maanantai 5. heinäkuuta 2010

Season Sixteen Finished

It took me over month to watch the sixteenth season. There was a multitude of reasons, biggest of them being World Cup. When you watch 6 hours football daily, then play a couple and write about it another couple you don't have much time for anything else. Now World Cup is drawing close and there's days of no football all the time, so I'm pickin the pace up and I wouldn't be surprised if I manage season seventeen in about a week.

I've been doing the standard 1-5 rating for the episodes while doing this preliminary watching round and I noticed that I've been turning into a standard, overly critical, comic book guy-esque Simpsons fan. My rating standards have gotten stricter I feel, though I'm not sure until I start rewatching the episodes. There's obviously some decline and from what I've read it's about to get really severe once I get to couple of newest seasons, but season sixteen was still decent.

But yeah, see you in some time.

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