maanantai 13. joulukuuta 2010

Season 22, Episode 9 - First Impressions

I'm not going to blow the Fit/Fat Tony thing out of proportion. It was stupid, that's it, moving on.

I think this was fair, because I pretty much didn't hate it. I can look over some flaws like that Fat Tony stuff. It kept me fairly entertained and I actually laughed at couple of jokes. Overall though it just felt like they were trying too hard again. They tried to force something funny out of pretty much every line and there was some weird gags thrown in, like the whole Moe "Chimpan-me" bit. Plot was fair enough if you, once again, overlook some things.

Listing every failed gag would have me writing 'til tomorrow, so I'll just say the bits I liked. Homer "getting beaten" gave me a chuckle. It's simple stuff, but it worked. Also seeing Moe prank call was refreshing. When was the last time we saw one of those? I don't remember one in years. Of course it really wasn't a Moe prank call, but the effect was the same. "Only one who ever shot anyone was the baby" and Maggie shooting was a pretty good way to end it.

sunnuntai 5. joulukuuta 2010

Season 22, Episode 8 - First Impressions

During the first story there wasn't really any laughs, it was somewhat depressing actually. I remember thinking "Well, this is grim". Santa turning out to be rich in the end was meant to be funny? The only funny joke of the segment was the Polar Express being fueled by cannabis. Once we got to the Lisa's story it got better - Marge in the WWII was great stuff. The Inglorious Bastards reference was good, but it ran a tad too long without really being that inventive. Martha Stewart segment was okay, nothing really special, but it wasn't bad either. I didn't laugh a lot, but neither did I groan. The puppet segment in the end started hilariously but it also got slightly ankward as it went on. It's an uneven episode, but there's some great jokes so overall it's okay. For this season this is decent stuff.