torstai 20. toukokuuta 2010

No Real Decline

I'm now near halfway of the thirteenth season and to be honest, I have not noticed yet any real decline in the series. There's still eight seasons time for that, but so far it's been great stuff. There was a slight dip around 11-12th seasons, but it was nothing drastic as the quality episodes still come in good numbers and the episodes that you can honestly call bad are still countable with one hand's fingers.

In other words, it's great stuff. The seasonal rot has so far been minimal, but I'd expect it to come. It's obviously hard to keep up good quality after so many years, coming up with new ideas that haven't yet been done. Though like I've said before, if you can't think of anything good, just give new swing for an old idea. It might be a bit stale, but it will not be downright bad. But for thirteen seasons they've at least kept the bar consistently high and I have my hopes up.

On another note, it's also interesting to learn what season the episodes that I've seen on tv were. I've right now been hitting mostly familiar episodes. It's to be expected as I probably watched the Simpsons most around 2005 and the episodes aired couple of years late in Finland (and rerun variable amount of times) . From season eleven onwards I've seen most episodes to some point, I don't know how late on I kept watching the episodes. My Simpsons watching prior to this project in last couple of years was very random. I also had seen some first season episodes, though seasons 2-7 were more or less a blank spot for me. I've only seen few episodes from those seasons.

But enough yabbering, I'll keep pushing onwards in this project.

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