keskiviikko 19. tammikuuta 2011

Season 22, Episode 11 - First Impressions

I had completely forgotten about this, so I checked it out today. I don't know, I don't like it as much as other have liked especially after getting my hopes a bit up when I saw it was written by Matt Selman. It just seemed crammed with bad gags that I really didn't care about. What's up with all these weird visuals from dreams? We get the Moe's dream painting, the stuff that girl had drawn about Bart and Skinner's love hallucinations. Comic Book Gay was right there on the "so bad it's good" -category and to be frank it was the only time I even cracked a smile during the episode. Well I guess I smiled also when Skinner talked to Chalmers while being happy and when he came back.

But I guess when you look at it in terms of plots, it's okay especially compared what's around it. That said I still got the feeling that the subplot with Skinner sprang out of nowhere. Overall, I don't think it was terrible, but it wasn't good either. I think this is one of those episodes that I might appreciate more after a second viewing, but we'll see.

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