as high as 6/10. Nothing feels anything at this point, but I still recognize a good episode when I see one.

Episode 9: Thursdays with Abie
It's another one of those "meh" episodes. Plots aren't really that involving, but they're not completely terrible. At least they keep them relatively sane, then again Scully-esque wackiness is much more memorable than these kinds of bland plots. I kind of would've wanted some closure for the stuffed animal-subplot. I mean Larry was ripped to pieces, so Nelson ought to have gone mad? That would've been interesting, but someone decided that we don't need to see that. Mainplot was okay. Fair stuff, but nothing memorable, 3/10.

Episode 10: Once Upon a Time in Springfield
I can't believe that last line of text "Best is yet to come". What were they thinking? It just makes me cringe. Thanks for 20 years would have sufficed, no reason to make promises that are impossible to keep. The episode itself was entertaining, there was lot of things that induced a smile but nothing else. Plot was fairly good as well. It's another 4/10 for me, an episode that tries hard and is entertaining, but fails to really be memorable in any way and that last line just takes at least a point away, it's just baffling how such a big number of what should be intelligent people that is the Simpsons writing & producing staff would let something like that through the cracks.

Episode 11: Million Dollar Maybe
Well Homer finally becomes millionaire after being suckered out of it so many times during the series. Though he don't actually have million dollars at any point but $600k is a rich bitch anyway. I hated the whole tomato-potato song, but the episode itself was mostly okay. Bart's characterization went a bit too far in the end though. B-plot was a waste since nothing really happened. Lisa tried to help, it didn't work and that was it. Who writes anything like that? Lisa should've tried harder but then it might've been a mainplot in it's own episode. That's why I kind of prefer one plot shows to anything else. Overall it was okay once again, but there was flaws that drop it to 4/10.

Episode 12: Boy Meets Curl
An episode about curling is rather dull premise and for that this episode isn't that bad. It was an entertaining watch at any case. Lisa's subplot worked also quite surprisingly, but it wasn't nothing too special either. I was surprised to see Agnes accept Skinner and for that I can't complain, surprising but nice moment. Overall I could've cared more about the plot, but whatever, it worked well enough for me to rate it 3/10.

Episode 13: The Color Yellow
Well, compared to the episodes around it this was pretty good, but it's not anything amazing. Just a solid plot, fair characterizations some decent jokes and fine pacing. Still compared to classic eras basic solid episodes this one was a bit on the duller side. Overall it's good enough to be somewhere around average, I rate it 5/10.

Episode 14: Postcards from the Wedge
Kind of a mixed bag again. It had some good twists and turns, but Bart's characterization bothered me at times. Still, in terms of plot structure this is one of the better episodes so far. It's lot more interesting than episodes this season has been so far. That said there's some contrivity in the plot, like the whole idea of Bart and Milhouse just stumbling to abandoned subway system. For this season standards it was a good quality episode, butI'm going to give only the rating of 4/10.

Episode 15: Stealing First Base
This wasn't that bad. There was a sense of familiarity again since this type of plots had been made many times, but the main plot was okay. The subplot with Lisa on the other hand was not only done many times, it had such a stupid ending. There was plenty of good jokes, especially Nelson's interactions with that blind kid were a goldmine of good stuff. For this season, this was a good episode. Small improvement over the last episode, but still the same rating 5/10.

Episode 16: The Greatest Story Ever D'ohed
Quite a bad episode, even for a travel episode. Very little funny stuff and some really ankward spots. That guide was annoying and unfunny as hell. I always try to not concentrate on negatives, but there is nothing but negatives on that character. I absolutely hated the sequence where Bart fights his daughter. It was useless, unfunny and made me cringe. Plotwise this episode is unspectacular and bores me most of the time. Just too much bad to give this anything other than 1/10. Worst of the season and one of worst ever.

Episode 17: American History X-cellent
This was decent stuff. Premise was decent and the execution solid. Smithers' character development was especially interesting, though it could've done with a bit more depth. The Burns' part of the plot got a bit too much time and it caused some slower moments. Bart-Lisa subplot had some bizarre moments, but it was entertaining and cute in a way. Overall it continues the line of average episodes, 5/10.

Episode 18: Chief of Hearts
This was actually very solid. Funny jokes, well-built plot and mostly correct characterizations. Premise was interesting for a change and they pulled it off well. Bart's subplot didn't have much going on, but it had it's share of good jokes so it did it's part. There was moments towards the end where Wiggum's characterization was a little annoying, but it didn't matter too much. It is improvement from last episode, but I couldn't give it higher score as the episode still pales in comparison with pretty much any other episode I rated 6/10. It feels good with the episode around it, but it's at most just solid. 5/10.

Episode 19: The Squirt and The Whale
This was decent I guess, though the wind-plot was so long that I was kind of expecting that it would get some closure. All the sudden it just shifted to Whale-plot. It was okay, it had some sweet moments. I loved the dream-scene and those pictures at the end were kind of sweet. But once again the climax itself had to include life-threatening situation despite the plot not in general needing any. Besides, the real climax was already in the third act when Bluella died - anything after that felt just padding. There was some great lines and a couple of good jokes and overall it's an okay episode. 5/10.

Episode 20: To Surveil with Love
Let's start with the couch gag. Or lack it... I hated the beginning. I really want to like it, but I can't help it, it's horrible. The animation is great and there's good visual gags, but that is just wrong. As for the episode itself, it was surprisingly good but it's inevitably underrated due to the opening. Both plots were pretty good and something that hasn't already been made and it was peppered with actually funny jokes. Good solid stuff and it finally breaks the barrier to 6/10 rating.

Episode 21: Moe Letter Blues
This was a great episode - the effect is even stronger since we have had such a void of really good episods. There was a good premise that established suspense early that held to the end and the plot was well-constructed (that said, some people commented that Moe wasn't obviously running off with anyone - true enough, but it still was interesting to see how the end would turn even without Moe running out with anyone). Every flashback was tied to each other and characterizations were good. Besides, they managed to deliver good jokes meanwhile. It ended in a sweet montage of pictures of Springfield's mothers. Moe-episodes just seem to work, this was among the best of the season, 7/10.

Episode 22: Bob Next Door
Overall this was decent, plot was well-built for the most part and there was funny jokes again. But I didn't care for the ending. I guess there's always some degree of Deus Ex Machinae in the Sideshow Bob-episodes' endings and I just think that the explanation after the police popped up from nowhere was a bit unsatisfactory. It's a minor hitch, but hitch nonetheless. Overall decent, but nothing special. 4/10.

Episode 23: Judge Me Tender
Quite mediocre. I don't care for American Idol and I don't really care for this episode. Some obviously recycled jokes, that weren't that great to begin with were there also. Premise wasn't interesting and OFF was pushed aside to a boring b-plot. It wasn't all bad, just once again very very mediocre. 2/10

We're done, except for the new episode. There's still 40 minutes left in the month so I'll finish it with 465 episodes and the movie watched. I'll post short first impressions in a while.

Season Twentyone was pretty bad overall. It was consistent enough to be an improvement over Season Twenty and had a couple of great episodes to bring the average up. Still it's among the worst seasons ever. Kind of ironic for the season that had the line "Best is yet to come."

Final lists before the new season:
Season Three 6.21
Season Four 6.18
Season Six 6.12
Season Seven 5.88
Season Fifteen 5.82
Season Five 5.73
Season Two 5.59
Season Seventeen 5.59
Season Eight 5.40
Season Thirteen 5.36
Season Nineteen 5.15
Season Sixteen 4.90
Season Nine 4.88
Season One 4.69
Season Fourteen 4.55
Season Eighteen 4.50
Season Twentyone 4.48
Season Twelve 4.29
Season Eleven 4.14
Season Ten 4.00
Season Twenty 3.95

Great episodes:
Season Seven 13 (52 %)
Season Six 12 (48 %)
Season Three 11 (46 %)
Season Four 10 (45 %)
Season Fifteen 9 (41 %)
Season Eight 9 (36 %)
Season Five 8 (36 %)
Season Two 7 (32 %)
Season Thirteen 6 (27 %)
Season Seventeen 6 (27 %)
Season Nine 6 (24 %)
Season Sixteen 5 (24 %)
Season One 3 (23 %)
Season Nineteen 4 (20 %)
Season Eighteen 3 (14 %)
Season Twelve 2 (10 %)
Season Fourteen 2 (9 %)
Season Eleven 2 (9 %)
Season Twentyone 2 (9 %)
Season Twenty 1 (5 %)
Season Ten 1 (4 %)

tiistai 28. syyskuuta 2010

Season Twenty - Episodes 1-21

Episode 1: Sex, Pies and Idiot Scrapes
Fairly decent episode. There's good Homer & Flanders dynamic here and interesting premise, but I can't help but to think that they didn't use all of it's potential. Marge's subplot was weird and kind of useless. It provided us at most with couple of tasteless jokes. But due to good main plot, this is a watchable episode. I'm gonna rate it 4/10.

Episode 2: Lost Verizon
Solid episode. It kept me interested for the whole 20 minutes, even if it had a little slow start. It wasn't the greatest episode in joke department, but decent nonetheless and the plot was pretty good, even though I think it's a little ridiculous that Marge and Homer would follow unrealistically fast moving Bart to Macchu Picchu. Though Maggie as some sort of god there was a cool sight. Overall wacky, but entertaining and definitely not bad. 5/10.

Episode 3: Double, Double, Boy in Trouble
Interesting though cliché premise turned intoa somewhat cliché episode. Bart was badly characterized in the beginning, he is a hellraiser but I think that went too far and past the point where I find it more irritating than anything else. The plot picked up a little once the switch was made. It was very predictable though. There was some humor and good moments, but overall it left a little bland impression. I'm split between 3 and four, but let's say that Lisa attacking fake-Bart pushes it over to 4/10.

Episode 4: Treehouse of Horror XIX
This was probably the worst THOH up to date. The first two segments were really bad, among the worst of THOH segments. Dull premises, not much happened and there weren't even that much humor. However, third segment's Peanuts parody was excellent. Only one segment's worth of quality really here, but at least everything was right in that segment. The whole episode gets only 4/10 though.

Episode 5: Dangerous Curves
This was somewhat mediocre flashback-episode. It's the old marriage on the rocks-plot, but with that three timelines gimmick. There's obvious comparisons made to "That 90's Show" which for me is the way superior episode. This was watchable, but as it was the same old plot with low amount of humor it really dragged on at times. It didn't even have much of an emotional impact. It only got me wondering how many near-cheating incidents they're going to add into the Simpsons history. It actually got me a bit bothered about continuity, only because it was so mediocre that I had time to think about it. Still, it was decently made episode and if there wouldn't be any episodes of this same plot, it would be a fair episode. "We've seen this before so many times", 3/10.

Episode 6: Homer and Lisa Exchange Crosswords
These Homer & Lisa bonding episodes just for some reason keep working season after season. There was heartfelt emotion in this one like in pretty much all other and I'd say this is a late classic. When Lisa breaks and becomes indifferent towards Homer she is really well characterized and voice acting is great. This episode could've done with more laughs, but at the very least it's extremely solid episode with good plot, pacing and characterizations. 6/10.

Episode 7: Mypods and Boomsticks
Well there was a bit Jerkass-Homer, but not outrageous extent and the subplot with Lisa failed spectacularly to hit it's potential. Overall it was a bit odd episode, Bashir's reaction to stranger just emerging from the bushes was odd to say the least. Still it had funny stuff in it, namely Bart's putting in a voiceover during Mobs' speech. Also Homer's interactions with imaginary Lenny were smile-inducing. That said it's nothing memorable, and I think that with this premise it should be, so only 4/10 for this one.

Episode 8: The Burns and The Bees
I'm quite indifferent towards this one. I really didn't laugh pretty much at all, I didn't hate anything in it, but I didn't particularly like anything either. It was solidly written and properly paced and I kept watching intently. So it did the job and got me entertained. But overall it was very forgettable episode. I guess it did well for the premise and like I said, I didn't hate it at all. Not even Lisa's bee-beard or Mr. Burns' miserable attempts of having fun. But yeah, let's give this 3/10 and be done with it.

Episode 9: Lisa the Drama Queen
I don't know.. It was quite a solid episode, even if I didn't care for that Juliet character. There was also times when the episode dragged, but overall it was a solid episode of Lisa's friendship with characterization's pretty much as they should've been. That said, I have problems with the way they ended the relationship. I don't think Lisa would have called her dear friend crazy, especially after she had just said something insightful ("The real world is for people who can't imagine anything better"). She was off-character at that moment, no other problems. Overall it drops as low as 3/10. It's an unique episode, I'll give it that.

Episode 10: Take My Life, Please
I was expecting the wrost when the overly long couch gag hit, but in the end this wasn't that bad. High Definition looks good after 400+ episodes of standard stuff. The storyline isn't too special and they used the stupid sauce plot device, but that is only small flaw. There isn't much great in this episode though. It's few good jokes and just about entertaining enough storyline. I rate it 4/10.

Episode 11: How the Test Was Won
A better episode than most of the dross we've seen so far. Neither of the plots promised that much, but both were well executed and therefore had plenty of laughs. I don't know though.. It's kind of weird when it's dumb kids making faces that is one of the episodes better jokes. Still, it was reasonable. Marge kissing Neagle was fucked up, but arousing nonetheless *Homer-drool*. I'll go for as high as 5/10 - it had it's problems, but it's memorable and certainly at least average.

Episode 12: No Loan Again, Naturally
This is an abysmal episode. Homer is at his worst self, somewhere beyond Jerkass and the family just let's him totally screw Flanders over. It wouldn't be that big of a problem, IF IT WEREN'T THE FUCKIN DRIVING FORCE OF THE PLOT! I groaned aloud a couple of times, especially when Crazy Cat Lady measured the window with cat's tongue. What the fuck is this shit? Only redeeming factor was that the moment when Flanders decided to buy the Simpsons house is kind of sweet, but it doesn't save this from getting a 1/10.

Episode 13: Gone Maggie Gone
Well, this is one of those episodes with different concepts that I was hoping for. The plot was... I don't know, out of this world. But I kind of liked it. There was some decent jokes as well, but I don't really like the idea of Maggie being the Chosen One or something. I mean she was already pretty bad-ass, she didn't need this. Story was intriguing and kept you in it's grip till the end. Kind of a hard episode to rate, but I'll go as high as 6/10 for this one.

Episode 14: In the Name of the Grandfather
This was mediocre. It was travelling episode with a bland storyline. I think it could've been interesting, had they executed the bar plot a bit better, but as it is it was just very dull and predictable. It wasn't groan-inducingly bad and there was some decent gags, but overall it just didn't get me fired up. Frankly the hot tub part of it was better than the rest of it. I rate it 2/10.

Episode 15: Wedding for Disaster
So Homer and Marge get married.. Again? I can't help but to think that they're slightly bereft of ideas. That said, the torturing twist made this episode unique and memorable, though it needed somewhat questionable characterization of Patty & Selma. Other than the torture, it was kind of bland again. Season Twenty has been collapse in quality. Mediocrity after mediocrity. The emotion just isn't there when you've seen Marge and Homer in similar endings dozens and dozens of times. Still, this wasn't bad, I rate this 4/10.

Episode 16: Eeny Teeny Maya Moe
One of the top episodes of, say last 50 episodes that has been made. It was sweet heartfelt plot for the character who was made for that kind of plot - Moe. Subplot has also some great emotion with it's fine conclusion. Maya was a great character, but I think she broke up with Moe too lightly. It would've been charming to have her as a recurring character, but then again Moe wouldn't be the same if he would be the sad lonely guy that he is. Humor was a tad lower than average on this one, but it doesn't matter as it's top class stuff. 7/10.

I'm now even with my record with four hours to go. I'm going crush my old record. I should as I've practically been watching Simpsons the whole 20 hours.

Episode 17: The Good, The Sad and The Drugly
Hell, this was actually very good! It's not the most original plot, it's practically "Bart's Friend Gets a Girlfriend" inverted, but it has an unique feel in it and it manages to surprise me at couple of spots. Lisa's plot was pretty much just a filler but it did induce at least couple of smiles. The main plot was down-to-earth and good character-driven action. It was well-made and pretty much flawless, but since it's nothing new it gets only 6/10.

That's the new record, 34 episodes. I'll grind a few episodes more though to leave some room to manuever for tomorrow.

Episode 18: Father Knows Worst
Again the same lesson Marge and Homer has gotten at least twice. It was executed averagely, and the humor wasn't very good. There was very little confict, for example when Homer pressured Lisa to seek popularity, you knew that it would end soon the way it ended. Only funny thing in the episode was Homer telling repeatedly that he wouldn't embarrass Bart at the same time he was doing it. In a good episode even that would've been just an average joke. Overall very mediocre outing which would not be bad, but after 400+ episodes of similar stuff, it just bores. 2/10.

Episode 19: Waverly Hills 9-0-2-1-D'oh
I didn't like this episode. It's hard to explain, it's not that bad once again. There's just something about the feel of the episode that puts me off. There's not a lot of fun jokes, premise isn't very interesting and there's some characterization trouble as well. Episode's best moment was Milhouse in the dumpster. It was just dull once again - not terrible, but just not really interesting. How many times have I said that same thing... There seems to be lot of these episodes. Anyway, 3/10.

Episode 20: Four Great Women and a Manicure
Why settle for three segments, when you can make four? I didn't like the feminist undertones, but I was glad to see something different once in a while. The Snow White segment was so blatant copying that you couldn't help but to smile. I loved how dwarves were going get high after work. The first segment was very forgettable, Macbeth segment had it's moments. Overall, it's nothing special, but it wouldn't be wrong to call this bad. I rate it 4/10.

Episode 21: Coming to Homerica
Again this didn't exactly capture my interest. It wasn't bad once again, but nothing that great either. There was some decent jokes, like Lisa liking milk and hugs but I don't know, I can't explain what was wrong with it for me. It jus was average I guess. Best jokes were smile-inducing, plot was acceptable but not brilliant, characterizations were proper but not inspiring and the ending was pretty bad. Overall, it's watchable, but nothing special. 3/10.

Overall Season Twenty was the worst season so far, being the first season so far to drop under average rating of four - it only got 3,95. While it's worst weren't for the most part as bad as in Scully era, but it had only one great episode, and even that had rating of 7. Scully era had much higher percentage of great episodes. Just solidly grinding mediocre episodes just doesn't do it.

If I remember correctly it just going to get worse in the next season. I'm still kind of surprised that the collapse was so distinct and sudden.

That's 38 episodes and I have still enough time to watch 2 more. I'm going to break the magic limit of 40!

Season Three 6.21
Season Four 6.18
Season Six 6.12
Season Seven 5.88
Season Fifteen 5.82
Season Five 5.73
Season Two 5.59
Season Seventeen 5.59
Season Eight 5.40
Season Thirteen 5.36
Season Nineteen 5.15
Season Sixteen 4.90
Season Nine 4.88
Season One 4.69
Season Fourteen 4.55
Season Eighteen 4.50
Season Twelve 4.29
Season Eleven 4.14
Season Ten 4.00
Season Twenty 3.95

Great episodes:
Season Seven 13 (52 %)
Season Six 12 (48 %)
Season Three 11 (46 %)
Season Four 10 (45 %)
Season Fifteen 9 (41 %)
Season Eight 9 (36 %)
Season Five 8 (36 %)
Season Two 7 (32 %)
Season Thirteen 6 (27 %)
Season Seventeen 6 (27 %)
Season Nine 6 (24 %)
Season Sixteen 5 (24 %)
Season One 3 (23 %)
Season Nineteen 4 (20 %)
Season Eighteen 3 (14 %)
Season Twelve 2 (10 %)
Season Fourteen 2 (9 %)
Season Eleven 2 (9 %)
Season Twenty 1 (5 %)
Season Ten 1 (4 %)

Season Nineteen - Episodes 4-20

Episode 4: I Don't Wanna Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
Pretty good, not great, but very watchable. The Dog Day Afternoon references were great and I think that Itchy & Scratchy was one of the best of those ever made. I just couldn't help but to laugh that muscled mess of a Scratchy. Characterizations were pretty good, though I was a bit frustrated why Marge didn't just visit the guy. I mean it seemed the easier way out, but at least her fears were understandable. Decent episode but not quite good enough for 6/10, this gets the 5/10 rating.

Episode 5: Treehouse of Horror XVIII
Pretty good Halloween special. First one was a decent segment, but I absolutely loved the second segment, if for nothing else than the sheer destruction and the double entendres in the end. Third one was decent too. Sure, the second segment divides opinions - it has no real plot, and it's not really halloweeny, but it's well made brainless action. There was decent gags in all of the segments. Still, this ranks among the worst THOH's, but it's still good which is testament to high quality of THOH's on average. 6/10.

Episode 6: Little Orphan Millie
Oh man.. I have love-hate relationship with this episode's Milhouse. The ratio for love-hate was in first viewing 30-70 but now it's more like 80-20 - I mean those lines he delivers... You just gotta love him. That said, what frustrates me is that I was a sad loner back in school (well, still am) and I was never popular. That said, I never said anything that cool. The episode itself was good, not excellent, just good. There was solid amount of humor and two good plots. That said, I had a little trouble with Bart's characterization at times. Also the episode really had potential to be a classic. Now it's merely very good. I rate it 6/10.

Episode 7: Husbands and Knives
Kind of a mixed bag again. There was some great jokes and plot was mostly okay, but it would've been nice if it wouldn't have gotten out of hand and that they would not have to had resorted to using the old "it was all a dream" -trick. Also, what's up with CBG-plot? What happened to him? It was like "Fuck him" after first act. Then there was the ridiculous ending. I actually loved Marge getting rich and Homer being worried about getting dumped, but it was just so weird how it all turned out. It's decent, I'll say that - 4/10 for the rating.

Episode 8: Funeral for a Friend
One of the weakest Sideshow-Bob episodes. The way in which Lisa or Bart deduce Bob's plot is usually somewhat unplausible, but this time it was such to an extent that it bothered me. Besides, for a Bob-episode the plot was quite weak - I though that the episode was going to be about commercials when that TiVo bit went on for so long. It's customary for Simpsons to start on a one plot and end on something completely different, but that was messed up. That said, it had some good jokes and it was watchable, so let's give it a rating of 3/10.

Episode 9: Eternal Moonshine of Simpson Mind
This is one of the lastest classics that has been made. To be honest, plot has pretty much far-fetched stuff, but when the concept is intriguing and jokes great, you'll accept almost anything. They really should do more episodes with these kind of unique concept, these take bad writing so much better than bad concepts. That's not to say that this had bad writing, but had it had it would've probably still been at least decent episode. But yeah, great concept, one good plotline that starts off right at the beginning and we have probably the best episode of the last three seasons in our hands. Joke bombardment was just continuos - my favorites we're Jasper muttering "my first beard" while using that memory machine, Homer's first kiss with Apu, Duffman saying "I'm doing your wife... She's going to be sore tomorrow" and Moe's faces in the video. It's rare to see so many jokes that are actually funny, not just smileworthy. Homer's life flashing before his eyes was done really well and it made one last second emotional impact for the episode. I'm tempted to give this a 9, but I've dished so few of those out that on the face of unplausibility of plot overall I'll drop it to 8/10. Still, amazing episode.

Episode 10: E. Pluribus Wiggum
Mmm, that's good satire! Well not really, but it was at least funny if not that subtle. Plot wandered a bit in the beginning, but when we got to Ralph it was pretty good stuff from there on. That's pretty much it, the I guess I have nothing much to say beyond that. The ending might've been incomplete, but I didn't mind, there really didn't have to be anything more. Seeing Ralph lose the election would've just been dissapointing and him winning would've been ridiculous, so leave it undecided, solid compromise. I rate this 6/10.

Episode 11: That 90's Show
Another great classic, makes me doubt the statements I just a moments ago wrote about the Moonshine-episode. This might've just edged it. This episode had everything: genuine emotion, great jokes (especially visual), amazingly well written plot and unique feel in the whole episode. Marge's design was lovely and her younger characterization was great, as was Homers. Of course continuity got pissed on hard, but they poked some jokes out of it ("90's? Never heard of it") and besides, there's never been that much continuity. I had some conflicting emotions, but overall the feeling "this is a great episode" overwhelmed all others. But yeah, people hate it. I think it's mostly continuity issues, they just can't let go of what is already established - but no matter how much I dissect it, I'd say every time it's at least good. So I'm going to disagree heavily with the mainstream, it's 8/10.

Episode 12: Love, Springfieldian Style
Another episode that people overall hated but I find kind of charming. First segment is probably the weakest, but it's good enough to keep me entertained. Second one is plotwise pretty bad, but I don't give damn because I'm admiring the animation for the whole duration of it. I don't know what is it with the third segment but I like it too. But c'mon, how many times Simpsons will parody that spaghetti-scene from Lady and the Tramp? Wraparound was mostly okay too, but overall it never soars higher than average. Still it's episode that I'd certainly feel like watching again for some reason. I won't go higher than 4/10 for rating, even I can see it's flaws even if I find all of it entertaining.

Episode 13: The Debarted
This was is more widely respected episode. Bart was characterized spot on and that Donny kid seemed like a good character. Plot was good and it had it's share of good jokes. There was a minor plot hole in terms of Willie's reaction to Bart's thank you, but I guess that can be shrugged off with Rule of Funny. That chase scene with the music goes on a tad too long for me, otherwise there wasn't much flaws. Overall it's a fun little episode, I give it 7/10.

Episode 14: Dial 'N' For Nerder
Gee, is Season Nineteen really this good? Another pretty damn good episode. Solid storyline, fun jokes and great characterization - I especially loved Lisa's evil side. The animation on that scene when she turns to dark side is great. The b-plot was decent as well. It contained one of the most messed-up (positively) scenes in whole series, Homer practically having sex with that piece of lamb meat. Hilarious stuff. Nelson was in an unorthodox but nonetheless great role as an investigator and they managed to trick a couple of jokes out of that "Well, enough burning ants." It's just terrific episode, 8/10.

Episode 15: Smoke on the Daughter
There's lot of good in this episode. Premise is not one of those things. I absolutely hate the idea of Lisa succumbing to peer pressure, and even more the idea of Lisa smoking. Combine those to and you have something that made me so dissapointed. Still, I guess that's better than indifference. Besides they did try to justify it with that old dream/hallucination scene that they always use. But even with bad premise it delivered a ton of great jokes. The start with Angelica Button-stuff with CBG getting owned by Lisa, CSI Miami bit (that screech always sets me off laughing), Homer moaning about how easy it is to get cigarettes and Bart rising from the laundry in an Apocalypse Now reference are just a few of the funniest scenes in this. So despite failure of a plot they really extracted maximum out of the setting. I also kind of liked the ballet instructor. 5/10 for this one.

Episode 16: Papa Don't Leech
This episode was ruined right after the first scene. I'm not going to even go into detail about Homer murdering Abe. It's not like it's the only problem of the episode. Homer was total jerk for the whole episode and Marge's characterization is also a bit off. Lurleen sounds like shit and his father, while despicable as intended, is very poorly written. Only redeeming factor for this episode is "Daddy's Special Pair". 1/10.

Episode 17: Apocalypse Cow
This was a nice episode, pretty much literally. It's fairly inoffensive without being bland. It's not very joke-heavy, but it's decent anyway. There's some emotion and a decent plot. Not really that much to say about this one, it's an enjoyable watch. The best joke was probably the manure turning into Pirates of the Caribbean III. 4/10 for rating.

Episode 18: Any Given Sundance
Pretty solid episode. Premise was interesting, though it has already been made by the Simpsons. That said it's not as used as say, marriage on the rocks plots. Besides, it's a rich vein, there's plenty of ideas to be taken. Chalmskin Productions got me laughing and Nelson's film was decent. There was also some great shots of Simpsons family life througout the episode. I especially loved the grim scene that ends with "Happy birthday, mom!". It was entertaining episode, but in the end it was just a recycled plot with decent jokes and somewhat weak conflict. Yet it somehow makes it to the rating 5/10.

Episode 19: Mona Leaves-a
And that's the end of that beautiful saga. Mona wasn't that prominent character ever, but she gave us some emotional moments throughout the series and her death was handled pretty well. They didn't have classless jokes like in her funeral in the previous Mona-episode. It's a simple plot that works well, but doesn't have that much laughs. That said this kind of episode probably wouldn't do with them anyway. The last act gets a bit out of hand. That said the ending montage with Mona-related memories does moisten your eye, and that's pretty cool. A little uneven episode, 5/10.

Episode 20: All About Lisa
This is a weird episode. Even if Lisa as a clown is as off-putting and out-of-character as there is, there's something that attracts me in this episode. Besides Lisa really does look cute as a clown. I guess it just was excellently made episode. Well-paced, enough jokes and engaging plot. Seeing Lisa as entertainer of the year put me off, but at the same time it got me interested how it was possible. B-plot had a boring premise, but they pulled it off. The best moment was Homer shouting "objection" in the auction. I'll have to rate this one 6/10. It's good, but it would've been great if there'd been any real reason for Lisa to overtake Krusty. As far as I know, Lisa isn't a comedian.

That concludes and excellent Season Nineteen, which was a big improvement from Season Eighteen. You have think that the movie's production caused some quality drop for the last season, at least you could claim that. Season Nineteen averaged 5,15 - not quite classic era quality, but still better than Season Nine. There were four great episodes, but that isn't too bad considering it was a shorter season than usual.

That's already 17 episodes today and it's not even noon yet. Record looking very possible (well, the fact is that I have to do record at least on other of the days).

Season Three 6.21
Season Four 6.18
Season Six 6.12
Season Seven 5.88
Season Fifteen 5.82
Season Five 5.73
Season Two 5.59
Season Seventeen 5.59
Season Eight 5.40
Season Thirteen 5.36
Season Nineteen 5.15
Season Sixteen 4.90
Season Nine 4.88
Season One 4.69
Season Fourteen 4.55
Season Eighteen 4.50
Season Twelve 4.29
Season Eleven 4.14
Season Ten 4.00

Great episodes:
Season Seven 13 (52 %)
Season Six 12 (48 %)
Season Three 11 (46 %)
Season Four 10 (45 %)
Season Fifteen 9 (41 %)
Season Eight 9 (36 %)
Season Five 8 (36 %)
Season Two 7 (32 %)
Season Thirteen 6 (27 %)
Season Seventeen 6 (27 %)
Season Nine 6 (24 %)
Season Sixteen 5 (24 %)
Season One 3 (23 %)
Season Nineteen 4 (20 %)
Season Eighteen 3 (14 %)
Season Twelve 2 (10 %)
Season Fourteen 2 (9 %)
Season Eleven 2 (9 %)
Season Ten 1 (4 %)

Season Nineteen - Episodes 1-3

Time to put in a few more episodes for today. Today I felt pretty overhelmed by the task I'm facing, but now it all starts to seem very manageable.

Episode 1: He Loves to Fly and He D'ohs
Well there goes my theory that rest of the episode pre-date the events of the movie - at least according to opening sequence which is filled with movie preferences. This felt very very flat, but I guess after movie anything would feel. It wasn't really bad, I can see that - plot was fairly solid and there was good plots, but it had nothing to really make you think it's good. When opening credits is the highlight of the show, episode can't be very good. 3/10 for this one.

Episode 2: Homer of Seville
A bit of a same category as previous episode. Fair plot, decent humor, but really not that interesting. Still, it was a bit better episode. Humor was better and pacing solid and fast, which kept my interest despite the premise didn't really excite me. That said, I think that the stalker was a bit mediocre plot device. The ending's Homer painting at the ceiling was ridiculous. 4/10.

Episode 3: Midnight Towboy
Final episode for tonight, I'll catch some soccer for a change. This was decent episode. There was solid plotline, lots of good Maggie, and some funny stuff. Marge on the internet was brilliant in a realistic way and I loved those Maggie-western scenes. Not to forget "Mr. T Is Lion King", another great joke. Despite pretty good jokes the plot didn't have that much power and it dragged at times so much that I can't go higher than 5/10 for this.

That leaves 62 episodes for the last two days. Kind of close considering I have other things to do as well, but I'll go for it. Tomorrow is record time again.

The Simpsons Movie Review

So, I've finally watched it. It was great, but obviously I was going to love it as a Simpsons Junkie. It was such an overdose that I'm still high. Anyway, I'm going try to use as much objectivity as possible for this review. It would've been a top-notch episode if it would be rated as an episode. That said it had 85 minutes time to have it's impact so it should have stricter rating system.

Let's start dissecting the movie with the writing; those hundred rewrites showed, it was really well-written. It's nothing genious, but they've really put in the work for every detail. Animation was amazing, but with a budget of 75 million dollars that's the least you could expect.

I loved how it was clearly different from any episode. There's more action and OFF is taken a long way from Springfield. It wasn't a Simpsons episode, it was a whole different entity, and for that I'm glad. It still stayed very true for the series, having characters well characterized and giving some meta-jokes for us hardcore fans. There was probably a bunch of those I didn't even notice.

Jokes, yeah, about those... They were decent. There has been funnier episodes than this whole movie was, but it was still decent. Jokes were well written and there was a few worth having a laugh and bunch of smileworthy.

I'm fine with most of the plot. The final solution was perhaps a bit ridiculous, but it's Simpsons, that kind of stuff happens. What's most important is that it didn't feel like a cop-out. It was something established earlier in the movie and it worked. Bart - Flanders relation struck me as bit odd, but it was pulled off well and it didn't bother me, like it could've. Lisa's characterization in her romance was charming, but I hoped some kind closure for that plot - I mean we've never seen Colin since the movie so I was sure they'd break up. Then again, this might be after any of the episodes if it were on some kind of timeline. Alright, time to stop nerding about that.

The mainplot was great stuff and it peaked with a good, emotional moment when Homer watched the video. It was very near the best emotional moments of the series.

Music was okay. It didn't really stand out anywhere, it was just a solid score. It compliments the action well. The Simpsons isn't really even kind of movie where you'd hope music takes any bigger role.

Oh yeah, and voice acting - that was great.

Finally I loved that they gave you something to watch over the credits as well.

Overall, I'd say that it was a good movie. Pretty much flawless, but it could've used more time and explored a little more on the subplots. It also had some disjointedness due to the multiple perspectives, but it still remained easy to watch. Especially since the animation was gorgeous. Before I become repetitive, it gets the four stars out of five. It leaves room for improvement, but doesn't have much to complain about.

That's it, folks. Now time to move onto the Season Nineteen. I feel pumped because of that movie, which is nice.

maanantai 27. syyskuuta 2010

Season Eighteen Episodes 8-22

Episode 8: The Haw-Hawed Couple
A great episode. It was funny yet it had some genuine emotion too. Funniest moment of the episode was the alternate ending Homer came up for the novel. Also Lisa going Haw-haw in the bus was nice subversion. Nelson & Bart plot was solid, it had some laughs and it kept unpredictable in the end. Nothing too special, but not bad. Characterizations were near-perfection for the whole family and episode had time for every family member without feeling that it was all over the place. Overall it was top-notch stuff and deserves easily 8/10.

Episode 9: Kill Gil (Volumes 1 & 2)
Bit of a dissapointment for a holiday episode, but this wasn't still completely out of laugs. Premise was fair, just not executed very well and Gil, who is a great background character, proved that he don't really have the depth or charisma to be in a central role in any episode. "What the hell is this thing?" from Homer in the bar after killing the grinch was hilarious though. That alone is enough to lift it no near decency, 3/10.

Episode 10: The Wife Aquatic
Quite a miserable episode. Plot was more or less of a mess and it never had the emotional impact it was intended to have. They concentrated on wrong things like the that music motif instead of building solid plot with interesting characters. That said, I'm not saying that the plot was terrible, but it wasn't anything special. Besides, Yum yum fish? I gotta say that I'd feel pretty stupid for coming up with something like that. It doesn't even have camp-value. It's not completely atrouchious, but very forgettable. 2/10.

Episode 11: Revenge Is A Dish Best Served Three Times
I amazingly didn't remember practically anything about this episode. Usually at some point I've gotten "oh this is that episode", but now only parts that got something ringing in my was the ending of first segment. I'm amazed because it wasn't that bad episode of this type. Certainly the segments weren't that forgettable even. The first and third were plotwise pretty straightforward knock-offs of the original stories and the second segment was fairly forgettable. Humorwise first and second were a bit weak, but the third one was excellent, especially on sight gags. You gotta love Poison Lenny. Even if lacking in humor the first segment was pretty equal of the third, for what it lost in humor it got back in good ominous atmosphere and it got me into the mood of revenge as well. Overall.. Hell I don't know, I've got so mixed feelings of these. I can't believe I didn't remember these from the first viewing. 5/10.

Episode 12: Little Big Girl
Meh. Lisa's plot was fairly useless. Everybody knew how it was going to end and the story-telling in it was hardly inspiring. Bart getting married was pretty far-fetched overall, but I don't mind that kind of stuff too much. It was okay, but nothing special. It had great line in the end when Bart complimented that Homer will be a good dad someday too. This wasn't really bad, but it wasn't too good either. Still I'm going to be generous and give it 4/10.

Episode 13: Springfield Up
Different kind of episode and pretty good as such. The whole concept was interesting and it worked out very well. There could've been a bit more emphasis on the other character than the Simpsons as we already knew their history quite well. There was lot of good stuff - young Lenny at the start, Cat Lady's origin and Disco Stu just to mention the most important ones. It dragged a bit at times and ending was badly paced, but it didn't ruin the episode. It definitely goes to the great-category, so 7/10 it is.

Episode 14: Yokel Chords
Again kind of a mixed bag. There was some great animation and stuff in the Dark Stanley-bits and overall I'd say Bart's subplot is lot more interesting than Lisa & hillbillies -plot. There's some decent songs in that but to be honest I didn't care about it that much. It wasn't bad again, it just wasn't that interesting. Good b-plot brings this up to 4/10.

Episode 15: Rome-old and Juli-eh
Same kind of deal as with the last episode - great side plot, but the main plot leaves much room for improvement. Abe & Selma is very far-fetched to begin with and it never elevates really to anything nor it comedic potential gets used. Bart & Lisa subplot with the boxes on the other hand was simple but brilliant. I happen to have rewatched the whole LOTR trilogy just this month (yeah I've watched a lot of stuff this month come to think of it) so the battle scene was even more effective. Still on a whole it doesn't deserve anything higher than 4/10.

Episode 16: Homerazzi
I guess there was nothing wrong with this episode. There's some clever lines, good jokes and a solid plot with an okay characterizations. Nearly everything worked out and flaws were kept to a minimum. Still it lacks that certain something to really be a great episode. I liked how they kept the whole episode focused on just the main plot, I'd wish more episodes (and more series) would do that. Overall it was very good execution of good premise, 6/10.

Episode 17: Marge Gamer
I didn't care for this episode too much. Both plots seemed a little too unplausible as a gamer and as a football fanatic. I just didn't find that many jokes funny and I think Lisa wouldn't have been so stupid to get angry at Homer for just following the rules. Mainplot was okay, nothing special especially since the theme has already been explore. There was some funny lines in the subplot too, but to be honest I just don't find most soccer jokes that funny. That said, this is very watchable episode and I'll give it 4/10.

Episode 18: The Boys of Bummer
Another quite mediocre episode. Mainplot with Bart wasn't that entertaining for me. It isn't badly made, characterizations are pretty much okay, but the whole premise just doesn't exactly attract greatness. Watching Bart fail so spectacularly isn't that funny really. The mattress subplot was okay, I guess. There was some good jokes like that homeless guy squeezing Homer's fat and stuff. I rate this 3/10.

Episode 19: Crook and Ladder
Plot was a bit of a mess. It was very late in the episode when Homer became a fireman, or even that element was introduced. Makes kind of hard to pinpoint what the episode was actually about. That said it worked surprisingly well and there was some funny jokes. Maggie was great going on her rampage at the beginning. Overall, it's not bad, but it's not that great either. 4/10.

Episode 20: Stop or My Dog Will Shoot
Ugh. That was pretty bad. I was bored out of my mind. There was some jokes that were funny in the first viewing but didn't work anymore - for example that paperclip joke was absolutely great but had lost it's power. Though if I remember correctly that joke was recycled later anyway, so it's little wonder. Homer acting like a dog was probably the funniest bit and it wasn't that funny. I didn't really care for the main plot and it was a problem. There was some jokes that would've worked better if there was an interesting plot, that can turn mediocre jokes into acceptable ones. As it is, it's an episode that comes close to being decent, but just can't cut it in the end. 2/10.

Episode 21: 24 Minutes
A great episode, definitely a classic already. Animation is brilliant, direction excellent, there's a thrilling plot and great characterizations, especially Bart's. Besides it's damn funny! I don't think there's anything else really that needs to be said about this. I loved every part of the plot - Homer and Mihouse going around in a dumpster, Bart being a tough guy, yet showing some of his own antics like pranking Jack Bauer and Marge kicking Helen's ass. All of the plots intertwined in the end - it was great stuff. There was something that I didn't like, but I forgot what it was. 8/10.

Episode 22: You Kent Always Say What You Want
Meh. It's not bad again, but it's nothing special. There was some funny moments like the swear word Kent said, Flanders watching videos and the end's Fox stuff, but they just make get this up to average. While ending was funny it was also abrupt. I rate this 4/10. Kind of a dissapointment for 400th episode though.

That was overall a little mediocre season. Lots of bad and only average episodes. I didn't sunk as low as Scully era, but it's low point of Jean era so far. Average was 4,50 with only three episodes that can be considered great. It's fourth worst season so far.

Season Three 6.21
Season Four 6.18
Season Six 6.12
Season Seven 5.88
Season Fifteen 5.82
Season Five 5.73
Season Two 5.59
Season Seventeen 5.59
Season Eight 5.40
Season Thirteen 5.36
Season Sixteen 4.90
Season Nine 4.88
Season One 4.69
Season Fourteen 4.55
Season Eighteen 4.50
Season Twelve 4.29
Season Eleven 4.14
Season Ten 4.00

Great episodes:
Season Seven 13 (52 %)
Season Six 12 (48 %)
Season Three 11 (46 %)
Season Four 10 (45 %)
Season Fifteen 9 (41 %)
Season Eight 9 (36 %)
Season Five 8 (36 %)
Season Two 7 (32 %)
Season Thirteen 6 (27 %)
Season Seventeen 6 (27 %)
Season Nine 6 (24 %)
Season Sixteen 5 (24 %)
Season One 3 (23 %)
Season Eighteen 3 (14 %)
Season Twelve 2 (10 %)
Season Fourteen 2 (9 %)
Season Eleven 2 (9 %)
Season Ten 1 (4 %)

That's 14 episodes today so far - 65 episodes + movie to go! 56 hours left in the month. Kind of close..

Season Eighteen - Episodes 1-7

Episode 1: The Monk, The Chef, The Wife And Her Homer
Pretty good start for the eighteent season. This is one of the newest episodes I've seen on TV back when I still was a casual viewer. I guess I've seen this when it premiered in Finland, as it's so new episode. I always used to think of this as an older episode, namely because of Godfather references, but I guess that isn't nowadays any indicative of when it's made. Anyway, plot was good, Michael was interesting character and there was nice subversion of Godfather's set-up. There was parts that dragged on too long and Metallica's appearance was forced, but other than that I didn't mind much. Homer and Bart laughing madly with weapons in their hands was a great gag. The episode is good enough for 5/10. You can't go much wrong copying Godfather.

Episode 2: Jazzy and the Pussycats
Another okay episode. It had some flaws, but it was entertaining and had nothing glaringly bad. Lisa's plot emerged kind of out of nowhere, there was really no reason given, it just happened and replaced her jazz-dreams. Kind of out-of-character to give up so easily, but then again, she would care about those animals too. That said, I think that animal plot would've worked better as an invidual episode and they'd been better off concentrating on her jealousy in this one. That said it was done in the name of good ending twist that enabled Bart to give the proceeds of benefit concert for Lisa. I guess this is another 5/10.

Episode 3: Please Homer Don't Hammer' Em
It's basically an okay episode, but there's some bad characterization which makes it feel really forced. If Marge was so hell-bent on having the credit why didn't she just emerge when the job was done from that closet where she was? Also there was some out-of-character jerkass lines from both Marge and Homer, especially in the third act. The subplot was decent, but there wasn't really that much going on in it either. I rate this 3/10 despite characterization troubles. Watchable, but forgettable.

That's 27 episodes today. I have time only to do 4 more today. Rats. I kind of hoped for more, but still it's okay and I'll certainly make a new record.

Episode 4: Treehouse of Horror XVII
Well these are always decent, but as THOH's go, this continues the decline. The Blob was probably the best of the segments, the Golem one was decent and memorable, but it has something quite offputting and it wasn't that funny. Third one was the worst, but it had decent humor. This gets the 5/10, but barely. Probably the worst THOH at this point.

Episode 5: G. I. (Annoyed Grunt)
Mkay.. That was crazy. Wackiest episode we've seen in a while, I almost had forgotten that these existed. Plot really got out of hand. I thought that the helicopter scene was hitting the bottom but it went on long enough to turn funny in it's absurdity. Other than that I really didn't care for this episode. It relies just on characters acting crazy to make things happen. But it had some humor, enough to avoid bottom rating. 2/10.

That's 29 episodes. I have an hour, so it mean I'll do new record by two episodes. Too bad I can't have an off-day tomorrow, but we luckily have only three full seasons to go. By the way, new episode airs today in USA, I'll be watching that one too, but not rating as I'm following my two viewing rule (except for the movie)

Episode 6: Moe N' A Lisa
For an episode about Moe and Lisa you would've expected more. It had some emotional impact in the end, but it should've had more to compensate for lack of good jokes. However, plot was very good and everyone was in-character. It was very predictable though. I don't know. I'll rate it 5/10 despite all it's problems. In it's core it was a solid, emotional plot and even lack of jokes and predictability doesn't ruin that.

Episode 7: Ice Cream of Margie (With the Light Blue Hair)
There was a hint of marriage on the rocks in this episode as well, but it was only a footnote and besides, it was handled well. Still, I don't know if it is the fact that I'm jaded or what but I wasn't all that crazy about this episode. Plot was pretty solid and there were lot of funny gags, even if not very memorable ones. Oprah (or "Opal") opening her mouth was hilarious. The part with sad Homer in the end was pretty emotional and overall the episode had me feeling pretty good for the most part, but when Homer wrecked everything it was a big downer. Homer wrecks Marge's hard work and gets a statue as a reward? No wonder the end left me disillusioned. But for the most part it was solid and I can't really go lower than 6/10 for this.

Oh wait. I just realized I've calculated the total amount of today's episodes wrong. I watched 4 episodes of Season Sixteen, then 22 for whole Season Seventeen and now these seven. That's whopping 33 episodes! Crushing new record!

That means I've watched 385 episodes. 79 episodes to watch + the one which airs today + movie. Meaning still nearly 27 episodes / day... Ugghhh.. If you count the movie as 6 episodes, that's nearly 29 episodes. I'll aim for that tomorrow.

sunnuntai 26. syyskuuta 2010

Season Seventeen - Episodes 1-22

Episode 1: Bonfire of the Manatees
I don't know.. I think any episode revolving around manatees is questionable at best. There's your old marriage on the rocks -plot. We get a few good jokes out of it before Homer's for some reason has to save manatees to "win Marge back". I don't know about you but feels very contrived to me. Add to the mix the cliché "I haven't ever seen mom so angry" that the kids seem to spout in every this type episode nowadays and you've got this episode. Of course they had to draw the obvious comparison between Homer and manatee. I don't hate this like I hated during the first viewing, it does have enough good jokes to keep it interesting, but still, you kind of hoped for better season premiere. 3/10.

Episode 2: The Girl Who Slept Too Little
This is an okay episode. There's some good animation and the plot is interesting enough. Jokes work for the most part, but there's some parts that leave questions into air, like what's up with Willie and that grave digger guy? Lisa's characterization is brilliant - she perceives herself as an intelligent girl, but can't escape the fact that she's eight years old and has (ir?)rational fear of that cemetery. There was no real flaws in this episode and since it was solid stuff for the most part, I'm going for 6/10.

Episode 3: Milhouse of Sand and Fog
Okay.. This episode was a bit unfocused, but it's still pretty good. First it concentrates on Milhouse's parents getting back together and the conflict there seems really forced. I guess the writers noticed that too so they decided to twist everything and have the ending to be another marriage on the rocks plot. Milhouse is in his top form on this one, providing us with many funny gags. I especially loved when Milhouse realized that he was "already running". Overall it's a good episode, probably worthy of another 6/10.

Episode 4: Treehouse of Horror XVI
Another year, another halloween special. This one was probably the worst to date of it's airing. All segments are average at best, there's some laughs bot not as much as we've used to. First segment was forgettable at best despite having probably the best premise. The second one was the most interesting, but even it isn't that special and I think it could've been done even better. Third segment had some good visual gags, but not much happened in it. Low end of THOH's, 5/10.

Episode 5: Marge's Son Poisoning
Kind of average episode, even if Bart and Marge bonding is kind of sweet to see. It still comes of as a bit heavy-handed. That said, plot is decent and there's nothing wrong with characterizations. There's also some good jokes, though it's not exactly a laughfest. Not that much in the way of flaws, but it's really nothing that special either. Homer-subplot was a bit pointless, but entertaining nonetheless. What really brings this episode up though is the emotional impact - even if we're nowhere near the levels of classic era - or even the best postclassics, it's still has some good emotion. "My Sharona" at the end was atrouchious though. Solid 5/10 for this one.

Episode 6: See Homer Run
This episode is a mess... Yet it somehow still works. It starts out with Lisa getting upset when Homer doesn't care for her present (which was sweet by the way). So how does Homer decide to win her back? By becoming safety salamander. Who comes up with this shit? I couldn't have come up with anything near as lame as that even if I tried. Then out of the blue the election-plot comes into play. I thought that they we're just artificially streching the episode and that might've been the case, but at least they managed to attach it to the main plot of the episode in the end. Still, there's some good jokes and great Lisa & Homer bonding in the end. Overall it's surprisingly good for all of it flaws, 6/10.

Episode 7: The Last Of The Red Hat Mamas
Fairly good episode once again. Main plot was relatively interesting despite being Marge-centered and it did provide us with some decent laughs. Subplot with Milhouse and Lisa was surreal and completely out-of-character, but damn it was funny as well. So I guess the retconning was acceptable there. B-plot could've done with more exposition and the A-plot was streched too much, meaning that it dragged at times. Small improvement would've made this very good, now it's just decent. 4/10.

Episode 8: The Italian Bob
A combination of holiday episode and Sideshow Bob episode. There's some good jokes and overall the plot is fine. Lisa as drunk is funny and and the finale was the highlight of the episode. That kid, Gino was annoying as hell though. Also the end song was great. So overall and in short this episode was a bit of a mixed bag. I rate it 4/10. It's memorable with a few good jokes and great ending, but other than that it's nothing special. Book of criminals was a great joke though.

Episode 9: Simpsons Christmas Stories
Solid if unspectacular christmas episode. First story was a safe bet, traditional and well made. Second segment.. I didn't care for that too much, it didn't feel very christmassy. Finally the third segment with the song was okay, but nothing too special. Still Marge's gift to Homer in the end was kind of sweet. It's not bad, but it's nothing especially memorable either. 4/10.

Episode 10: Homer's Paternity Coot
This episode's plot is some kind of sitcom staple, so it's not the most original story, but the twist ending makes it all worthwhile. Besides there's fun stuff and some decent emotion along the way as well. The part with Grampa & Family bar Homer and the fan was sheer brilliance in all of it's simplicity. Very solid episode overall, there's only couple of slower moments that drop it to 5/10.

Episode 11: We're on the Road to D'ohwhere
Very abtrupt ending... I like it. Overall it was a good episode. A basic working plot along with decent characterizations and fair amount of good humor is all that is needed. Murderous/Nice Homer at the edge of the cliff was classic stuff. Kind of a late classic, this episode. I'll give it 7/10.

Episode 12: My Fair Laddy
This was a very good episode. Premise is certainly interesting and I loved the bombardment-bit at the start, especially Bart's expression when he was about to go berserk with the frozen ball. Willie plot wasn't as interesting but that's not to say that it was boring. Homer's subplot was a bit pointless. Blue pants commercial however was hilarious and made it all worthwhile. Episode's premise had enough power to be a decent episode even with bad execution, but it was never going to be up there with the best. It's great though, so I'll rate it 7/10

Episode 13: The Seemingly Neverending Story
A very strong episode. Plot is great despite being mostly Macguffin-driven and the story inside a story concept taken to ridiculous proportions was great idea. For a 20-minute show it manages to build amazingly big web of conflicts which gets solved right at the climax. Finishing it off in a way that it turned out to be story that Bart was telling all along was a great way to finish an episode. Even that Rich Texan guy somehow managed not to annoy despite given plenty of screentime. Humor-wise it was at decent level A very good episode, 8/10.

Episode 14: Bart Has Two Mommies
The ape plot was a little silly, but overall it was a good episode filled with fun jokes and revolving around a worthy theme. It really had a good message about parenting to convey. Besides, "Mrs. Simpsons made me gay!" is among the best endings there is. It's kind of hard episode to rate, as there's the obvious flaws, much more of them than in your average good episode, but the high points are among the greats. Still I probably can't go higher than 6/10 for this.

Episode 15: Homer Simpson, This Is Your Wife
Very solid episode. Gervais put in a great performance, Charlie was a great character - love him or hate him. Some good satire in it and good jokes were plentiful, though I think that Homer's side of the story could've been explored a little more. Still it's extremely solid outing, but it still isn't anything that special so I can't go higher than 6/10 for this.

Episode 16: Million Dollar Abie
A decent episode. One of the better Grampa-episodes. It could've done with a lot more laughs, but the plot in itself was fairly solid. The first half of the episode was certainly the funnier one, after that it became more about Abe. The moral dilemma with Lisa was introduced late but I don't think it could've sustained that much anyway, so I'm fine with that. Solid middle of the road episode, 5/10. I didn't like the ending though. "Old Man Beats Meat" was so nasty headline that I couldn't help but to laugh.

Episode 17: Kiss Kiss, Bang Bangalore
Two great premises executed well, gotta love this. I can't believe they took this long to have a plotline involving MacGyver, Patty & Selma. It was obvious concept that would totally work regardless of the execution. Homer going to India was solid stuff, until he turned god. At the Apocalypse Now-reference it turned downright awesome. Very fun episode overall, I rate it 6/10.

Episode 18: Wettest Stories Ever Told
Quite average three-segment episode. Third segment was probably the best, followed tightly by first and second, but it's really hard to make any difference. They're al decentish, but nothing special. Wraparound story was kind of unneeded since it wasn't resolved and it only took time from the segments without really adding anything. I enjoyed the song in the last segment, otherwise there really weren't any standout moments. It gets 4/10.

Episode 19: Girls Just Want to Have Sums
Not only the best of the season, but best for a quite a while. Everything clicks here - great theme with good message to convey, good plot, great characterizations and plenty of good jokes. I & S musical was great, though it perhaps went on a little bit too long. Lisa trying to fit in as a boy was just a goldmine of good material and it was satisfying to see her succeed in the end. Nelson's gun drawings and Lisa-Milhouse interactions were top stuff and "Toilet" felt natural nickname for "Jake". Not to mention "27!" Also Homer trying to get himself out of trouble had some brilliant lines. Great stuff, 9/10. Very funny episode and one of the best set-ups in Simpsons history. Perhaps just personal favoritism, but whatever.

Episode 20: Regarding Margie
Another pretty damn good episode. They managed to find a new angle on the old marriage on the rocks plot which made it very interesting, even if it is idea that is used a lot.. Everyone was characterized spot on and there was enough funny stuff as usual. Also chalkboard gag deserves a mention, it was the first reference to movie that would premiere over a year later from this episode's airing. I liked this, very solid stuff and deserving of 7/10. Perhaps there was potential that were left untapped, but not too much anyway.

Episode 21: The Monkey Suit
This was a pretty good episode and decent take on the evolution issue. It had ton of good jokes. Nelson popping up disguised as Milhouse and Rod was great gag, as was Little Moe Szyslak. Plot was fine though at times predictable and characterizations worked for the most part. Some might have problem with Lisa, but I think this reasonable amount of skepticism is acceptable, especially since she's not trying to piss on anyone's beliefs. I also loved the shot were Bart runs in the street and tree's turn yellow and red just behind him. It's pretty easy to rate this highly, 7/10.

Episode 22: Marge and Homer Turn a Couple Play
This is an okay episode, but nothing special. For once it's someone else's marriage on the rocks, but still, they could do with more diversity in the episode themes. There was some nice visuals at least if it was a little lower on laughs. It was entertaining though so I'm not complaining. Just nothing special and very ordinary. 3/10, a little weak for a season finale, but it wasn't horrible.

26 episodes today watched and still 4 hours to go. I'll easily pass the 30 episode mark today.

Season Seventeen was surprisingly solid. I recalibrated my ratings a moment just know, it got even higher average overall but I'm pretty sure I was generous so I dropped a couple of ratings. Still the average soared as high as 5,59. So that's among the classic seasons in quality. Six great episodes, which was a solid number. I liked this season overall, but what it really stood out for was consistency - there was practically none terrible episodes. It just grinded away those 5's and 6's while never dropping under 3 on any episode. Good shit.

Season Three 6.21
Season Four 6.18
Season Six 6.12
Season Seven 5.88
Season Fifteen 5.82
Season Five 5.73
Season Two 5.59
Season Seventeen 5.59
Season Eight 5.40
Season Thirteen 5.36
Season Sixteen 4.90
Season Nine 4.88
Season One 4.69
Season Fourteen 4.55
Season Twelve 4.29
Season Eleven 4.14
Season Ten 4.00

Great episodes:
Season Seven 13 (52 %)
Season Six 12 (48 %)
Season Three 11 (46 %)
Season Four 10 (45 %)
Season Fifteen 9 (41 %)
Season Eight 9 (36 %)
Season Five 8 (36 %)
Season Two 7 (32 %)
Season Thirteen 6 (27 %)
Season Seventeen 6 (27 %)
Season Nine 6 (24 %)
Season Sixteen 5 (24 %)
Season One 3 (23 %)
Season Twelve 2 (10 %)
Season Fourteen 2 (9 %)
Season Eleven 2 (9 %)
Season Ten 1 (4 %)