lauantai 29. toukokuuta 2010

Finished Fourteenth Season

Another great season of the Simpsons seen. My pace has dropped a bit but I'll try to pick it up. Fourteenth season was good and if the ratings I posted have any truth in them, show will keep improving till season sixteen until there will be next dip in quality. Season Fourteen ended with a real classic in form of Moe's Baby Blues.

We've also entered into an area beyond what I've seen. My most active season watching Simpsons was seasons 11-13, ie. the shows probably worst period. Yet I still liked it very much back then (I didn't watch much tv on the whole so that's why I didn't watch even the Simpsons too much).

But about my watching pace again.. When I started this blog 2nd of May I was in the seventh season, now I finished 14th season so seven seasons in 27 days. There's still seven seasons to go so it looks as if it's going to take another month before I can start all over again and start posting the reviews.

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