sunnuntai 14. marraskuuta 2010

Season 22, Episode 5 - First Impressions

I know I shouldn't get excited about the new episodes, but I can't help myself. There really isn't much to wait, but I guess it just tells about how much I love the show that I can't help but to get excited even when I know that it's probably going to be dross. We'll see (I wrote this prior to watching episode)

And the episode was surprisingly good, at least by today's standards. Gagwise it was a mix of good and bad ones, but the plot was fairly solid, a bit aimless at times, but it worked. Lisa was characterized better than usual, but I thought abandoning jazz because of studies was completely unrealistic for her. Bart and Nelson subplot was decent and not overstreched luckily, couple of more of those gags and it would've grown tiresome. Nothing epic or special, but solidly made episode that in a dreamworld would be the minimum-standard for Simpsons episodes. Best of the season so far. It managed to live up to my excitement.

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