keskiviikko 2. maaliskuuta 2011

Season 22, Episodes 13 & 14 - First Impressions

I've sorta zoned out of Simpsons for past few weeks. So here's what I thought of those couple of episodes in between.

The Blue and the Gray
Either I am getting used to modern Simpsons' crap factor or this was another decent episode. Kind of predictable, but in a good way, I would have been dissapointed if the two plots wouldn't have came together in the end. Moe's plot kinda got pushed aside though. Speaking of Moe, the suicide-committing girl-Moe was a good joke. But probably the best joke for me was Bart and Lisa's hairline joke. I guess not everyone likes these self-referential jokes, but they work for me. There was some continuity issues with Marge's hair (then again, it already was fucked up... I mean the continuity). I felt also that Bart was slightly out of character when he went hardcore on Milhouse, but that's minor stuff. There was still the problem of bad jokes going on too long and being completely unrelated to the plot (which doesn't help), but it never got too bad this time.

So overall, this episode avoided big mistakes and avoiding mistakes is a big part of a succesful modern Simpsons episode. That's not to say that it was too bland either, but only time will tell that.

Angry Dad: The Movie
Not bad, but not particularly good either. The shorts of different animations were pretty good, but other than that there wasn't too much going on. I agree with the sentiments that it was basically just a bunch of shorts thrown together with bare basics of a plot holding the background together. But I was entertained, that was the most important part I guess. Not an episode to remember as a whole, but those animations make it worth checking out, especially the pixar part. Wallace & Gromit parody was somewhat uninspired. Again, it was not bad, but I just felt that you could have done something better with it.

Still, it's way above the past couple of seasons average level so this season has so far been a huge improvement over seasons 19, 20 and 21. Hope it keeps up for the rest of the season.

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