tiistai 30. marraskuuta 2010

Season 22, Episode 7 - First Impressions

I really didn't care much for the plot, but I just kept smiling for long periods in the episode. There was plenty of okay humor, especially Homer for the most part was funny in this one. That said, there were some jokes that definitely didn't work for me at all, like Chalmers "doing it" with Edna. I just felt bad for Skinner. There was a lot of cliché moments like Bart's early attempt to leave the bird. I kept waiting they'd do something unexpected with that, but it never happened. After all there was zero emotional load in that scene, so you would've expected at least some gag on it. I think they could've just had Bart say "No way I'm getting rid of this bird now" instead of writing useless scene like that. But they just like to waste time a lot nowadays. After the episode turned focus on Santa's Little Helper I really didn't care for it at all anymore. Most of the fourth act was just random. I also think that the bird opening his eyes was the perfect moment to end the episode, instead of actually showing it attack the Simpsons.

I feel that with an okay plot and less filler it could've been a good one. Couch gag had me groaning "oh no, they're making a long one again", but it wasn't too long after all and the concept was interesting.

All in all good humor, useless plot and lot of filler combining to make mediocre episode.

maanantai 22. marraskuuta 2010

Season 22, Episode 6 - First Impressions

Well, this sucked. I think the idea was fair, but that's not opinion shared by everyman. At least I say that it could've resulted in a decent episode, if executed well. Which it wasn't. It was basically just a shitty gagfest in which almost nothing worked. The best jokes, like the tv executives, shots at the Simpsons Movie and some other joke that I've forgotten now were barely smile-inducing. The plot was a mess and it was really cartoony, in a bad way. I know this is a comedy show, but there used to be a time when I could've taken the events on the screen seriously, instead of just groaning at Mr. Burns bouncing around and then randomly becoming E. T. (though I kind of liked that). Oh yeah, Dick Cheney, that was the third joke I was looking for. But South Park made Cheney way funnier. So all-in-all, bad shit, almost as bad as Elemetary School Musical

sunnuntai 14. marraskuuta 2010

Season 22, Episode 5 - First Impressions

I know I shouldn't get excited about the new episodes, but I can't help myself. There really isn't much to wait, but I guess it just tells about how much I love the show that I can't help but to get excited even when I know that it's probably going to be dross. We'll see (I wrote this prior to watching episode)

And the episode was surprisingly good, at least by today's standards. Gagwise it was a mix of good and bad ones, but the plot was fairly solid, a bit aimless at times, but it worked. Lisa was characterized better than usual, but I thought abandoning jazz because of studies was completely unrealistic for her. Bart and Nelson subplot was decent and not overstreched luckily, couple of more of those gags and it would've grown tiresome. Nothing epic or special, but solidly made episode that in a dreamworld would be the minimum-standard for Simpsons episodes. Best of the season so far. It managed to live up to my excitement.

maanantai 8. marraskuuta 2010

Season Twentytwo, Episode Four - First Impressions

The first segment was mess. Which is a shame, because the concept had some potential. The second segment was the best. There wasn't very good of a plot again, but at least the random radio-joke was good and Homer's cellphone sounds amusing even if seen before. Blatant Marge fanservice here, but that's not a bad thing. Frankly I didn't get the ending because I haven't seen Clockwork Orange yet. I guess I'll pluck that hole very soon. The third segment was just uninspired. I didn't really get why should I laugh at any of the stuff in it. Mediocre overall.

In the context of just watching all the THOH's prior to this it was terrible. But at least first and third segments weren't offensively bad, just among the worst and the second hardly would make it in the average segments.