torstai 28. lokakuuta 2010

Happy Halloween

So here it is. Now today's post is very gruesome, so I'd advice to tuck in the small ones. Let's go, here's the order we're going to do these today:

As I've said, that's roughly the order I've ranked the THOH's inverted. I'm probably out of steam by the end of the day, that's why having the best ones last will help me. So let's get it on!


I guess I'll have to review these ones as well. There's not much to say about this, it's barely over a minute (good thing I guess). It's semi-funny. The biggest problem is that it's very unhalloweeny. As far as openings go, I'll give this 2/10.

Untitled Robot Parody
Meh. Very uninspired parody of Transformers. There were couple of decent sight gags that gave me something of a smile, but most of this is fairly useless. If they'd been more creative with the whole Transforming concept it could've been better, but as it is, it falls short. The best bit for me was the fussball at the end. 2/10-line continues.

How to Get Ahead in Dead-vertising
Well this was fair enough. Plot was a bit silly but that's not really a big problem in THOH's and there were some decent scene's. The opening was pretty unique, and I loved the Krusty's smiling heads on everything -picture. The Planet of the Apes -reference was decent as well and I didn't even mind Abe Lincoln implied gay. Overall, this one's not bad. 4/10.

It's Grand Pumpkin, Milhouse
This one actually inspired some laughs. It's a pretty straightforward parody of Peanuts and I like it just the way it is. Every reference of it makes me smile. The ending is contrived, but for the sake of funniness, as Tom the Turkey shouting revenge is one of the best moments of this bit. I used to think Marge's random trumpet playing was annoying, but now I don't mind it. Overall this one perhaps didn't fully use it's potential, but the concept was already so sound, that even this execution gets 5/10.


Well this was decent. A bit longer than in the previous one, but still not too long. Marge as a cat looked weirdly arousing... It wasn't anything special jokewise, but at least there was lot to look at visually. Close one between 3 and 4, I'll give this 3/10.

Dial "M" For Murder or Press '#' to Return to Main Menu
I enjoyed this one, despite the odd line of terrible dialogue there was. It was very pleasing segment for the eye, despite it being all black and white (rather because of it to some extent). It seems that visual staff doing the Simpsons still has some talent, unlike the writers for the most part. I kind of liked Lisa's overconfidence in the opening shot and also Bart's "Criss-Cross" all the time was somewhat amusing. The atmosphere was there as well. Surreal segment, but a good one, 5/10.

Don't Have a Cow, Mankind
This was a bit stale, but decent enough. Direction was solid in this one, plot just kind of bounced a bit, there were two Deus Ex Machinas to save Simpsons in their house for instance. I didn't like the ending at all. Most of jokes missed. Come to think of it, this wasn't that good, the direction and fair concept are it's redeeming factors, but that's it. 2/10.

There's No Business Like Moe Business
This kind of grosses me out - but you gotta give it to it that it's memorable. The vision of Homer being impaled and having his blood squeezed out to drinks will never leave my memories. This one's pretty imaginative and the fact that it's so fucked up is somewhat redeemed as it's set-up as just a very bizarre play, so none of this is really happening - that said, nothing of THOH's really happen in the canon anyway, so, it wasn't really necessary. It's decent and memorable, but nowhere near excellency - 4/10.


This won't be so bad - I mean the whole project - if those where rthe two worst episodes there is, this is going to be enjoyable, though I should've known it considering I gave quite high ratings to all of THOH's. As for this opening, it's decent. Again nothing too inspired, but it's slight improvement over the previously reviewed episode so it deserves a 4/10.

Married to the Blob
This was decent, not much going on, and not even that funny, but still fairly entertaining. Dr. Phil's appearance makes this somewhat memorable, that's what stuck out for me when I originally saw this. Again, there were a lot of missed jokes and some gruesome scenes like Homer hitting the cat that is inside his stomach. That's a bit messed up to say the least. It's kind of close, but as this is better than the rest of 2/10's so far, I'll give this 3/10.

You Gotta Know When to Golem
Lesser-known horror films like Golem are perhaps the way the modern Simpsons should be looking to get inspiration for the new THOH's. That said, this one isn't one of the best. It's memorable once again and there's certain creepiness to the Golem, but this one isn't that funny. The plot at least for once has something going on, but Jerkass-Homer rears it's ugly head again. Also sensible murdering of Skinner doesn't exactly improve this segment on my eyes. I guess it's a slight improvement over the first segment, but still 3/10.

The Day the Earth Looked Stupid
We'll they sure looked stupid and for the most part this one's pretty stupid segment as well. I mean they really make the point about Springfieldians being stupid. I heard that the last line was cut out of syndication, you know the Iraq-line, but it was kind of on the mark, wasn't it? That said, it's not like it was hard to predict. Frankly the best thing about the episode was cut out, but my version had it nonetheless. I don't know, there was lot of senseless stuff going on once again, but the animation was nice and I love'd the seepia-tone. Also the early exchanges between Grampa, Carl and Lenny were somewhat amusing. It's barely 3/10, probably the worst of this bunch, but they're all quite close in quality.


Decent swipes at the damn World Series that always delay THOH's beyond real Halloween. That said, what do I know, I've never even watched baseball. It didn't need to strech over two minutes though, the point was made a lot sooner. But I don't mind really, 4/10.

B.I.: Bartificial Intelligence
The concept was decent and Lisa's line immediately after Bart fell to what appeared to be his death was just great. It could've been better on the humor department, but I'll take this, it's just a soundly plotted little segment that has somewhat satisfying ending. It's low 4/10.

Survival of the Fattest
Again merely decent, but since there was a couple of bad segments in the earlier episodes, I'm glad that the quality had gotten a notch up even in the worst of them. There was a some semi-funny stuff as usual. The plot was nothing too special, but the concept was decent. There was also the "resorting to cannibalism" joke which is pretty much beating a dead horse, I mean everyone has already done that. Another low end of 4/10.

I've Grown a Costume To Your Face
I liked this last segment. It was a good concept executed decent, there was a lot of small things that went right. Nelson being a racoon, Flanders as a flower and Lisa as Einstein are just a few of those things. Homer trying to drink a beer with his head off his body takes the cake though. It's a solid 5/10.


Well I like this - just keeping it short and simple, the normal opening with Halloween theme. I absolutely love the way Marge runs Homer over, just changing a bit the order of the original. This one's good, 6/10.

Hell Toupee
This one's a few seasons earlier than those I've just watched and it shows in quality, there's something that I can't quite grasp that they kept making right in the earlier seasons - and this was season ten, firmly into the Scully era. Hell Toupee is a good segment, fair enough concept executed pretty well. It could've been funnier though, but 5/10.
Terror of Tiny Toon
This one's a classic segment if I ever saw one - way the best so far. There's lot of great meta-humor, and the whole concept is intriquing. Even Homer's song is fun - and Poochie makes an appearance. Not to forget Homer's channel surfing while Bart and Lisa are in the TV... This one really seems to have everything. You gotta love the ending. It's 8/10 for this one.

Starship Poopers
Stupid title aside, this one's Scully's wacky fun at it's finest. We see the big revelation that Maggie is actually Kang's bastard child and then we get off to the Jerry Springer show where this segment really escalates. Third watching means that it has lost a bit of it's power, but originally when Marge said "I'm so f*in embarassed" that cracked me up. All around a very solid segment, can't help but to like this one as well. 7/10.

Oops, I misread my list - well that's what I get for using roman numerals. I was supposed to watch XI at this point, not IX. I've actually rated IX up to top three, but frankly that was a gross overrate in hindsight. I thought the leap in quality seemed a bit odd...


Again, a solid no frills opening. Visually pleasing even though not really funny. It was kind of fitting that I watched episodes a bit out of order, comparing the worst Scully THOH and his best THOH will be interesting. As for this opening, it gets 5/10.

G-G-Ghost D-D-Dad
Well this was silly. The previous episode was early Scully-era and this the last Scully THOH, and it really shows in the full effect. There's lot of your usual wacky stuff going on, like Homer nearly dying, then dying, Nelson bullying ghost-Homer and finally the way Devil punishes Homer. It was a decent concept, but might as well have not been as St. Peter sends Homer the hell anyway. That said, overall this is not as bad as I make it sound. As I said, concept was good, so the execution doens't have to be perfect for it to entertain. And Lenny's compliment was decent. 4/10.

Scary Tales Can Come True
Well this was pretty good - nice subversions of classic tales. It wasn't the funniest segment obviously, but there was a few decent jokes and it kept giving solid entertainment. Homer strutting around as a fish-headed chicken was random as fuck, but funny as well. Just all around very solid segment, 6/10.

Night of the Dolphin
THOH-stories can - and perhaps are supposed to be - unrealistic. But this was just stupid. The whole concept is rotten. I'd say it's executed fairly well even, there's some good direction and it was merely dull before Dolphin's get off the seas - after that it's pretty much a shitfest. Probably the worst segment there is, brings the whole episode down - 1/10.


Not bad, taking swipes at Fox is always okay. They keep it short as well, makes the point quickly. 4/10.

E.T. Go Home
A so-so segment. There's really nothing that funny going on, but it's not terrible. Bart and Kodos escaping with the bicycle is the best moment seeing how disproportionate Kodos is compared to Bart and his bicycle. Beyond that there's nothing special, but I don't see a reason to criticize it any further. 3/10.

Mr. and Mrs. Simpson
I've said it before and I'll say it again, I loved this segment. Great destruction, good background music to set a different atmosphere and satisfying conclusion. It's completely unrealistic and outrageous, but in a good way, unlike the Dolphin piece of shit. The double entendres in the end were a great way to top this episode off. This will never be a favorite of the masses, but I like it, 6/10.

Heck House
Pretty basic concept, pretty basic execution. There's nothing special here, but nothing bad either. It keeps you well entertained with solid use of characters, but never does anything inspired with the concept. It's decent stuff, 4/10


This is a great opening, I absolutely love the music and even the intentionally corny humor works. Just great way to start an episode, even if a bit unhalloweeny (though Kang and Kodos are part of the Halloween now). 7/10

The Ned Zone
I just saw this episode, and I don't only during last month's marathon, I saw it twice last month as it aired on the TV when I happened to be in front of it! Talk about inflation... Well it still works fairly well. The concept is good and the plot unfolds itself well. Jokes are decentish too. Just solid stuff, I can't give it lower than 5/10.

Four Beheadings and a Funeral
Probably the weakest of the segments, but not bad. There were some decents jokes and I enjoyed Marge's accent. Perhaps there was a bit more potential in the setting, but I don't mind. The ending was a bit crazy and also unsatisfying - deus ex machina to stop Wiggum's escape and then it was all just Ralph's dream within a dream. That said, it's still high 4/10.

In the Belly of the Boss
Solid concept executed decently. The animators had fun with Marge on this one and I really enjoyed it. Though I have to say that Homer inside Burns is an image that never ceases to gross me. It has nothing too inspired, but it's all around decent even if a bit predictable, it's 5/10.


Again, a solid quick opening that manages to land a couple of jokes - "I'm still cold" from burning Grampa was a great one. 6/10.

Reaper Madness
Just decent, nothing more, nothing less. Concept is fair and they make the most obvious uses of it - I think it would've been cool if Maggie would've been the Grim Reaper. That said, Homer as it is decent stuff too. Nothing too funny here and then there's the silly chasing gag at the end, but overall it's not bad. A high 3/10.

This was a bit worse than the first one, but only barely and I'm going to give it the same rating anyway. Flanders dying was a memorable moment and Lisa pushing violently the buttons of a calculator while proclaiming "it all checks out" is just the kind of random humor I enjoy. Overall, still it wasn't that interesting. There was nothing wrong with the plot, I just didn't really enjoy it that much over all. 3/10.

Stop the World, I Want to Goof Off
Clearly the best segment in this THOH. Intriguing concept, a good execution and some funny jokes as well. Bart and Milhouse messing with Homer was probably the best bit. Pretty much flawless stuff here, 7/10.


I didn't really care for this one too much. It's not terrible as it's short, but it's not good either. 3/10

Send in the Clones
This is a classic halloween segment, though I guess it's just one in a line of many. It's good stuff from start to finish and the whole concept is great. There's lot of good humor to be extracted from a swarm of Homers, but the best things in this episode are the shot of the horde with Peter Griffin in it as well as Ullman short-era Homer. It's a clear 8/10.

The Fright to Creep and Scare Harms
I don't know, this is memorable segment for me, but to be honest, it's nothing that special - I remember it because I saw this probably couple of times in my youth. I remember vividly Lou's remarks about his enormous genitals, Quimby's speech and finally those ghouls rising from the grave. But like I said it's nothing too inspired or even that funny - I'm not saying it's uninspired or unfunny, but it's kind of a letdown after Send in the Clones. 4/10.

The Island of Dr. Hibbert
I guess they didn't fully use the potential of this concept, but I don't mind, it was visually enjoyable segment with animal versions of all of the characters. The jokes were nothing special and the plot pretty straightforward and predictable, but it's still pretty good. A high 4/10.


Well the best part of this was the fact that the Simpsons were dressed up as Flintstones. It was okay, and the best of all, short. 5/10.

Hex and the City
Well this was somewhat disturbing, especially Moe in the jar. There was some decent sight gags and I liked Yoda at the wedding, but hearing Bart is dead was kind of a shocker - and Homer's dismissiveness of it - though I guess that's what to expect by now. 3/10.

House of Whacks
A memorable segment, you can expect only a good performance from Pierce Brosnan. Well utilized quest voice, good premise and decent execution. Homer's unexplained return from the dead could've been done better, but there's not time for too much exposure in these short segments, so I don't mind it too much. It's a solid 6/10 for this one.

Wiz Kids
Another memorable segment. An obvious Harry Potter parody, nothing too inspired again, but solid stuff nonetheless. Lots of disturbing stuff in this one though, too, like Bart's "prince" and I didn't really like the ending. Bart just beats Burns by luck, that's cheap. I mean surely they could've come up with more creative way to end it? 4/10, the ending drops it.

There was also a separate ending, but as that hasn't been in most of the episodes, I'm not going to give it a rating, it was nothing special.

After next episode, every episode I watch will be season ten or earlier, so only classics to go!



Pretty good, and at least it's short again. Lisa rises a good point about aliens and halloween. Solid couch gag with references to previous THOH's. I enjoyed the inanimate audience but hearing the laughter after Kang & Kodos's jokes. 5/10.

I Know What You Diddily-Iddily-Did
Gotta love this segment, Homer is hilarious in this. He fooling Maude to think Flanders just dies and the speech in the church are funny as hell. Overall it's nothing special when it comes to the plot, and the ending is a bit unsatisying, but it's still a very solid segment. Definitely 7/10 worthy.

Desperately Xeeking Xena
In just personal terms, this is one of my favorites, I'd say this late classic halloween segment. Lucy Lawless is another memorable quest voice and the whole concept is solid. There's plenty of amusement in this one. Bart's streching ability would've warranted perhaps even more good sight gags, but I'm happy for what we got. Good stuff, 8/10.

Life's a Glitch, Then You Die
Well this lives up to it's title. It's the weakest segment of these, but even it is somewhat memorable - how could you forget the image of Bart & Homer's heads expanding after they've ejected into the space and into certain deaths? It's not terrible, but there's not a whole lot of funny stuff in this. 3/10.


An unique, but simple and short way to start an episode. 5/10.
Homega Man
Well this is a THOH classic, even if I don't personally care too much of it. It could've done with more humor, but it's good. As I said in my original review, I'm still baffled why the infrastructure of Springfields stays intact while nearly everybody dies. The explanation for Simpsons surviving is quite outrageous, but I guess that's approriate for a THOH as well. Overall I can't still go higher than 6/10 for this one.

Fly vs. Fly
Solid plot executed well, I guess there's not much more to hope for. Well a little more humor would've been fine, but that's okay. I merely liked this segment, as it's pretty much even in quality with Homega Man. Therefore a 6/10 for the rating.

Easy-Bake Coven
I loved the animation on this one. Marge is great as a witch. I enjoyed this, but as the other of this episode's segments, it was lower on laughs than what you would expect. The ending wasn't anything special in this one either. Still, it deserves another 6/10.

Mere seven episodes to go. I'm already late though of the time I said I'd be posting this, it's 30th already. I don't mind though, all the closer to Halloween.


As short as they get, but also effective. Both images of headless rider and all Simpson being hang are great. 6/10.

Attack of the 50-Foot Eyesores
I don't really care for this segment, the plot is gimmicky to say the least, but it has it's charm - the great subversion of your usual devil on the shoulder-joke as Bart tells the devil to destroy the goal being a prime example. Not a great opener, but fair enough, 4/10.

Nightmare on Evergreen Terrace
No doubt a great spoof of great horror movie - this is absolutely top stuff and one of the best segments of all-time. I will be saying that a lot towards the end of these though... Anyway, animation is great, Santa's Little Helper speaking is hilarious, most of the jokes hit the target and it's in a sense scary as well - at the very least it's thrilling and suspenseful. It has almost everything, 9/10.

Well this is again one of my personal favorites, though I have to admit that it doesn't take repeated views very well. The plot is just an excuse to get that 3D-material, which has it's charm certainly. There's couple of decent jokes as well and I love the ending, even if it is somewhat unconclusive. 6/10.


We have finally delved far enough into the past to see a tombstone opening again. These classic openings work always, they're short but usually mildly funny. Pretty clever stuff here. However, that's not all that is in this one - There's also the painting thing that works as a framework for the episode. I'll review as a whole for this opening - and it is great. Perfect framework for the episode, Marge gets to say her usual warnings and the paintings are fun to look at. 9/10 or 10 depending whether we see a better open later, I don't remember.

The Devil and Homer Simpson
Another THOH classic, Flanders is great as the devil, the jury is fun stuff (especially Philadelphia Flyers), the ironic punishment with Homer just eating unlimited amount of donuts is also hilarious. Plot is fine as well, a very good segment, 8/10.

Terror at 5½ Feet
Not my favorite segment, but it's decent. Some mildly funny jokes and it has suspense as well. I enjoyed Flanders' decapitated head in the end, but overall I think concept involving gremlins could've been executed a lot better. High 4/10 though.

Bart Simpson's Dracula
I loved Burns' design as a vampire, but even more I loved Homer's comment about his hairdo. It's another classic, but I doubt this will make it top then when I've finished this. There's good jokes in this and I loved the animation with weird angles making characters look odd. There were some missed jokes, but overall it's very good, 7/10.

Fifteen segments left, but it's the fifteen of the best - well maybe not all of them, but most of them anyway. Next three will be the earliest ones, III-I.


A good, solid opening with great A. Hitchcock opener, standard warning speech and some tombstones, though they weren't the the best ones. Also there's the Halloween party frame for the stories which has some good visuals on everyone's costume. I loved Lisa's deranged look just before the first segment started. 8/10

Clown Without Pity
A solid segment. Some funny stuff, like Grampa's evil rant and the discussion in the shop. Plot was decent again, nothing special, but it worked. Really not much to say about this one, as classic-era THOH's go, this one is a middle-of-the road segment, 7/10.

King Homer
Well, classic parody of King Kong. You really can't go much wrong with that concept. Some nice subversions of the source material and nice animation, but for me it's nothing special, just another good segment. I give this one 7/10 too.

Dial 'Z' For Zombies
Nearly 20 years earlier zombie segment than "Don't Have a Cow, Mankind", and this one's a lot better. Plotwise it doesn't beat that segment that much, but in the humor it wins clearly, even if it isn't that funny by it's times standards. Still, there were funny moments to remember. My favorite happens to be Lisa turning into a snail, but Homer killing Flanders and his carelessness when Bart and Lisa tell about the undead are pretty good stuff. Most of the zombie gags aren't that funny, but at least they're approriate. These three segment's were honestly quite close in quality, so this one's another 7/10.


Standard Marge opener with a good frame for the episode with the "three bad nightmares" concept. Very good, 8/10.

The Monkey's Paw
This is one of those defining THOH-segments. It has certain creepiness, good plot, and great jokes. Everything that is needed, in other words. I wonder why Flanders' wishes didn't backfire though. Great meta-humor with everyone being sick of the Simpsons. That said it's not one of my favorite segments, just all-around solid one. 8/10.

The Bart Zone
Whereas the previous segment were just well-executed segment following the basic THOH-conventions, this is one of the best segments ever. Great, concept, utterly hilarious and well-plotted piece, very much a contender for the best segment ever. There's the best Moe-prank call here, it's so over the top you can't help but to love it. But there's so much good stuff here, like "it's great that you did that awful thing" etc. and Bart & Homer's bonding while Homer is a jack-in-the-box. Bart screaming for the happy ending was also a great subversion of usual conventions. Great stuff, 9/10 with the reservation to change it up if I end up thinking it's the best.

If I Only Had a Brain
Some classic horror-references again, but this is clearly the weakest segment in this years edition by far. Most of the Burns-stuff just wasn't that funny. Plot was fine and I enjoyed the ending, but that's pretty much it. A low 5/10 for this one.


Ah, the original THOH. Marge makes his first warnings that would became the staple in the opening for early season THOH's and they frame the segments by having kids telling stories. There's of course the tombstones as well, Disco made me smile. 7/10.

Bad Dream House
Could it be that the first ever segment was the best ever? I don't know, but it seems like it - it is again very foundational bit, genuinely creepy while being absolutely hilarious. And it manages to include plenty of plot into the seven minutes it runs. I absolutely loved this segment, music is great creating a creepy atmosphere, lot of horror-references going around, everybody's deranged faces when they plan to kill each other... just great stuff. Lisa has some good line's in the end. What can you say, it's an alltime classic, 9/10 for now, but if I fail to find better, it's going to be 10/10.

Hungry are the Damned
Kang and Kodos' first appearance is another good segment. I never liked those two too much, but this one is probably the best segment concerning primarily those two. I loved the shot of Lisa where she was greenish against normally colored background. The third alien's voice was also great. Everytime I watch this I can't help but to feel that they were really going to eat the Simpsons, it's so strongly implied, even if the conclusion says the complete opposite. It's still funny stuff and a classic segment, 8/10.

The Raven
Another clear classic, the first THOH was top stuff. Not that funny, but it had great direction, voice acting and animation. You can't really go wrong with The Raven and it is powerful experience at least. I loved it, 9/10.

Only six segments left, can anyone beat Bad Dream House?


After watching many openings, that was simply hilarious. So simple and quickly over with. I love it. I mean, the first segment starts with only 27 seconds on the clock. No wonder this is one of the best THOH's ever, the fact that they needed every single second for the segments strongly hints at quality. 7/10.

The Thing and I
Simply classic, one of the best segments ever. Creepy, good story, fun stuff and nice twist ending. Animation was great as well. Simply a segment everyone should see, but sadly I know that not everyone has. Would have hoped to see even more Hugo in the later segments, like Maggie being an alien it's part of "Halloween-canon", if there is such. 9/10.

Genesis Tub
Well these are all classics, I can scratch saying that by this point. Love this one too, even if it isn't best. The concept is great, they deliver some brilliant jokes ("I've created life... waffles!") and the little universe Lisa creates is truly intriguing. The only problem is that it never really ends, or I guess Lisa staying there forever is the ending, but that's little unsatisfying even if she is a god there. Could've used a sequel in later seasons, but that never happened. Still, 9/10.

Citizen Kang
I squirmed a bit because I remembered this being worse than it really was when I started watching it. Like I said, I don't care that much for Kang and Kodos. But it was actually quite good. Some funny political satire here ("either way, your planet is doomed"), even though the plot had some holes and wasn't that interesting. Also it's one of those bad endings which are unsatisfying. But still, solid 6/10 for this one.

Okay, last episode. We're already on 31th so I actually am late two days from my original intention, but it's Halloween today so it's only approriate. It's also only approriate that there's Shinning left for this episode, it would've been my favorite pre-watching, but we'll see if I like it as much as Bad Dream House.


Well this is quite the contrary from the previous opening - this one's quite long for an early season opener, but it has some messed up stuff and it sets the mood well. Also it's the last tombstone opener. Nice one, but not the best, I say 8/10. Meaning IV's rating is gonna turn to 10. It's the best opener with some distance after all.

The Shinning
I don't know... I mean it's great, but is it as great as the Bad Dream House? Is it fair that something borrowing from such a strong source material would be best? Well it's not like BDH is all original stuff, and this just have some brilliance in pretty much every scene. I guess I can't help it, it's 10/10. Every classic scene is recreated, music sets suspenseful tone and it's creepy while it's funny. Everything falls on the place so beautifully that you couldn't have executed it much better. I guess it's only approriate this gets the perfect rating. Homer looks fuckin' mad when he looks at those cracks in the doors - lovely that they did that three times with different expressions. Animation is just great. "Feelin' fine." Gotta love it.

Time and Punishment
Great segment as well. The first half of it was just top-notch stuff, if they'd kept it up The Shinning would've gotten a run for it's money. The opening toaster scene was hilarious, and they kept delivering good jokes after that as well, like wieners for quick energy-line and the perfect world with donuts raining which Homer misses because he think there isn't any, "what the hell are you smiling at?" and Homer accidentally killing a whole lot of dinosaurs. It's 9/10 for this one too.

Nightmare Cafeteria
Another great segment, I really hit the spot with my order, the best was left for last (even though there were three THOH's with same rating originally, this one's clearly the best). It's funny again, and had it kept it up it would've been another candidate for the best, but the end is not as good as rest of it. Besides the whole inside out thing is messed up on so many levels, that it almost turns good. My favorite moment was Skinner with his puns about Üter, but there's plenty of good stuff besides that as well. Besides, I love the school as a setting, for both normal episodes and THOH-segments, the more they'd keep it there the better. Another 9/10.

That ends our Halloween marathon - Here's the final list of best segments.

1. The Shinning (V) 10/10
2. Bad Dream House (I) 9/10
3. The Bart Zone (II) 9/10
4. Nightmare on Evergreen Terrace (VI) 9/10
5. Nightmare Cafeteria (V) 9/10
6. Time and Punishment (V) 9/10
7. The Thing and I (VI) 9/10
8. Genesis Tub (VI) 9/10
9. The Raven (I) 9/10
10. Desperately Xeeking Xena (X) 8/10
The Devil and Homer Simpson (IV) 8/10
Hungry are the Damned (I) 8/10
Send in the Clones (XIII) 8/10
Monkey's Paw (II) 8/10
Terror of Tiny Toon (IX) 8/10
Bart Simpson's Dracula (IV) 7/10
Dial 'Z' For Zombies (III) 7/10
King Homer (III) 7/10
Starship Poopers (IX) 7/10
I Know What You Diddily-Iddily-Did (X) 7/10
Stop the World, I Want to Goof Off (XIV) 7/10
Clown Without Pity (III) 7/10
Homer3 (VI) 6/10
Homega Man (VIII) 6/10
House of Whacks (XII) 6/10
Scary Tales Can Come True (XI) 6/10
Fly vs. Fly (VIII) 6/10
Citizen Kang (VI) 6/10
Easy-Bake Coven (VIII) 6/10
Mr. and Mrs. Simpson (XVIII) 6/10
The Ned Zone (XV) 5//10
It's Grand Pumpkin, Milhouse (XIX) 5/10
I've Grown a Costume To Your Face (XVI) 5/10
Dial "M" For Murder or Press '#' to Return to Main Menu (XX) 5/10
Hell Toupee (IX) 5/10
In the Belly of the Boss (XV) 5/10
If I Only Had a Brain (II) 5/10
The Island of Dr. Hibbert (XIII) 5/10
Terror at 5½ Feet (IV) 4/10
Four Beheadings and a Funeral (XV) 4/10
Wiz Kids (XII) 4/10
The Fright to Creep and Scare Harms (XIII) 4/10
Heck House (XVIII) 4/10
G-G-Ghost D-D-Dad (XI) 4/10
How to Get Ahead in Dead-vertising (XIX) 4/10
There's No Business Like Moe Business (XX) 4/10
Attack of the 50-Foot Eyesores (VI) 4/10
B.I.: Bartificial Intelligence (XVI) 4/10
Survival of the Fattest (XVI) 4/10
Reaper Madness (XIV) 3/10
You Gotta Know When to Golem (XVII) 3/10
Married to the Blob (XVII) 3/10
Frinkenstein (XIV) 3/10
Hex and the City (XII) 3/10
E.T. Go Home (XVIII) 3/10
Life's a Glitch, Then You Die (X) 3/10
The Day the Earth Looked Stupid (XVII) 3/10
Don't Have a Cow, Mankind (XX) 2/10
Untitled Robot Parody (XIX) 2/10
Night of the Dolphin (XI) 1/10

And the list of best openings:
IV 10/10
V 8/10
II 8/10
III 8/10
I 7/10
XV 7/10
VII 7/10
VI 6/10
IX 6/10
XIV 6/10
X 5/10
VIII 5/10
XI 5/10
XII 5/10
XVII 4/10
XVI 4/10
XVIII 4/10
XIII 3/10
XX 3/10
XIX 2/10

That's Simpsons for you. You won't be hearing from me much regarding Simpsons for a while, I'll probably do similar project on Futurama next, but that won't be very soon. Except for new episodes, I'll give my first thoughts pretty soon as usual. I am not sick of Simpsons amazingly enough, I just want to avoid similar inflation that I had with South Park - I watched the best episodes in a short time frame way too many times. I want to enjoy the best of Simpsons years from now, so I'll leave them to rest for a while, at least a few months.

tiistai 26. lokakuuta 2010

The Simpson Junkie Halloween Special

Yeah, Reviewhouse of Horrors. Wow, I'm starting so as bad as current Simpsons writers. Anyway, I'll do all THOH's on 29th October. I would save it to the last day of the month, but I have other things to do on 30th and 31st.

I'll be watching them in the order of worst to best and instead of reviewing them as whole episodes, I'll review each individual segment on pretty much the same scale.

torstai 14. lokakuuta 2010

Season 22, Episode 3 - First Impressions

I completely forgot to post this.

I thought the episode was bland, basicly a remake of My Sister, My Sitter, but worse, much worse. However, it still beats the two episodes before it. Frankly this has been the worst start of a season so far and I'm losing faith that this could be bearable. It might be that episodes like this are in the end the best ones. There were couple of amusing gags so overall it was at least watchable.

sunnuntai 3. lokakuuta 2010

Season 22, Episode 2 - First Impressions

I don't know. I am aware that there has been sort of shift in my mentality and I'm looking for flaws semi-subconsciously. It's really like shooting fish in a barrel with these modern episodes as they're full of flaws.

It felt disjointed. Homer's subplot was predictable and somewhat unnecessary. Lisa's plot on the other hand... I don't know what was the point. Also the implications in the end between Lisa and Nelson felt ankward and odd. I wonder, whatever happened to Colin? I guess the movie happened in an alternate reality.

Overall, it's better than the abomination of last week, but not that much. Season's start has been the worst ever.