maanantai 22. marraskuuta 2010

Season 22, Episode 6 - First Impressions

Well, this sucked. I think the idea was fair, but that's not opinion shared by everyman. At least I say that it could've resulted in a decent episode, if executed well. Which it wasn't. It was basically just a shitty gagfest in which almost nothing worked. The best jokes, like the tv executives, shots at the Simpsons Movie and some other joke that I've forgotten now were barely smile-inducing. The plot was a mess and it was really cartoony, in a bad way. I know this is a comedy show, but there used to be a time when I could've taken the events on the screen seriously, instead of just groaning at Mr. Burns bouncing around and then randomly becoming E. T. (though I kind of liked that). Oh yeah, Dick Cheney, that was the third joke I was looking for. But South Park made Cheney way funnier. So all-in-all, bad shit, almost as bad as Elemetary School Musical

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