torstai 26. toukokuuta 2011

Season 22 Finale First Impressions

And that's the season, a solid ending. It was slightly too gag-filled and a bit crazy, yet I throughoutly enjoyed it and was entertained for whole episode. Having said that, while Edna & Ned pairing is indeed unexplored territory, which is hard to find after 22 seasons, I still didn't like the idea overall. But it wasn't bad by any means. However, Edna did sound like shit. I don't know if they should use him this much anymore. Homer was funny as usual - if there's something consistent in modern Simpsons it's the fact that Dan Castellaneta can deliver almost any line so that it's funny.

The ending was.... Umm, different? I don't really have a clear opinion about it. It's breaking the fourth wall, but it's not a big deal in a show like Simpsons any more. Whether giving the vote to public is a good idea or not, is a different matter all together, but it didn't ruin the episode for me, even if it was left open.

Overall the first impressions for the whole season are actually quite happy. Sure, there was a lot of bad stuff and a lot of mediocre stuff, but that has been the case in recent seasons. But I feel that this season was a definite improvement over 20 and 21. That's not saying much, but it is what it is. At least I still occasionally can enjoy an episode (in fact more often than not) unlike with South Park, who are putting a new definition to a decline.

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