perjantai 21. toukokuuta 2010

Seasonal Ranking

Found this seasonal ranking from It's compiled with the averages of public ratings for the episodes.

4 - 4.463
5 - 4.396
3 - 4.381
6 - 4.334
7 - 4.327
8 - 4.319
2 - 4.213
9 - 3.858
16 - 3.718
1 - 3.717
15 - 3.699
14 - 3.581
17 - 3.580
13 - 3.517
18 - 3.484
20 - 3.457
19 - 3.415
21 - 3.340
10 - 3.321
12 - 3.230
11 - 3.033

It seems to support my observation that around 10-12 seasons there were slight dip in form and now while in 13th season there has been improvement again. Seasons 2-8 seem to be a class of their own, though. It'll be fun in few months to compare my chart with this, we'll see how much I disagree with the public.

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