tiistai 31. elokuuta 2010

Hell of a Month Coming Up..

So I decided I'll try it - All the Simpsons episodes in one month, along with reviews here. Is there any sense in it? No, of course not, but it's just the kind of crazy challenge I can't keep myself away from once I come up with it. I will not even bother to rationalize it. There's lots of time constraints next month, for one I'll try to play more poker than even before at the same time, so it won't be easy. Besides I have to live monophasically again, so that means hours in my day are very limited.

But I'll try it. This challenge basically means that I have to watch something around 15-17 episodes a day. I'll promise 6 episodes every day. Even if day is fucked up with other stuff, I'll do 6 episodes a day. Also, I am aiming to do new record on most episodes on a day. If possible, I'll try to do that for every week in September, so basically four new records. Even if I only improve it the minimum, my record should be after the month 30 episodes a day. Damn impressive if it happens, but it's certainly a challenge when you write reviews at the same time. That said, if you've read my South Park blog, you know that they're not that elaborate.

What about the first run on viewings? I'm four episodes away from watching every episode there is. I'll soon sit down and watch them. I won't come back to write anymore about what I thought about the season, so I'll say what I think now: I finally get why nohomers.net is all doom and gloom. Quality had gone downwards from, I don't know, seventeenth season? Anyway, it was still decent in Season Twenty. But Twentyone has had too much plonkers and almost no real classics. Pretty sad, but I think it doesn't have to be permanent drop in quality. It doesn't have to be that bad, writers might just be a little off-form or just not caring. If they start caring again, show can improve. Maybe never back near the classic era, but to somewhere around the solid quality of when Al Jean originally took over. I'd be happy with even somewhere near it, current quality isn't.

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