torstai 12. elokuuta 2010

Season Nineteen Finished

Not that interesting update once again, but I'm really closing the end now. Season Nineteen is finished. It was a little twosided season, early half got it's best episodes and the second half was a little mediocre. Still, not that bad. I'm still waiting for those episodes that has brought such venom out of some Simpsons-fans. I'm starting to doubt it'll ever happen.

That said, I've already seen a bits of Season Twenty. It has aired here on tv pretty much the whole existance of this blog and while I didn't intend to watch it, I've watched couple of moments from couple of episodes. If I remember correctly I was doing Season Fifteen or some season thereabouts at the time and you could really feel the contrast diffrence. I'm expecting worst season so far, but you really can't go too far on basis of two bits.

So Nineteen's 20 episodes in thirteen days, ok rate but I need to up the tempo if I'm going to get this blog "done" this year. I mean that there's whole another round of episodes to watch. I guess I should also get the Simpsons Movie - that's right, I'm yet to watch it. It aired on pay-tv here already last year or something but I just didn't feel right about watching it before first getting to a more closer contact with the series than casual watching, even if I hadn't missed anything by just watching it. But yeah, see you in couple of weeks again.

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